Noncovariant Gauges: Quantization Of Yang-mills And Chern-simons Theory In Axial-type Gauges

Book Description

Some of the most effective gauges in field theory are noncovariant gauges of the axial kind, such as the light-cone gauge and the temporal gauge. The principal advantage of these gauges stems from the decoupling of the fictitious particles in the theory. The purpose of this volume is to give a clear and readable account of the basic features and mathematical subtleties of these ghost-free gauges, and of their truly enormous range of applicability.In addition to explicit one-loop computations in Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons theory, the book contains detailed analysis of the unifield-gauge formalism and of the renormalization of Yang-Mills theory in the presence of nonlocal terms.

Applications of Noncovariant Gauges in the Algebraic Renormalization Procedure

Book Description

This volume is a natural continuation of the book Algebraic Renormalization, Perturbative Renormalization, Symmetries and Anomalies, by O Piguet and S P Sorella, with the aim of applying the algebraic renormalization procedure to gauge field models quantized in nonstandard gauges. The main ingredient of the algebraic renormalization program is the quantum action principle, which allows one to control in a unique manner the breaking of a symmetry induced by a noninvariant subtraction scheme. In particular, the volume studies in-depth the following quantized gauge field models: QED, Yang-Mills theories and topological models (the Chern-Simons and the BF model) in the context of axial-like gauges.

Noncovariant Gauges in Canonical Formalism

Book Description

By definition, gauge theories - among the cornerstones of fundamental theoretical physics - involve more degrees of freedom than required by the underlying physics. The unphysical degrees of freedom must be shown not to yield unwarranted effects at every step in the formalism where explicit Lorentz covariance is required. The present work presents, in a rigorous way, a consistent formulation for the handling of noncovariant gauges in the quantization and renormalization of gauge theories. Though the path integral method is very convenient for the proof of unitarity and renormalizability of gauge theories, the canonical formalism is eventually necessary to to expose the issues in a self-consistent way. These notes are written as an introduction to postgraduate students, lecturers and researchers in the field and assume prior knowledge of quantum field theory.

Fundamental Interactions

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This memorial volume on the work of Wolfgang Kummer brings together articles devoted to the history of high energy physics with detailed coverage on the scientific concepts and scientific institutions, in particular CERN ? and the underlying physics involved. Covering recent advances and developments as well as giving a reminiscent overview in two rapidly evolving fields of high energy/particle physics, and gravitational physics, the commemorative volume contains more than 20 original invited paper contributions ? which will appear for the first time in print ? from eminent and renowned physicists who interacted and collaborated with Wolfgang Kummer, including Physics Nobel Laureate Jack Steinberger. Wolfgang Kummer was president of the CERN council from 1985 to 1987, among his numerous eminent academic and administrative positions which he held during his illustrious career. This volume also aims to demonstrate and highlight Wolfgang Kummer's significant contribution to the foundational work in gauge field theory, particle physics, and quantum gravity, and the tremendous impact leading to cutting-edge findings and advances at LHC.

Mathematical Reviews

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Quantum Field Theory

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This volume reflects the huge and multi-dimensional impact of quantum field theory on the evolution of physics in the 20th century. Dr. Asoke Mitra, editor for the volume and former student and colleague of Freeman Dyson, gathers here a selection of articles in the areas where the impact of QFT has been especially pronounced: from particle physics to string theory and extending to facets of astrophysics and the physics of condensed matter.

Physics Letters

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Physics Briefs

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High Energy Physics Index

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Noncovariant Gauges

Book Description

Some of the most effective gauges in field theory are noncovariant gauges of the axial kind, such as the light-cone gauge and the temporal gauge. The principal advantage of these gauges stems from the decoupling of the fictitious particles in the theory. The purpose of this volume is to give a clear and readable account of the basic features and mathematical subtleties of these ghost-free gauges, and of their truly enormous range of applicability.In addition to explicit one-loop computations in Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons theory, the book contains detailed analysis of the unifield-gauge formalism and of the renormalization of Yang-Mills theory in the presence of nonlocal terms.