Technical report: Nordic Green to Scale for countries:

Book Description

This technical analysis for the Nordic Green to Scale for countries report was commissioned to Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Tallinn Centre. The project zooms in on two regions: the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine in Europe; and Kenya and Ethiopia in East Africa. This report presents the emission reduction potential of 10 selected solutions for the European target countries. The study highlights the costs, savings and co-benefits of implementing the solutions as well as makes policy recommendations for capturing the potential. The project was carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, together with its partners CICERO, CONCITO and Institute of Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland. The technical analysis was produced by the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. The project is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers' Prime Ministers’ Initiative.

Nordic Green to Scale for countries:

Book Description

Green to Scale is a series of analysis projects that have highlighted the potential of scaling up existing climate solutions. Nordic Green to Scale for countries zooms in on two regions: the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine in Europe; and Kenya and Ethiopia in East Africa. This report presents the emission reduction potential of 10 selected solutions for the European target countries. The study highlights the costs, savings and co-benefits of implementing the solutions as well as makes policy recommendations for capturing the potential. The project was carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, together with its partners CICERO, CONCITO and Institute of Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland. The technical analysis was produced by the Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre. The project is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers' Prime Ministers’ Initiative.

Nordic Green to Scale

Book Description

Technical report

Book Description

Nordic Green to Scale for countries zooms in on two regions: Kenya and Ethiopia in East Africa and the Baltic States, Poland and Ukraine in Europe. This report presents the emission reduction potential of 10 selected solutions for the African target countries. The study highlights the costs, savings and co-benefits of implementing the solutions as well as makes policy recommendations for capturing the potential. The technical analysis was conducted by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Africa Centre in close collaboration with African organisations and networks on key environmental and development issues. The project was carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, together with partners CICERO, CONCITO and Institute of Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland. The project is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers' Prime Ministers’ Initiative Nordic Solutions.

Nordic Green to Scale for Cities and Communities: How far could we go simply by scaling up already proven climate solutions?

Book Description

Green to Scale is a series of analysis projects that have highlighted the potential of scaling up existing climate solutions. Nordic Green to Scale for Cities and Communities analyses proven climate solutions from Nordic cities and municipalities. This report presents the emission reduction potential of 14 selected solutions. The study highlights the costs, savings and co-benefits of implementing the solutions as well as makes policy recommendations for capturing the potential. The project was carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, together with its partners CICERO, CONCITO, Stockholm Environment Institute, Institute of Sustainability Studies at the University of Iceland and C40 Cities. The project is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Prime Ministers’ Initiative Nordic Solutions to Global Challenges.

Technical Report

Book Description

Nordic Green to Scale for Cities and Communities

Book Description

-- Analysis assumptions -- Nordic results -- References -- Policy recommendations -- Executive summary -- Introduction -- Results by country -- Analysis methodology -- Solutions catalogue -- Discussion -- Preface: Learning to act faster -- Project background.

Enabling the Digital Green Transition: A Study of Potentials, Challenges and Strengths in the Nordic-Baltic Region

Book Description

Available online: This study performed by the think tank Mandag Morgen and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers examines the digital green transition in the Nordic-Baltic region. The study consists of three main parts. The first part maps the current policy initiatives relating to the digital green transition in the countries. The second part analyses positions of strength within the Nordic-Baltic region in relation to the EU and the world. The third part presents 10 recommendations for policy initiatives to accelerate the digital green transition in the Nordic-Baltic countries.