Normed Amenability and Bounded Cohomology Over Non-Archimedean Fields

Book Description

We study continuous bounded cohomology of totally disconnected locally compact groups with coefficients in a non-Archimedean valued field K. To capture the features of classical amenability that induce the vanishing of bounded cohomology with real coefficients, we start by introducing the notion of normed K-amenability, of which we prove an algebraic characterization. It implies that normed K-amenable groups are locally elliptic, and it relates an invariant, the norm of a K-amenable group, to the order of its discrete finite p-subquotients, where p is the characteristic of the residue field of K. Moreover, we prove a characterization of discrete normed K-amenable groups in terms of vanishing of bounded cohomology with coefficients in K.

Weil's Conjecture for Function Fields

Book Description

A central concern of number theory is the study of local-to-global principles, which describe the behavior of a global field K in terms of the behavior of various completions of K. This book looks at a specific example of a local-to-global principle: Weil’s conjecture on the Tamagawa number of a semisimple algebraic group G over K. In the case where K is the function field of an algebraic curve X, this conjecture counts the number of G-bundles on X (global information) in terms of the reduction of G at the points of X (local information). The goal of this book is to give a conceptual proof of Weil’s conjecture, based on the geometry of the moduli stack of G-bundles. Inspired by ideas from algebraic topology, it introduces a theory of factorization homology in the setting l-adic sheaves. Using this theory, Dennis Gaitsgory and Jacob Lurie articulate a different local-to-global principle: a product formula that expresses the cohomology of the moduli stack of G-bundles (a global object) as a tensor product of local factors. Using a version of the Grothendieck-Lefschetz trace formula, Gaitsgory and Lurie show that this product formula implies Weil’s conjecture. The proof of the product formula will appear in a sequel volume.

Bounded Cohomology of Discrete Groups

Book Description

The theory of bounded cohomology, introduced by Gromov in the late 1980s, has had powerful applications in geometric group theory and the geometry and topology of manifolds, and has been the topic of active research continuing to this day. This monograph provides a unified, self-contained introduction to the theory and its applications, making it accessible to a student who has completed a first course in algebraic topology and manifold theory. The book can be used as a source for research projects for master's students, as a thorough introduction to the field for graduate students, and as a valuable landmark text for researchers, providing both the details of the theory of bounded cohomology and links of the theory to other closely related areas. The first part of the book is devoted to settling the fundamental definitions of the theory, and to proving some of the (by now classical) results on low-dimensional bounded cohomology and on bounded cohomology of topological spaces. The second part describes applications of the theory to the study of the simplicial volume of manifolds, to the classification of circle actions, to the analysis of maximal representations of surface groups, and to the study of flat vector bundles with a particular emphasis on the possible use of bounded cohomology in relation with the Chern conjecture. Each chapter ends with a discussion of further reading that puts the presented results in a broader context.

Spectral Theory and Analytic Geometry over Non-Archimedean Fields

Book Description

The purpose of this book is to introduce a new notion of analytic space over a non-Archimedean field. Despite the total disconnectedness of the ground field, these analytic spaces have the usual topological properties of a complex analytic space, such as local compactness and local arcwise connectedness. This makes it possible to apply the usual notions of homotopy and singular homology. The book includes a homotopic characterization of the analytic spaces associated with certain classes of algebraic varieties and an interpretation of Bruhat-Tits buildings in terms of these analytic spaces. The author also studies the connection with the earlier notion of a rigid analytic space. Geometrical considerations are used to obtain some applications, and the analytic spaces are used to construct the foundations of a non-Archimedean spectral theory of bounded linear operators. This book requires a background at the level of basic graduate courses in algebra and topology, as well as some familiarity with algebraic geometry. It would be of interest to research mathematicians and graduate students working in algebraic geometry, number theory, and -adic analysis.

Mathematical Reviews

Book Description

Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces

Book Description

This book is an English translation of the famous "Green Book" by Lafontaine and Pansu (1979). It has been enriched and expanded with new material to reflect recent progress. Additionally, four appendices, by Gromov on Levy's inequality, by Pansu on "quasiconvex" domains, by Katz on systoles of Riemannian manifolds, and by Semmes overviewing analysis on metric spaces with measures, as well as an extensive bibliography and index round out this unique and beautiful book.

Rings, Modules, and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory

Book Description

This book introduces a new point-set level approach to stable homotopy theory that has already had many applications and promises to have a lasting impact on the subject. Given the sphere spectrum $S$, the authors construct an associative, commutative, and unital smash product in a complete and cocomplete category of ``$S$-modules'' whose derived category is equivalent to the classical stable homotopy category. This construction allows for a simple and algebraically manageable definition of ``$S$-algebras'' and ``commutative $S$-algebras'' in terms of associative, or associative and commutative, products $R\wedge SR \longrightarrow R$. These notions are essentially equivalent to the earlier notions of $A {\infty $ and $E {\infty $ ring spectra, and the older notions feed naturally into the new framework to provide plentiful examples. There is an equally simple definition of $R$-modules in terms of maps $R\wedge SM\longrightarrow M$. When $R$ is commutative, the category of $R$-modules also has a

Number Theory II

Book Description

Volume 62 of the Encyclopedia presents the main structures and results of algebraic number theory with emphasis on algebraic number fields and class field theory. Written for the nonspecialist, the author assumes a general understanding of modern algebra and elementary number theory. Only the general properties of algebraic number fields and relate.

Geometric Group Theory

Book Description

The key idea in geometric group theory is to study infinite groups by endowing them with a metric and treating them as geometric spaces. This applies to many groups naturally appearing in topology, geometry, and algebra, such as fundamental groups of manifolds, groups of matrices with integer coefficients, etc. The primary focus of this book is to cover the foundations of geometric group theory, including coarse topology, ultralimits and asymptotic cones, hyperbolic groups, isoperimetric inequalities, growth of groups, amenability, Kazhdan's Property (T) and the Haagerup property, as well as their characterizations in terms of group actions on median spaces and spaces with walls. The book contains proofs of several fundamental results of geometric group theory, such as Gromov's theorem on groups of polynomial growth, Tits's alternative, Stallings's theorem on ends of groups, Dunwoody's accessibility theorem, the Mostow Rigidity Theorem, and quasiisometric rigidity theorems of Tukia and Schwartz. This is the first book in which geometric group theory is presented in a form accessible to advanced graduate students and young research mathematicians. It fills a big gap in the literature and will be used by researchers in geometric group theory and its applications.