Book Description
Sustainable development is the core principle underpinning land use planning. The policies in this statement apply to the rural areas, including country towns and villages and the wider, largely undeveloped countryside up to the fringes of larger urban areas. The key principles identified are: (i) decisions on development should be based on sustainable development principles; (ii) good quality accessible development within towns and villages should be allowed where it benefits the local community; (iii) accessibility should be a key consideration, with emphasis on access by public transport, walking and cycling; (iv) new building in the open countryside away from existing settlements should be strictly controlled; (v) priority should be given to the reuse of brownfield sites. This PPS replaces PPG 7 (1997) with the exception of PPG7's Annex E, which provides further guidance on permitted development rights for agriculture and forestry and will remain extant pending a review by ODPM of the General Permitted Development Order 1995.