Not just a drop in the bucket: Measuring women’s empowerment in water, sanitation, and hygiene

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Given the lack of consensus around how to measure empowerment in WASH, mapping existing indicators to two frameworks frequently used in the empowerment literature illustrates knowledge gaps. We identified 290 gender-sensitive indicators across nine WASH themes that were mapped to the Reach-Benefit-Empower and Resources-Agency-Achievements frameworks. Most indicators measure “Benefit” and/or “Resources.” Existing gender-sensitive indicators capturing empowerment and agency in WASH are lacking; only 10.3% of indicators capture “Empower” and 24.8% of indicators capture “Agency.”

Development of a Women’s Empowerment metric for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WE-WASH)

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There is a growing focus on gender-sensitive approaches and women’s empowerment in the water, sanitation, and hygiene sectors. At the same time, there is a lack of metrics to measure women’s empowerment in the WASH sector. Such metrics are important for understanding the types of programmatic interventions that are most needed for addressing women’s empowerment, as well as for assessing their impacts on women’s empowerment. In this report, we describe the development of a Women’s Empowerment metrics for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WE-WASH). We collected data from individual women and men in 812 households in Malawi and 826 households in Nepal. Using the data, we develop 14 indicators and establish cutoff thresholds (i.e., whether the individual is empowered) in the areas of intrinsic, instrumental, and collective agency in WASH; instrumental and intrinsic agency in menstrual hygiene management; and the empowerment environment (or resources for empowerment). In each country, we observe differences in empowerment levels between women and men, that favor men on most outcomes. Notably, in both countries, we find that women are much less likely than men to contribute to WASH infrastructure decisions, and most women are spending an undue amount of time contributing to WASH-related labor. In Nepal especially, agency related to menstrual hygiene management is also a substantial area of disempowerment for women.

Gender and Water Sanitation and Hygiene

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At birth and death, and each day in between, individual human need for water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) is near constant. While WASH is intensely personal, it is also about power, inequality, development and social justice. Inadequate WASH provision both results from and causes continuing poverty, and serves to reinforce gender and other inequalities. Women and girls experience WASH needs differently from men, both as individuals, and as societies' carers. Gender and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene highlights the importance of WASH provision for women and girls in their own right, as carers for families and communities, and as key to women's empowerment.

The Agency, Resources, and Institutional Structures for Sanitation-Related Empowerment (ARISE) Scales

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Sustainable Development Goal 6 aims to ensure access to water and sanitation for all, and target 6.2 emphasizes “paying special attention to the needs of women and girls”. Research documenting how water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) conditions impact women's and girls' lives is growing. However, no rigorously validated survey instruments exist for measuring empowerment within the WASH sector. The objective of our study was to develop and validate survey instruments to measure sub-domains of women's empowerment in relation to sanitation in urban areas of low- and middle-income countries. We followed a multi-phased, theory-informed approach that included factor analysis and item response theory methods, as well as reliability and validity testing, to analyze cross-sectional data collected from women in two cities: Tiruchirappalli, India (N=996) and Kampala, Uganda (N=1,024). Through rigorous evaluation of conceptually grounded question (item) sets, we identify a set of valid, comprehensive scales. The Agency, Resources, and Institutional Structures for Sanitation-related Empowerment (ARISE) scales represent 16 sub-domains of sanitation-related empowerment, each of which can be used alone or in combination with others, as needed. The ARISE scales are the only set of psychometrically validated metrics for the measurement of women's empowerment in WASH. In addition to the scales, we provide six indices to assess women's direct experiences with sub-domains of sanitation-related empowerment, as well as validated item sets related to menstruation, which are available as optional add-on measures for those who menstruate. The ARISE scales and associated survey modules respond to an established need for an increased focus on empowerment in WASH. We provide researchers and implementers with tools to measure sub-constructs of empowerment in a valid and reliable way, to generate data for better targeting, design, implementation, and evaluation of strategies to improve women's empowerment in the context of urban sanitation at the program and policy level.

Sanitation For All

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Can women bring a fresh perspective to the provision of global sanitation services? The co-authors of this book, through their strong socio-political and scientific experiences, believe this to be the case. The book offers a critical look at the challenges and solutions needed to achieve Sanitation for All, including for vulnerable people, refugees, asylum seekers, stateless, or internally displaced persons, and especially women. We present sanitation policy and decision making from the perspective of women, providing conclusions to the prevailing debates. In 2022, 43% of the world’s population lacked access to safely managed sanitation. Poor sanitation is linked to the transmission of diarrhoeal diseases, exacerbates stunting, and contributes to the spread of antimicrobial resistance. In low-income countries, 5% of deaths are associated with unsafe sanitation. Poor sanitation affects mental well-being and safety, especially for women and children. Lack of sanitation costs around 2% of GDP (a figure that increases rapidly with epidemic outbreaks) because of income losses from trade and tourism and the impact on water quality. Besides being part of our human right to water, sanitation is essential to reach the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals on poverty, health, education, gender, water, equity, cities and the sustainable environment. Nevertheless, convincing politicians to invest in sanitation is a daunting challenge since, in contrast to drinking water, it is not an immediate vote-winner and is perceived as an unpleasant topic for public discussion. Despite this, to achieve the SDG target by 2030, a five-fold increase on current rates of progress will be required. The role of women in sanitation planning and implementation is key, due to their leadership in communities and their ability to organise and guarantee the sustainability of systems. Furthermore, women’s care-giving nature at home and in their communities has led them to understand the importance of sanitation and being open to discussing it publicly; women stand ready to raise the profile of this subject, putting it on a higher level on the political agenda. This book is vital reading not just for women but all stakeholders and partners in the water industry, especially those working in the sanitation and hygiene sectors.

Equality in Water and Sanitation Services

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There is growing acceptance that the progress delivered under the Millennium Development Goal target for drinking water and sanitation has been inequitable. As a result, the progressive reduction of inequalities is now an explicit focus of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets, adopted in 2015, for universal access to drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). This shift in focus has implications for the way in which the next generation of WASH policies and programmes will be conceived, designed, financed and monitored. This book provides an authoritative textbook for students, as well as a point of reference for policy-makers and practitioners interested in reducing inequalities in access to WASH services. Four key areas are addressed: background to the human right to water and development goals; dimensions of inequality; case studies in delivering water and sanitation equitably; and monitoring progress in reducing inequality.

Innovations in WASH Impact Measures

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The new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development includes water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) at its core. A dedicated Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 6) declares a commitment to "ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all." Monitoring progress toward this goal will be challenging: direct measures of water and sanitation service quality and use are either expensive or elusive. However, reliance on household surveys poses limitations and likely overstated progress during the Millennium Development Goal period. In Innovations in WASH Impact Measures: Water and Sanitation Measurement Technologies and Practices to Inform the Sustainable Development Goals, we review the landscape of proven and emerging technologies, methods, and approaches that can support and improve on the WASH indicators proposed for SDG target 6.1, "by 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all," and target 6.2, "by 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls and those in vulnerable situations." Although some of these technologies and methods are readily available, other promising approaches require further field evaluation and cost reductions. Emergent technologies, methods, and data-sharing platforms are increasingly aligned with program impact monitoring. Improved monitoring of water and sanitation interventions may allow more cost-effective and measurable results. In many cases, technologies and methods allow more complete and impartial data in time to allow program improvements. Of the myriad monitoring and evaluation methods, each has its own advantages and limitations. Surveys, ethnographies, and direct observation give context to more continuous and objective electronic sensor data. Overall, combined methodologies can provide a more comprehensive and instructive depiction of WASH usage and help the international development community measure our progress toward reaching the SDG WASH goals.

Flowing Upstream

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Flowing Upstream: Empowering Women Through Water Management Initiatives in India

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In a world fraught with visions of an impending 'water crisis' it is not surprising that the main barrier to achieving the Millennium Goals of Development of water, sanitation and hygiene, for all, is not seen as a lack of willingness to learn from the past, to acknowledge failure and success and respect the diversity of approaches and social actors. this book brings together five in-depth case studies of civil society interventions from different parts of India which have struggled to resolve issues of women's participation, equity and sustainability in community based water management systems. From the water scarce areas of coastal Gujarat where UTTHAN has been promoting decentralized and gender equitable water alternatives to the SEWA campaign on women, water and work, and AKRSP(I)'s attempts to involve women farmers in participatory irrigation management interventions in adivasi dominated South Gujarat, from community lift-irrigation schemes in Jharkhand managed by women's group promoted by PRADAN, to SOPPECOM's efforts in facilitating rights to water and land for women and the landless in Maharashtra, the case studies illustrate that the process of negotiating change of, 'flowing upstream' is indeed messy, complicated and complex. Emerging insights while located in a specific socio-economic, political and cultural context provide a menu of essential but not necessarily sufficient, ingredients towards a strategy for mainstreaming gender and equity rights in water management. Together, the cases raise important questions on the social construction of water policy in India, the gendered structure of facilitating organizations, networking and the role of learning in developing accountable and socially inclusive governance mechanisms for managing our natural resources.