Nuclear Materials Accounting, Helping the Facility Operator

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A modern materials control and accounting (MC and A) system can provide major benefits to production personnel. It can enhance understanding of process systems performance, localize and reconcile material losses, and identify instruments that are out-of-calibration or malfunctioning. Examples of the above MC and A system applications are given. We show how Operations personnel can use an MC and A system to their advantage rather than letting the MC and A system take advantage of them.

IAEA Safeguards

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Use of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control for Nuclear Security Purposes at Facilities

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Nuclear material accounting and control (NMAC) works in a complementary fashion with the international safeguards programme and physical protection systems to help prevent, deter or detect the unauthorized acquisition and use of nuclear materials. These three methodologies are employed by Member States to defend against external threats, internal threats and both State actors and non-State actors. This publication offers guidance for implementing NMAC measures for nuclear security at the nuclear facility level. It focuses on measures to mitigate the risk posed by insider threats and describes elements of a programme that can be implemented at a nuclear facility in coordination with the physical protection system for the purpose of deterring and detecting unauthorized removal of nuclear material.

International Safeguards

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Nuclear safeguards applied by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are one element of the non-proliferation regime'', the collection of measures whose aim is to forestall the spread of nuclear weapons to countries that do not already possess them. Safeguards verifications provide evidence that nuclear materials in peaceful use for nuclear-power production are properly accounted for. Though carried out in cooperation with nuclear facility operators, the verifications can provide assurance because they are designed with the capability to detect diversion, should it occur. Traditional safeguards verification measures conducted by inspectors of the IAEA include book auditing; counting and identifying containers of nuclear material; measuring nuclear material; photographic and video surveillance; and sealing. Novel approaches to achieve greater efficiency and effectiveness in safeguards verifications are under investigation as the number and complexity of nuclear facilities grow. These include the zone approach, which entails carrying out verifications for groups of facilities collectively, and randomization approach, which entails carrying out entire inspection visits some fraction of the time on a random basis. Both approaches show promise in particular situations, but, like traditional measures, must be tested to ensure their practical utility. These approaches are covered on this report. 15 refs., 16 figs., 3 tabs.


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Nuclear Materials

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Protection, Control, and Accounting of Nuclear Materials

Book Description

The U.S. and Russian academies convened a workshop in 2003 for sharing best practices in nuclear materials protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A), including the status and application of remote monitoring technologies, personnel issues, and both national and international safeguards worldwide. The goals of the workshop were to identify areas in which the United States and Russia can promote best practices in MPC&A globally and expand U.S.-Russian cooperation on nuclear non-proliferation. The papers presented in the workshop and the outcomes of workshop discussions form the basis for this workshop summary.

Use of Nuclear Material Accounting and Control for Nuclear Security Purposes at Facilities

Book Description

Nuclear material accounting and control (NMAC) measures are designed to protect nuclear facilities and nuclear material from adversaries such as non-State actors both inside and outside the nuclear facility. This publication focuses on measures to prevent and mitigate the risk posed by insider threats. It describes elements of a programme that can be implemented at a nuclear facility in coordination with other systems existing at the facility level, such as operations, measurements and physical protection, for the purpose of deterring and detecting unauthorized removal of nuclear material.

Development of Nuclear Materials Accounting for International Safeguards

Book Description

Nuclear materials accountancy was introduced as a primary safeguards measure in international safeguards from the inception of the EURATOM safeguards directorate in 1959 and IAEA safeguards in 1961 with the issuance of INFCIRC 26. As measurement technology evolved and safeguarded facilities increased in both number and size, measurement methodology requirements increased as reflected in INFCIRC 66 (Rev 2.) in 1968 and later in INFCIRC 153 in 1972. Early measurements relied heavily on chemical analysis, but in the 1960s it evolved more and more toward nondestructive assay. Future nuclear materials accountancy systems will increase in complexity, driven by larger and more complex facilities; more stringent health, safety, and environmental considerations; and unattended automation in facility operations. 15 refs.