An Introduction to Inverse Scattering and Inverse Spectral Problems

Book Description

Here is a clearly written introduction to three central areas of inverse problems: inverse problems in electromagnetic scattering theory, inverse spectral theory, and inverse problems in quantum scattering theory. Inverse problems, one of the most attractive parts of applied mathematics, attempt to obtain information about structures by nondestructive measurements. Based on a series of lectures presented by three of the authors, all experts in the field, the book provides a quick and easy way for readers to become familiar with the area through a survey of recent developments in inverse spectral and inverse scattering problems.

Numerical Methods for Inverse Scattering Problems

Book Description

This book highlights the latest developments on the numerical methods for inverse scattering problems associated with acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic waves. Inverse scattering problems are concerned with identifying unknown or inaccessible objects by wave probing data, which makes possible many industrial and engineering applications including radar and sonar, medical imaging, nondestructive testing, remote sensing, and geophysical exploration. The mathematical study of inverse scattering problems is an active field of research. This book presents a comprehensive and unified mathematical treatment of various inverse scattering problems mainly from a numerical reconstruction perspective. It highlights the collaborative research outputs by the two groups of the authors yet surveys and reviews many existing results by global researchers in the literature. The book consists of three parts respectively corresponding to the studies on acoustic, electromagnetic, and elastic scattering problems. In each part, the authors start with in-depth theoretical and computational treatments of the forward scattering problems and then discuss various numerical reconstruction schemes for the associated inverse scattering problems in different scenarios of practical interest. In addition, the authors provide an overview of the existing results in the literature by other researchers. This book can serve as a handy reference for researchers or practitioners who are working on or implementing inverse scattering methods. It can also serve as a graduate textbook for research students who are interested in working on numerical algorithms for inverse scattering problems.

Inverse Scattering and Applications

Book Description

This book presents papers given at a Conference on Inverse Scattering on the Line, held in June 1990 at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A wide variety of topics in inverse problems were covered: inverse scattering problems on the line; inverse problems in higher dimensions; inverse conductivity problems; and numerical methods. In addition, problems from statistical physics were covered, including monodromy problems, quantum inverse scattering, and the Bethe ansatz. One of the aims of the conference was to bring together researchers in a variety of areas of inverse problems which have seen intensive activity in recent years. scattering

Inverse Schrödinger Scattering in Three Dimensions

Book Description

Most of the laws of physics are expressed in the form of differential equations; that is our legacy from Isaac Newton. The customary separation of the laws of nature from contingent boundary or initial conditions, which has become part of our physical intuition, is both based on and expressed in the properties of solutions of differential equations. Within these equations we make a further distinction: that between what in mechanics are called the equations of motion on the one hand and the specific forces and shapes on the other. The latter enter as given functions into the former. In most observations and experiments the "equations of motion," i. e. , the structure of the differential equations, are taken for granted and it is the form and the details of the forces that are under investigation. The method by which we learn what the shapes of objects and the forces between them are when they are too small, too large, too remote, or too inaccessi ble for direct experimentation, is to observe their detectable effects. The question then is how to infer these properties from observational data. For the theoreti cal physicist, the calculation of observable consequences from given differential equations with known or assumed forces and shapes or boundary conditions is the standard task of solving a "direct problem. " Comparison of the results with experiments confronts the theoretical predictions with nature.

Inverse Obstacle Scattering with Non-Over-Determined Scattering Data

Book Description

The inverse obstacle scattering problem consists of finding the unknown surface of a body (obstacle) from the scattering (;;), where (;;) is the scattering amplitude, ; 2 is the direction of the scattered, incident wave, respectively, 2 is the unit sphere in the R3 and k > 0 is the modulus of the wave vector. The scattering data is called non-over-determined if its dimensionality is the same as the one of the unknown object. By the dimensionality one understands the minimal number of variables of a function describing the data or an object. In an inverse obstacle scattering problem this number is 2, and an example of non-over-determined data is () := (;0;0). By sub-index 0 a fixed value of a variable is denoted. It is proved in this book that the data (), known for all in an open subset of 2, determines uniquely the surface and the boundary condition on . This condition can be the Dirichlet, or the Neumann, or the impedance type. The above uniqueness theorem is of principal importance because the non-over-determined data are the minimal data determining uniquely the unknown . There were no such results in the literature, therefore the need for this book arose. This book contains a self-contained proof of the existence and uniqueness of the scattering solution for rough surfaces.

Inverse Problems

Book Description

Inverse Problems is a monograph which contains a self-contained presentation of the theory of several major inverse problems and the closely related results from the theory of ill-posed problems. The book is aimed at a large audience which include graduate students and researchers in mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences and in the area of numerical analysis.