Numerical Modeling of Methane Venting from Lake Sediments

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The dynamics of methane transport in lake sediments control the release of methane into the water column above, and the portion that reaches the atmosphere may contribute significantly to the greenhouse effect. The observed dynamics are poorly understood. In particular, variations in the hydrostatic load on the sediments, from both water level and barometric pressure, appear to trigger free gas bubbling (ebullition). We develop a model of methane bubble ow through the sediments, forced by changes in hydrostatic load. The mechanistic, numerical model is tuned to and compared against ebullition data from Upper Mystic Lake, MA, and the predictions match the daily temporal character of the observed gas releases. We conclude that the combination of plastic gas cavity deformation and ow through "breathing" gas conduits explains methane venting from lake sediments. This research lays the groundwork for integrated modeling of methane transport in the sediment and water column to constrain the atmospheric flux from methane-generating lakes.

Spatiotemporal Variability of Methane Ebullition from Lake Sediments

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Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and natural sources to the atmosphere include inland waterways and shallow oceans. However, the magnitude of these emissions and their potential for feedbacks with climate change remain poorly constrained. In many settings the majority of atmospheric methane emissions is delivered by bubbles, and the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of ebullition makes measurement challenging and impacts bubble dissolution and atmospheric emissions. In this thesis, we present an analysis of both the episodicity and spatial structure of methane venting from soft sediments in a eutrophic lake over a range of spatial scales, from 1 cm to 20 m, and using a combination of field observations and laboratory experiments. Field-scale measurements of ebullition were acquired at the bottom of Upper Mystic Lake, MA, USA, using a high-resolution multibeam sonar during multiple deployments over a 9-month period. The sonar was calibrated to estimate the gas flow rates throughout a 330 m2 lateral observation area with resolution of 0.5 m. The results confirm that ebullition is strongly episodic, with distinct regimes of high- and low-flux largely controlled by changes in hydrostatic pressure. Statistical analysis shows that the spatial pattern of ebullition becomes homogeneous at the sonar's resolution over timescales of hours (for high-flux periods) or days (for low-flux periods), demonstrating that meter-scale methane vents are ephemeral rather than persistent. Laboratory-scale measurements were made in a controlled incubation of reconstituted sediments from the same field site. Image analysis of the 0.14 m2 observation area allowed identification of individual bubble outlets and resolved their location to ~ 1 cm. While ebullition events were typically concentrated in bursts lasting ~ 2 min, some major outlets showed persistent activity over the scale of days and even months. This persistence was surprising given the ephemerality of spatial structure at the field-scale. It suggests that, at the centimeter scale, conduits are re-used as a result of a drop in tensile strength due to deformation of sediments by the rising bubbles. By combining novel measurement techniques at different scales, we elucidate the mechanisms governing bubble growth and mobility, thereby supporting estimates of global methane fluxes from lakes and how their magnitude may vary with climate change.

Numerical Modeling of Gas Recovery from Methane Hydrate Reservoirs

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In the production of conventional gas reservoirs using a constant bottom-hole pressure production scheme, both gas and water production rates exponentially decrease with time. However, for methane-hydrate reservoirs, gas production rate exponentially declines with time whereas water production rate increases with time because methane hydrate dissociation increases water saturation of the reservoir.

The Nexus of Observing and Modeling Methane Emissions from Inland Water Bodies

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Methane (CH4) emissions and carbon uptake in temperate freshwater wetlands act in opposing directions in the context of global radiative forcing. Large uncertainties exist for the rates of CH4 emissions making it difficult to determine the extent that CH4 emissions counteract the carbon sequestration of wetlands. There are many reasons for these uncertainties. CH4 is biologically synthesized generated in anaerobic sediments but can also be oxidized in the presence of appropriate electron acceptors. CH4 in the soil can reach the atmosphere through diffusion, plant mediation, or ebullition. Methane emissions are the end result of the interaction of all these processes, many of which are poorly understood. Additionally, wetlands are typically small and feature highly heterogeneous land cover. Each classification of land coverage may have different factors that influence its eventual emissions resulting in spatially variable methane fluxes within a wetland. This heterogeneity poses an additional challenge to determining their CH4 budget. We measured CH4 emissions at two wetlands in Ohio: 1) The Olentangy River Wetland Research Park – an experimental constructed flow through wetland park featuring two permanently flooded wetlands and 2) Old Woman Creek National Estuarine Research Reserve – A natural freshwater estuary wetland hydrologically linked to Lake Erie. We used non-steady state chambers and eddy covariance systems to characterize vertical fluxes of CH4 from the surface of the wetlands. Pore water dialysis peepers were used to approximate the belowground processes leading the emissions. We combined our measurements with numerical modeling techniques to investigate the seasonal and diurnal profiles of CH4 emissions, determine the main environmental drivers of methane emissions, understand the influence of site level heterogeneity, and to characterize the belowground processes responsible for CH4 generation/consumption in wetlands.

Subsurface Sediment Mobilization

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Numerical Investigations of the Fluid Flows at Deep Oceanic and Arctic Permafrost-Associated Gas Hydrate Deposits

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Methane hydrate is an ice-like solid which sequesters large quantities of methane gas within its crystal structure. The source of methane is typically derived from organic matter broken down by thermogenic or biogenic activity. Methane hydrate (or more simply, hydrate) is found around the globe within marine sediments along most continental margins where thermodynamic conditions and methane gas (in excess of local solubility) permit its formation. Hydrate deposits are quite possibly the largest reservoir of fossil fuel on Earth, however, their formation and evolution in response to changing thermodynamic conditions, such as global warming, are poorly understood. Upward fluid flow (relative to the seafloor) is thought to be important for the formation of methane hydrate deposits, which are typically found beneath topographic features on the seafloor. However, one-dimensional models predict downward flow relative to the seafloor in compacting marine sediments. The presence of upward flow in a passive margin setting can be explained by fluid focusing beneath topography when sediments have anisotropic permeability due to sediment bedding layers. Even small slopes (10 degrees) in bedding planes produce upward fluid velocity, with focusing becoming more effective as slopes increase. Additionally, focusing causes high excess pore pressure to develop below topographic highs, promoting high-angle fracturing at the ridge axis. Magnitudes of upward pore fluid velocity are much larger in fractured zones, particularly when the surrounding sediment matrix is anisotropic in permeability. Enhanced flow of methane-bearing fluids from depth provides a simple explanation for preferential accumulation of hydrate under topographic highs. Models of fluid flow at large hydrate provinces can be constrained by measurements of naturally-occurring radioactive tracers. Concentrations of cosmogenic iodine, 129-I, in the pore fluid of marine sediments often indicate that the pore fluid is much older than the host sediment. Old pore fluid age may reflect complex flow patterns, such a fluid focusing, which can cause significant lateral migration as well as regions where downward flow reverses direction and returns toward the seafloor. Longer pathlines can produce pore fluid ages much older than that expected with a one-dimensional compaction model. For steady-state models with geometry representative of Blake Ridge (USA), a well-studied hydrate province, pore fluid ages beneath regions of topography and within fractured zones can be up to 70 Ma old. Results suggest that the measurements of 129-I/127-I reflect a mixture of new and old pore fluid. However, old pore fluid need not originate at great depths. Methane within pore fluids can travel laterally several kilometers, implying an extensive source region around the deposit. Iodine age measurements support the existence of fluid focusing beneath regions of seafloor topography at Blake Ridge, and suggest that the methane source at Blake Ridge is likely shallow. The response of methane hydrate reservoirs to warming is poorly understood. The great depths may protect deep oceanic hydrates from climate change for the time being because transfer of heat by conduction is slow, but warming will eventually be felt albeit in the far future. On the other hand, unique permafrost-associated methane hydrate deposits exist at shallow depths within the sediments of the circum-Arctic continental shelves. Arctic hydrates are thought to be a relict of cold glacial periods, aggrading when sea levels are much lower and shelf sediments are exposed to freezing air temperatures. During interglacial periods, rising sea levels flood the shelf, bringing dramatic warming to the permafrost- and hydrate-bearing sediments. Permafrost-associated methane hydrate deposits have been responding to warming since the last glacial maximum ~18 kaBP as a consequence of these natural glacial cycles. This `experiment, ' set into motion by nature itself, allows us a unique opportunity to study the response of methane hydrate deposits to warming. Gas hydrate stability in the Arctic and the permeability of the shelf sediments to gas migration is thought to be closely linked with relict submarine permafrost. Submarine permafrost extent depends on several environmental factors, such as the shelf lithology, sea level variations, mean annual air temperature, ocean bottom water temperature, geothermal heat flux, groundwater hydrology, and the salinity of the pore water. Effects of submarine groundwater discharge, which introduces fresh terrestrial groundwater off-shore, can freshen deep marine sediments and is an important control on the freezing point depression of ice and methane hydrate. While several thermal modeling studies suggest the permafrost layer should still be largely intact near-shore, many recent field studies have reported elevated methane levels in Arctic coastal waters. The permafrost layer is thought to create an impermeable barrier to fluid and gas flow, however, talik formation (unfrozen regions within otherwise continuous permafrost) below paleo-river channels can create permeable pathways for gas migration from depth. This is the first study of its kind to make predictions of the methane gas flux to the water column from the Arctic shelf sediments using a 2D multi-phase fluid flow model. Model results show that the dissociation of methane hydrate deposits through taliks can supersaturate the overlying water column at present-day relative to equilibrium with the atmosphere when taliks are large (> 1 km width) or hydrate saturation is high within hydrate layers (> 50% pore volume). Supersaturated waters likely drive a net flux of methane into the atmosphere, a potent greenhouse gas. Effects of anthropogenic global warming will certainly increase gas venting rates if ocean bottom water temperatures increase, but likely won't have immediately observable impacts due to the long response times.

Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling to Inform A Landfill Methane Emissions Measurement Method

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Landfills are known to be a significant contributor to atmospheric methane, yet emissions are difficult to quantify because they are heterogeneous over a large area (up to 1 km^2) as well as unsteady in time. Many different measurement methods have been developed, each with limitations and errors due to various factors. The most important difference among different measurement methods is the size of the measurement footprint. Flux chambers have the smallest footprint, typically 1 m^2, radial plume mapping mass balance and eddy covariance can have footprints between 100 and 10,000 m^2, and aircraft-based mass balance and the tracer dilution method can measure whole landfill emissions. Whole landfill measurement techniques are considered the best because they account for spatial heterogeneity, and the tracer dilution method (TDM) in particular has gained popularity because it is relatively noninvasive and cost-effective. The TDM works by comparing ratios of methane and tracer gas plumes downwind of the landfill. A tracer gas such as acetylene is emitted from the landfill at a known, steady rate. Downwind plume transects are collected using a gas analyzer on a moving vehicle to obtain both methane and tracer gas concentrations. The idea behind the method is that at the transect measurement location, the gas plumes are well mixed enough that the ratio between the methane and tracer gas concentrations is approximately equal to the ratio between the methane and tracer gas emissions rates. Methane emissions are calculated by equating the ratio of concentrations to the ratio of emissions rates and solving for methane emissions. Field studies of the TDM with controlled methane releases over a flat field have quantified TDM-related measurement errors, but these errors are impossible to assess in real landfill measurements because the true landfill emissions are unknown. Numerical modeling of the TDM is an advantageous way to study the errors in TDM- measured emissions as well as how the error changes under a variety of different conditions. With a numerical model, the true methane emissions are prescribed, so they can be compared to the TDM-measured emissions to evaluate the method’s accuracy. The TDM is examined in this dissertation using numerical simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF). WRF is a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model with large-eddy simulation (LES) capabilities, allowing for high-resolution simulations with resolved large- scale turbulent motions. To examine the TDM, two real landfills in the U.S. are selected, with high resolution topography data and real atmospheric data informing the initial and boundary conditions of the model. The simulations are run with a nested grid configuration, starting from 2.25 km resolution and nesting to 150 m resolution and then 30 m horizontal grid resolution over the landfill area, with the lowest vertical level ∼15 m. To simulate the TDM, three components are needed: tracer emissions with a specified configuration and emissions rate, landfill emissions specified at every grid point on the surface of the landfill, and simulated transect measurements with a specified transect path and transect collection speed. In this dissertation, tracer emissions are prescribed as steady values at grid points on the surface of the landfill constituting various tracer configurations to be examined, and methane emissions are either prescribed as steady values or calculated using prescribed soil methane concentrations and a surface flux parameterization. To our knowledge, the work presented in this dissertation constitutes the first time WRF simulations have been used to examine the TDM. In the first part of this dissertation, steady landfill methane emissions are prescribed to study the effects of various aspects of the TDM setup and various external factors on the accuracy of the TDM-measured emissions. Factors tested include tracer location relative to the methane emissions hot spot of the landfill, distance from the landfill to the transect path, transect angle relative to the wind direction, and transect speed. Tracer location relative to the emissions hot spot is found to have the most significant effect on TDM accuracy, while transect angle relative to wind direction and transect vehicle speed are found to have negligible effects. The roles of wind direction and topography are also examined and found to have significant effects of the TDM’s accuracy. In the second part of the dissertation, the same landfill area is simulated, and a surface flux parameterization is added to WRF to introduce wind-dependent variability to the land- fill emissions. Significant standard deviations were seen in the TDM-measured emissions in the previous chapter despite the prescribed landfill emissions remaining constant, and when TDM-measured emissions for steady and unsteady emissions simulations are compared, the variability in the TDM-measured emissions is found to be essentially the same even though the variability in true emissions is significantly different, pointing to possible errors inherent in the TDM’s ability to capture true emissions short-term variability. TDM-measured emissions standard deviation and TDM error are compared for eight different time periods over two different days to see whether different times of day and different atmospheric conditions affect the TDM. The smallest measured standard deviations and smallest errors are seen at night on both days, and measured standard deviation increases over the course of the day for both days, with the largest standard deviations seen in late afternoon shortly before sunset. TDM percent error does not exhibit a noticeable diurnal trend. Two different tracer configurations are used for the TDM simulations to obtain a range of standard deviations and percent errors for an optimal and less ideal tracer placement. In the last part of the dissertation, a different landfill area is simulated and emphasis is placed on extensive comparison to field measurements. Four different days from different seasons are simulated to examine the seasonal and diurnal effects of wind-dependent variability on emissions. These simulations aim to help inform how limited measurement data can be used to extrapolate annual landfill methane emissions.