O Poder De Pensamentos Positivos Na Era Pós-moderna

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O pensamento positivo é uma atitude que admite no cérebro pensamentos, palavras e imagens que são condutores para o desenvolvimento, expansão e sucesso. Éuma atitude que espera grandes e resultados favoráveis. Uma mente positiva espera felicidade, alegria, saúde e um resultado bem sucedido de cada situação e ação. Seja qual for o cérebro antecipa, que encontra. Nem todo mundo aceita ou acredita em pensamento positivo. Alguns consideram o assunto como simplesmente absurdo, e outras pessoas zombam daqueles que acreditam e aceitam isso. Entre os indivíduos que a aceitam, muitos não sabem como utilizá-lo de forma eficaz para resultados adquirir. No entanto, parece que muitos estão sendo puxado para este assunto, como demonstram muitos livros, palestras e cursos sobre o assunto. Este é um assunto que está ganhando cada vez mais popularidade. Ébastante comum ouvir : Pense positivo” para alguém que se sente para baixo e preocupado maioria das pessoas não sabem entender essas palavras de forma sincera, como eles não sabem o que realmente significa, ou não considerá-los como útil. e eficaz. Quantas pessoas você conhece, que param para pensar que existe poder em “PENSAR POSITIVO?

Translational Medicine

Book Description

Translational Medicine: Optimizing Preclinical Safety Evaluation of Biopharmaceuticals provides scientists responsible for the translation of novel biopharmaceuticals into clinical trials with a better understanding of how to navigate the obstacles that keep innovative medical research discoveries from becoming new therapies or even making it to clinical trials. The book includes sections on protein-based therapeutics, modified proteins, oligonucleotide-based therapies, monoclonal antibodies, antibody–drug conjugates, gene and cell-based therapies, gene-modified cell-based therapies, combination products, and therapeutic vaccines. Best practices are defined for efficient discovery research to facilitate a science-based, efficient, and predictive preclinical development program to ensure clinical efficacy and safety. Key Features: Defines best practices for leveraging of discovery research to facilitate a development program Includes general principles, animal models, biomarkers, preclinical toxicology testing paradigms, and practical applications Discusses rare diseases Discusses "What-Why-When-How" highlighting different considerations based upon product attributes. Includes special considerations for rare diseases About the Editors Joy A. Cavagnaro is an internationally recognized expert in preclinical development and regulatory strategy with an emphasis on genetic medicines.. Her 40-year career spans academia, government (FDA), and the CRO and biotech industries. She was awarded the 2019 Arnold J Lehman Award from the Society of Toxicology for introducing the concept of science-based, case-by-case approach to preclinical safety evaluation, which became the foundation of ICH S6. She currently serves on scientific advisory boards for advocacy groups and companies and consults and lectures in the area of preclinical development of novel therapies. Mary Ellen Cosenza is a regulatory toxicology consultant with over 30 years of senior leadership experience in the biopharmaceutical industry in the U.S., Europe, and emerging markets. She has held leadership position in both the American College of Toxicology (ACT) and the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX) and is also an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Southern California where she teaches graduate-level courses in toxicology and regulation of biologics.

Principles for Building Resilience

Book Description

Reflecting the very latest research, this book provides an in-depth review of the role of resilience in the management of social-ecological systems and the ecosystem services they provide. Leaders in the field outline seven principles for building resilience in social-ecological systems, examining how these can be applied to advance sustainability.

The Consumer Society

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Jean Baudrillard′s classic text was one of the first to focus on the process and meaning of consumption in contemporary culture. Originally published in 1970, the book makes a vital contribution to current debates on consumption. The book includes Baudrillard′s most organized discussion of mass media culture, the meaning of leisure, and anomie in affluent society. A chapter on the body demonstrates Baudrillard′s extraordinary prescience for flagging vital subjects in contemporary culture long before others. This English translation begins with a new introductory essay.

The Ritual Process

Book Description

In The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, Victor Turner examines rituals of the Ndembu in Zambia and develops his now-famous concept of "Communitas." He characterizes it as an absolute inter-human relation beyond any form of structure.The Ritual Process has acquired the status of a small classic since these lectures were first published in 1969. Turner demonstrates how the analysis of ritual behavior and symbolism may be used as a key to understanding social structure and processes. He extends Van Gennep's notion of the "liminal phase" of rites of passage to a more general level, and applies it to gain understanding of a wide range of social phenomena. Once thought to be the "vestigial" organs of social conservatism, rituals are now seen as arenas in which social change may emerge and be absorbed into social practice.As Roger Abrahams writes in his foreword to the revised edition: "Turner argued from specific field data. His special eloquence resided in his ability to lay open a sub-Saharan African system of belief and practice in terms that took the reader beyond the exotic features of the group among whom he carried out his fieldwork, translating his experience into the terms of contemporary Western perceptions. Reflecting Turner's range of intellectual interests, the book emerged as exceptional and eccentric in many ways: yet it achieved its place within the intellectual world because it so successfully synthesized continental theory with the practices of ethnographic reports."

How to Read a Book

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The Social Function of Science

Book Description

J. D. Bernal's important and ambitious work, The Social Function of Science, was first published in January 1939. As the subtitle -What Science Does, What Science Could Do - suggests it is in two parts. Both have eight chapters. Part 1: What Science Does: Introductory, Historical, The Existing Organization of Scientific Research in Britain, Science in Education, The Efficiency of Scientific Research, The Application of Science, Science and War and International Science. Part 11: What Science Could Do: The Training of the Scientist, The Reorganization of Research, Scientific Communication, The Finance of Science, The Strategy of Scientific Advance; Science in the Service of Man, Science and Social Transformation and The Social Function of Science. To quote Bernal's biographer, Andrew Brown, 'The Social Function of Science . . . was Bernal's attempt to ensure that science would no longer be just a protected area of intellectual inquiry, but would have as an inherent function the improvement of life for mankind everywhere. It was a groundbreaking treatise both in exploring the scope of science and technology in fashioning public policy, with Bernal arguing that science is the chief agent of change in society, and in devising policies that would optimize the way science was organized. The sense of impending war clearly emerges. Bernal deplored the application of scientific discoveries in making war ever more destructive, while acknowledging that the majority of scientific and technical breakthroughs have their origins in military exigencies, both because of the willingness to spend money and the premium placed on novelty during wartime.' Anticipating by two decades the schism C. P. Snow termed 'The Two Cultures', Bernal remarked that 'highly developed science stands almost isolated from a traditional literary culture.' He found that wrong. Again, quoting Andrew Brown, 'to him, science was a creative endeavour that still depended on inspiration and talent, just as much as in painting, writing or composing.' The importance of this book was such that twenty-five years after its publication, a collection of essays, The Science of Science, was published, in part in celebration, but also to explore many of the themes Bernal had first developed.

The Primal Scream

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Our Creative Diversity

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Explores the interactions between culture and development and puts forward proposals in the form of an international agenda aimed at motivating people to recognize cultural challenges.

Bulimia Nervosa

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Intended as a comprehensive monograph on the subject of bulimia nervosa, this text addresses all aspects of the disease including diagnosis, symptomatology, biological basis and therapy.