O Trabalho Docente na Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação na região do Triângulo Mineiro

Book Description

As autoras lançam luzes ao trabalho docente nas instituições de ensino superior no Triângulo Mineiro, que estão em fase de expansão e internacionalização de suas pesquisas. Rosemar e Sálua examinam com propriedade o movimento metabólico do capital que, para obtenção do mais valor, mescla velhas e novas formas de exploração do trabalho, voltando-se agora, na era digital, para o chamado trabalho intelectual que até então via-se relativamente protegido da precarização. De acordo com a pesquisa das especialistas, assentada em análise de documental e em entrevistas realizadas com os/as docentes, não é paradoxal que os programas de pós-graduação locais crescem em quantidade e qualidade, haja vista o acúmulo de pesquisas, enquanto os/as trabalhadores/as docentes têm seu trabalho precarizado e intensificado, no limite do adoecimento.

Understanding Learning at Work

Book Description

Work now invariably requires a continual focus on learning: to improve productivity, to enhance the flexibility of employees and to develop and transform organizations. This volume brings together leading experts from the United States, Britain, Australia and New Zealand to critically evaluate the current debates on workplace learning and to propose directions for future developments in both research and practice. Topics covered include: * expectations of learning at work into the twenty-first century * learning theories, practice and performance implications * the relationship between workplace learning and other forms of lifelong learning * the international developments in competency-based approaches to learning and assessment * the influence of language, power, culture and gender upon the 'construction' of learning. Topical and informative, this volume will be an invaluable resource for students and researchers of training, HRD, continuing and adult education.

Business Bullshit

Book Description

Our organizations are flooded with empty talk. We are constantly "going forward" to lands of "deliverables", stopping off on the "journey" to "drill down" into "best practice". Being an expert at using management speak has become more important in corporate life than delivering long lasting results. The upshot is that meaningless corporate jargon is killing our organizations. In this book, management scholar the author argues we need to call this empty talk what it is: bullshit. The book looks at how organizations have become vast machines for manufacturing, distributing and consuming bullshit. It follows how the meaningless language of management has spread through schools, NGOs, politics and the media. Business Bullshit shows you how to spot business bullshit, considers why it is so popular, and outlines the impact it has on organizations and the people who work there. It also outlines what we can do to minimise bullshit at work. The author makes a case for why organizations need to avoid empty talk and reconnect with core activities.

Age and Gender Considerations in Psychiatric Diagnosis

Book Description

Written to help identify major gaps in our knowledge of how gender and age affect psychiatric diagnoses and to stimulate much-needed research to fill these gaps, Age and Gender Considerations in Psychiatric Diagnosis serves as both a valuable short-term source for the DSM-V Task Force and its disorder-specific workgroups, and a long-term guide for future studies that will contribute to revised psychiatric classifications in these three areas. Here, 47 experts present findings in three areas of psychiatric research that historically have been neglected but rightfully have received increasing attention in recent years and thus are worthy of investigation into their clinical features, etiology, and course: 1. Significant gender differences in prevalence, symptom profiles, and risk factors for mental disorders, including neurodevelopmental, neurophysiological, and environmental factors for men and women that cut across diagnostic categories-for example, the critical importance of gender in how psychiatric illness develops and presents; DSM's approach to gender to date; and relevant research findings and gaps in the epidemiology, etiology, and pathophysiology of disorders and the gender-related expression of psychopathology, including the controversial and complex question of whether DSM should have different diagnostic criteria for men and women. 2. Mental disorders in infancy and early childhood, including diagnosis and measurement of psychopathology; PTSD and social and cognitive factors related to the experience of stress; reactive attachment disorder (unique in part because of its specificity to early childhood); mood and anxiety disorders and difficulties in diagnosis; sleep disorders, including two new disorders, Night-Waking Dysomnia and Sleep-Onset Dysomnia; feeding disorders, including the need to address overeating and overfeeding (especially given the alleged U.S. epidemic of obesity); early childhood manifestations of behavior disorders; and early symptoms and diagnosis of autism. 3. Mental disorders in the elderly, such as dementia and depression, once considered normal consequences of aging but now understood to represent mental disorders, including the need to identify specific brain structure abnormalities, biomarkers, and the many contributing biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors of mental illness in late life and to understand their roles in the elderly to better diagnose and monitor disease progression. Written for clinicians and researchers alike, this thought-provoking compendium contributes critical information that helps enhance our understanding of the causes of mental disorders, develop effective preventive and treatment interventions, and inform future editions of DSM and ICD.

Human Ecology

Book Description

'The scope and clarity of this book make it accessible and informative to a wide readership. Its messages should be an essential component of the education for all students from secondary school to university... [It] provides a clear and comprehensible account of concepts that can be applied in our individual and collective lives to pursue the promising and secure future to which we all aspire' From the Foreword by Maurice Strong, Chairman of the Earth Council and former Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Earth Summit) The most important questions of the future will turn on the relationship between human societies and the natural ecosystems on which we all, in the end, depend. The interactions and interdependencies of the social and natural worlds are the focus of growing attention from a wide range of environmental, social and life sciences. Understanding them is critical to achieving the balance involved in sustainable development. Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development presents an extremely clear and accessible account of this complex range of issues and of the concepts and tools required to understand and tackle them. Extensively supported by graphics and detailed examples, this book makes an excellent introduction for students at all levels, and for general readers wanting to know why and how to respond to the dilemmas we face.

Higher Education Systems

Book Description

The author shows that comparative perspectives and the search for an internationally"best" or "most modern" solutions at times lead to convergent trends.

Multiliteracies in Motion

Book Description

Offers information on the evolution of multi literacies and the state of literacy theory in relation to it. This book discusses the aims of multi literacies movement in 1996.

Advances in Labiate Science

Book Description

Papers presented at the First International Conference on Labiatae, held at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew in April 1991.

Psychopathology of Work

Book Description

This book examines the processes at issue in the onset of psychiatric disorders linked to stress in the workplace. Six clinical observations are presented: an acute psychosomatic decompensation (status asthmaticus); a delirious episode; a dementia-like confusional state; a sexuality disorder; two successive decompensations (one in a victim of workplace harassment and one in her aggressor); and a suicide. Each is explored in detail, from aetiology to treatment, bringing into sharp relief the differences between conventional analysis and the interpretation of material in light of the reference to work. These studies have been written by psychoanalysts and may be used as a training resource for practitioners and students alike. For any professional or researcher involved in the world of work, these observations will offer a deeper understanding of this particular work-related mental pathology which characterises the development of our contemporary society.