OECD Public Governance Reviews The Regulation of Lobbying in Quebec, Canada Strengthening a Culture of Transparency and Integrity

Book Description

This report provides an analysis of the framework in place to strengthen the transparency and integrity of lobbying in Quebec, Canada. The report also assesses the reform project proposed by the Commissioner of Lobbying in 2019, by benchmarking it against the OECD Recommendation on Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying, as well as good practices in OECD countries. The report highlights how to address governance concerns related to lobbying, and identifies concrete and tailored solutions to further strengthen a culture of transparency and integrity in the policy-making process.

OECD Public Governance Reviews The Regulation of Lobbying and Influence in Chile Recommendations for Strengthening Transparency and Integrity in Decision Making

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Lobbying and influence activities are legitimate acts of democratic participation and enable different groups to provide input and expertise to the policymaking process. This report looks at Chile’s existing framework to ensure equity, integrity and transparency in public decision-making processes, and assesses its resilience to the risks of undue influence by special interest groups.

OECD Public Governance Reviews Public Integrity in Malta Improving the Integrity and Transparency Framework for Elected and Appointed Officials

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This report provides concrete recommendations for strengthening the legislative and institutional framework for elected and appointed officials in Malta. It reviews the institutional and procedural set-up of the Commissioner for Standards in Public Life and analyses the omissions, inconsistencies and overlaps in the Standards in Public Life Act.

OECD Public Governance Reviews Strengthening the Transparency and Integrity of Foreign Influence Activities in France A Tool for Tackling Foreign Interference Risks

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This report analyses the legislative and institutional framework in France relating to the transparency and integrity of foreign influence activities. It identifies concrete policy measures adapted to the French context to make foreign influence activities more transparent, and to discourage foreign interference attempts that are made notably through opaque lobbying and influence activities. It also ensures that the risk of foreign interference is better taken into account when public officials move between the public and private sectors.

Lobbyists, Governments and Public Trust, Volume 3 Implementing the OECD Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying

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This report takes stock of progress made in implementing the 2010 Recommendation on Principles for Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying – the only international instrument addressing major risks in the public decision-making process related to lobbying.

OECD Public Governance Reviews The Implementation of the Palestinian Code of Conduct Strengthening Ethics and Contributing to Institution-Building

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This report analyses the underlining factors of an effective Code of Conduct in the overall framework of the Palestinian Authority's public governance reform to build open and transparent institutions.

OECD Public Governance Reviews Preventing Policy Capture Integrity in Public Decision Making

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This report exposes how “policy capture”, where public decisions over policies are consistently or repeatedly directed away from the public interest towards a specific interest, can exacerbate inequalities and undermine democratic values, economic growth and trust in government.

OECD Public Governance Reviews OECD Integrity Review of Argentina Achieving Systemic and Sustained Change

Book Description

The OECD Integrity Review of Argentina assesses recent efforts to transform Argentina’s integrity framework from isolated initiatives into a coherent whole-of-society integrity system. The Review presents concrete actions for developing an integrity strategy to sustain current reforms. The ...