OECD Reviews of School Resources Responsive School Systems Connecting Facilities, Sectors and Programmes for Student Success

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This report on Responsive School Systems is the second in a series of thematic comparative reports bringing together findings from the OECD’s School Resources Review. Evolving educational objectives, changing student needs and demographic developments require school systems.

OECD Reviews of School Resources Working and Learning Together Rethinking Human Resource Policies for Schools

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The staff working in schools are the most important resource for today’s education systems, both educationally and financially. This report aims to provide guidance for the design of effective human resource policies that strengthen, recognise and preserve the positive impact that that teachers, school leaders and other school staff have on their students.

OECD Reviews of School Resources: Portugal 2018

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This country review offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Portugal from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges and options for possible future approaches.

Education Policy Outlook 2019 Working Together to Help Students Achieve their Potential

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Taking the perspective of institutions and the system, Education Policy Outlook 2019: Working Together to Help Students Achieve their Potential, analyses the evolution of key education priorities and key education policies in 43 education systems. It compares more recent developments in education policy ecosystems (mainly between 2015 and 2019) with various education policies adopted between 2008 and 2014.

Reviews of National Policies for Education OECD Review of Resourcing Schools to Address Educational Disadvantage in Ireland

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The “OECD Review of Resourcing Schools to Address Educational Disadvantage in Ireland” provides an independent analysis meant to support Irish authorities in identifying ways to strengthen the resources and supports provided to students at risk of educational disadvantage in both DEIS and non-DEIS schools. The report serves three purposes: i) to provide insights and advice to Irish education authorities; ii) to help other countries understand the Irish approach to equitable education; and iii) to provide input for comparative analyses of the OECD Education for Inclusive Societies project. The scope for the analysis in this report covers primary and post-primary education. The focus areas of the review in Ireland are: i) governance, ii) resourcing; iii) capacity building; iv) school-level interventions and v) monitoring and evaluation. This report will be of interest in Ireland and other countries looking to improve the equity of students at risk of educational disadvantage in their education systems.

TALIS Mending the Education Divide Getting Strong Teachers to the Schools That Need Them Most

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Teachers can shape their students' educational careers. Research shows that children taught by different teachers often experience very different educational outcomes. This begs the questions: how are teachers assigned to schools in different countries?

Value for Money in School Education Smart Investments, Quality Outcomes, Equal Opportunities

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Policymaking has always been a matter of making choices, managing trade-offs and balancing multiple goals and priorities to make complex budgetary decisions. Yet, the past few years have seen a rising number of priorities facing policymakers, hence mounting pressure to enhance the efficiency of public spending.

OECD Rural Studies Delivering Quality Education and Health Care to All Preparing Regions for Demographic Change

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COVID-19 has put renewed focus on the importance of addressing longstanding challenges that OECD governments face in delivering public services, especially in regions with people spread over a wider area where economies of scale are more difficult to achieve. The physical infrastructure needed to provide good quality education and health services can be more complex and expensive in rural and remote regions that also struggle to attract and retain education and health care professionals.

PISA Balancing School Choice and Equity An International Perspective Based on Pisa

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Many countries are struggling to reconcile greater flexibility in school choice with the need to ensure quality, equity and coherence in their school systems. This report provides an international perspective on issues related to school choice, especially how certain aspects of school-choice policies may be associated with sorting students into different schools.

Education Policy Outlook 2021 Shaping Responsive and Resilient Education in a Changing World

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Education systems operate in a world that is constantly evolving towards new equilibria, yet short-term crises may disrupt, accelerate or divert longer-term evolutions. This Framework for Responsiveness and Resilience in Education Policy aims to support policy makers to balance the urgent challenge of building eco-systems that adapt in the face of disruption and change (resilience), and the important challenge of navigating the ongoing evolution from industrial to post-industrial societies and economies (responsiveness).