Offshore Development -- Proven

Book Description

Are you charged with turning your company's offshore development mission statement into reality? Or do you need to learn more about offshore development and how it might alter your company's future strategies? Then you need this book. While offshore development offers many advantages -- reduced cost, access to highly skilled talent, around the clock development and ability to launch projects quickly -- there are challenges. As McKenzie Consulting points out, "Without disciplines in managing offshore, a company can, not only squander the cost and time savings it had hoped to gain through them but can also face other problems -- late deliverables, escalating costs, mismatches between expectations and deliverables and even outright failure." GE and HP are among the hundreds of companies that boast highly successful offshore strategies. On the other hand many companies have either failed or are marginally successful. For example, a large document company tried a major development project offshore and abandoned it. A Silicon Valley company tried to execute a development project offshore, failed and had to bring it back and get it done at considerably higher cost than if it had never gone offshore in the first place. To be successful, you must effectively identify and address issues across companies, time zones and cultures. You need to move rapidly in this highly competitive environment, but you also need to move with maximum confidence. This information-packed book, based on a decade plus experience and best practices of many successful companies, will help you maximize benefit and minimize risk. Reading this book can save you money and time? and may even save your job.

Global Sourcing of Business and IT Services

Book Description

This book provides in-depth insights into the practices that lead to success in global sourcing. Written by internationally acclaimed academics, it covers best practices on IT outsourcing, offshoring, business process outsourcing and netsourcing. This book is a must read for any practitioner, academic or student concerned with global sourcing.

Building Customer-Based Project Organizations

Book Description

How to Ensure That the Customer Is Truly Your Number One Priority How do winning organizations such as General Electric, Ericsson, and Nokia use project management to reduce time to market, trim inventory and supplier costs, and minimize obsolescence in their product lines? Why do so many companies fail when trying to do the same? In Building Customer-Based Project Organizations, two inter-nationally recognized project management gurus reveal the secrets behind these fabulous successes. Jeffrey Pinto and Pekka Rouhiainen demonstrate that building and maintaining long-term customer relationships is the key to successful project management, offering a method and an implementation strategy that companies can use to streamline their development and supply chain operations. This manual for success shows project managers how to: Place the customer at the center of the company's operational strategy Use customer needs to drive project development and supply chain management Deliver greater value to the customer and the business Increase efficiency, responsiveness, and profitability By following the clearly stated principles and methodology presented in Building Customer-Based Project Organizations, companies in any business sector can "get it right" the first time and build long-term customer relationships that will continue to increase profitability far into the future.

Global Software and IT

Book Description

Based on the author’s first-hand experience and expertise, this book offers a proven framework for global software engineering. Readers will learn best practices for managing a variety of software projects, coordinating the activities of several locations across the globe while accounting for cultural differences. Most importantly, readers will learn how to engineer a first-rate software product as efficiently as possible by fully leveraging global personnel and resources. Global Software and IT takes a unique approach that works for projects of any size, examining such critical topics as: Executing a seamless project across multiple locations Mitigating the risks of off-shoring Developing and implementing processes for global development Establishing practical outsourcing guidelines Fostering effective collaboration and communication across continents and culture This book provides a balanced framework for planning global development, covering topics such as managing people in distributed sites and managing a project across locations. It delivers a comprehensive business model that is beneficial to anyone looking for the most cost-effective, efficient way to engineer good software products.

1981 DOE authorization

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Congressional Budget Request

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Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development

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Majoreconomicupheavalscanhavethesortofe?ectthatSchumpeterforesaw60 yearsagoascreativedestruction.Inscienceandtechnology,equivalentupheavals resultfromeitherscienti?crevolutions(asobservedbyKuhn)ortheintroduction of what Christensen calls disruptive technologies. And in software engineering, there has been no technology more disruptive than outsourcing. That it should so quickly reach maturity and an unparalleled scale is truly remarkable; that it should now be called to demonstrate its sustainability in the current ?nancial turmoil is the challenge that will prove whether and how it will endure. Early signs under even the bleak market conditions of the last 12 months are that it will not only survive, it will ?rmly establish its role across the world of business. Outsourcing throws into sharp focus the entire software engineering life- cle. Topics as diverse as requirements analysis, concurrency and model-checking need to ?nd a composite working partnership in software engineering practice. This con?uence arises from need, not dogma, and the solutions required are those that will have the right e?ect on the associated activities in the world of the application: e.g., reducing the time for a transaction or making the results of a complex analysis available in real-time. While the business of outsourcing continues to be studied, the engineering innovations that make it compelling are constantly changing. It is in this milieu that this series of conferences has placed itself.

Fossil Energy Update

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