The Pan American Games / Los Juegos Panamericanos

Book Description

The Pan American Games, second only to the Olympics as the biggest international sports competition in the world, are held every four years (during the year prior to the Summer Olympics) under the sponsorship of the International Olympic Committee. This book lists the results of the Pan American Games from their commencement in 1951 through 1999. Los Juegos Panamericanos, los segundos mas importantes del mundo tras los Olimpicos, se han venido celebrando cada cuatro anos desde 1951. Se incluye en el presente trabajo bilingue un recuento de los resultados reflejados en dichos juegos a lo largo de su historia, desde los comienzos hasta los mas recientes, celebrados en 1999.

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The New Brazil

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In the midst of a rapidly shifting global economy, Brazil has emerged as a powerful new player on the geopolitical stage. Against all odds, the Latin American nation managed, in just three years, to repay a 2002 $15.5 billion IMF bailout loan thanks to aggressive economic restructuring and a series of alliances that have placed it at the center of political and economic power in the region. From the outside, Brazil is a poster child for neoliberal capitalism. Yet inside the country, the lives of the Brazilian people are still marked by vast inequities in wealth and access to social services--a striking disparity with the nation's newfound power in the global economy. In June of 2013, protests against the increasing costs of public transportation swelled to mass demonstrations against the Rousseff government's failure to address this disparity, leading many to wonder whether the popular movements in Brazil may be just powerful enough to shift the nation's influence towards a wholly new economic model based in regional integration. The New Brazil explores this disparity. Will the nation serve as the glue that holds together the Latin American states, distancing themselves from the neoliberalism of the United States and Canada? Or will Brazil simply become another world superpower, able to subject the rest of Latin American to its will? Only time will tell. Raul Zibechi is a journalist and social-movement analyst based in Montevideo, Uruguay. He is the author of numerous books including Dispersing Power and Territories in Resistance, both published by AK Press.

Sport in Latin America

Book Description

The forthcoming Olympics in Rio in 2016, and the FIFA World Cup in Brazil in 2014, highlight the profound importance of sport in Latin America. This book is the first to offer a broad survey of the way that sport is managed, governed and organized across the Latin American region, drawing on cutting-edge contemporary scholarship in management, policy, sociology and history. The book explores key themes in Latin American sport, including the role of public institutions; the relationship between sport policy and political regimes; the structure and significance of national governing bodies and professional leagues; the impact of sporting mega-events (including the Olympics and World Cup), and the management and governance of football, the dominant sport in the region. Including contributions from Latin American scholars and practitioners, the book draws on important Spanish and Portuguese sources that are unknown to most English-speaking researchers, and therefore provides an unprecedented and authoritative insight into sport policy and management in the region. Including cases from sport in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Peru and examples from Venezuela, Bolivia and Ecuador, this book is essential reading for all scholars, practitioners and policy-makers with an interest in Latin American sport, comparative sport policy, sport management, or Latin American history, culture and society.

The Legacy of Mega Events

Book Description

This edited volume offers a critical reflection on the failed experiment to redevelop the city of Rio de Janeiro according to the neoliberal strategy of entrepreneurial urban governance and mercantile regulatory transformations, which were leveraged by mega-sporting events. The case of Rio de Janeiro is presented as an example of a failing global strategy for urban redevelopment, entrepreneurial urban governance and the realization of mega-events. This book aims to present the real and critical state of the legacies of such mega-events. It shows how instead of the promised economic redemption, Rio is experiencing a severe economic, political and social crisis, handling three observation perspectives: the first is the description of urban transformations and mega events, assessing the contradictions in the model for the intended urban development and taking into account historical factors both at local and national level; the second restricts on neighborhoods as case studies representing an ensign of a neoliberal urban transformation’ results; the third links city and citizenship focusing tensions and inconsistencies and opening up a perspective on the importance of fostering the concept of citizenship, including actions, movements and initiatives that express the resistance and struggles around a possible new destination for Rio de Janeiro. Prof. Luiz Cesar de Quieroz Ribeiro and Dr. Filippo Bignami as General Editors thank Ana Paula Soares Carvalho, Humberto Meza, Niccoló Cuppini and Orlando dos Santos Junior for their contributions as co-editors of this book.

CrÌ_nicas de Moriarty

Book Description

Sumérgete en el fascinante mundo de "Crónicas de Moriarty", una recopilación de posts que te llevará a un viaje lleno de reflexiones, relatos y humor. En esta cautivadora obra, el misterioso autor nos invita a adentrarnos en su imaginación desbordante y descubrir una variedad de historias que te harán reír, reflexionar y emocionarte. Desde divertidas anécdotas cotidianas hasta reflexiones profundas sobre la vida y el amor, "Crónicas de Moriarty" te transportará a través de una montaña rusa de emociones. Cada post te sumergirá en un nuevo universo de personajes y situaciones, invitándote a explorar diferentes facetas del ser humano y a encontrar un refugio en el humor y la imaginación. Con un estilo único y cautivador, el autor te guiará a través de sus pensamientos más ingeniosos y sus historias más memorables. Te hará cuestionar el mundo que te rodea y encontrar belleza en los momentos más simples de la vida. Ya sea que estés buscando una dosis de risas, una reflexión profunda o simplemente un escape de la realidad, "Crónicas de Moriarty" es el compañero perfecto. Sumérgete en estas páginas llenas de ingenio y descubre por qué el autor ha conquistado a miles de lectores con su estilo único y su capacidad para encontrar la belleza en las cosas más inesperadas. Prepárate para un viaje emocional y transformador a través de las "Crónicas de Moriarty". ¿Estás listo para reír, reflexionar y emocionarte con cada post? ¡No puedes perderte esta recopilación que te hará ver el mundo con nuevos ojos y te recordará la importancia de encontrar la alegría en cada día!

The Catalyst

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The Catalyst

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Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age

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Since the advent of digitization, the conceptual confusion surrounding the semantic galaxy that comprises the media and journalism universes has increased. Journalism across several media platforms provides rapidly expanding content and audience engagement that assist in enhancing the journalistic experience. Exploring Transmedia Journalism in the Digital Age provides emerging research on multimedia journalism across various platforms and formats using digital technologies. While highlighting topics, such as immersive journalism, nonfictional narratives, and design practice, this book explores the theoretical and critical approaches to journalism through the lens of various technologies and media platforms. This book is an important resource for scholars, graduate and undergraduate students, and media professionals seeking current research on media expansion and participatory journalism.

Guia de la FFE - Galop® 3

Book Description

Las Guías de la FFE de los Galops® toman en consideración la formación del jinete en su plenitud técnica y cultural, con todas las dimensiones vinculadas a los hábitos de un animal vivo. Ofrecen al jinete un itinerario de formación para recorrer, de cara a adquirir conocimientos en su práctica montado, su práctica a pie y la manipulación del caballo o el poni. Son seis capítulos que componen la Guía de la FFE Galop® 3 : * El capítulo Conocimientos generales presenta una panorámica de las disciplinas ecuestres, las figuras de doma o pista, y el mantenimiento del alojamiento del caballo. * El capítulo Conocer al caballo desarrolla las actividades del caballo y la vida en grupo. Profundiza en los conocimientos sobre hipología: capas, marcas, remolinos, y partes del cuerpo y del casco. Presenta las razas, la función del cuidado de los cascos, y el mecanismo del paso y el trote. * El capítulo Ocuparse del caballo se centra en las operaciones de limpieza y en los arreos. * El capítulo La práctica ecuestre a pie profundiza en lo necesario para saber llevar al caballo con la mano, y hacerle trazar curvas, retroceder, y desplazar los hombros y las caderas. * El capítulo La práctica ecuestre montado se centra en los principios ecuestres básicos y desarrolla los cambios de aire, de mano y de dirección, para después abordar las salidas al exterior y el salto de obstáculos. Esta Guía concluye con las herramientas que le permitirán aprobar el Galop® 3 y orientarse hacia el Galop® 4.