Common Wayside Flowers

Book Description

Lessons from the Flowers

Book Description

This book was finihsed and copywritten in 2001. At last, I found LifeRich Publishing. I lost Chandesi Devona Big Head Man, my eldest and last living child, Felicia Shali Waters who died August 24th, 2020. I dedicate this book to the Lord, whom gave me the gift to write. Then to Felicia's children, Ivy, Corgan and Violet who were taken from us a few years ago. Grandma loves and misses you.

The Song of Es-Soh-En

Book Description

It began when Tanya dove into the ocean and disappeared. When David dives in to rescue her, he discovers that the water has transformed into the Golden Mist that forms the doorway into the Lands of the Adoni. Unlike his previous visit, David finds himself hovering in empty space rather than entering the Lands. Suddenly, a single note, so pure and powerful, erupts in the darkness and the Song of Creation has begun. As David hangs in space, he watches the Lands of the Adoni being sung into existence. This is the third visit to the Lands of the Adoni for David and Tanya. This time when they arrive, it is at the Creation of the Lands of the Adoni, and they are present at the Creation of the First Father and First Mother. What begins as an overwhelming experience of joy, transforms into a terrifying nightmare. Betrayed by the inhabitants who were their subjects, now the First Father and Mother must trust the Children of Earth and the unicorns to save them and their unborn child, as the Dark Lord seeks to steal everything, including their lives.

The Queen of Flowers

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Kiss from a Rose

Book Description

'From the Thorn Bush comes forth a Rose' Jewish Proverb Cancer affects all of us in different ways at some point in our lives, sometimes it's a thorn that develops on our rose, sometimes it's one that stings the stem of a loved one's rose, a disease that creeps around the bud until the life has been strangled from it. Some of us get a chance to fight it; others are forced to bloom before their time, but the rose is still beautiful, no matter how short the stem is cut. So know that each of life's blessings is a Kiss from your Rose - don't take a single second for granted.

Memoirs of the Rose

Book Description