On the Continuation of Solutions of the Equations of Elasticity by Reflection

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It is shown that solutions of the equations of elasticity may be continued by reflection across a spherical boundary whenever an arbitrary linear combiation of the normal displacement and normal surface traction and an arbitrary linear combination of tangential displacements and tangential surface tractions vanish on the spherical surface.

Reflection Principles for Solutions of Equations in Elasticity

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This paper establishes certain reflection principles (analogous to the classical Schwarz reflection principle for harmonic functions) for biharmonic functions which arise as solutions of equations in elasticity.

A New Decomposition Formula in the Theory of Elasticity

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In this paper a new representation formula for the spherical components of displacement in the theory of elasticity is obtained. This formula may be used to reduce mixed boundary value problems for the elastic sphere to standard problems in potential theory.


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Duke Mathematical Journal

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Without specializing in a small number of subject areas, this journal emphasizes the most active and influential areas of current mathematics.

Technical Report BT.

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