One Stiletto in the Grave

Book Description

When you have a bug problem, you call an exterminator. When someone skips out on their bail, you call a bounty hunter. And when a dead soul goes renegade, you call a grim reaper. Avery Graves is your typical type A personality who strives to achieve her best. Her sister, Brooke is…not that. Despite Avery’s best efforts, things aren’t working out as well for them as they are for the other reapers in town and the sisters find themselves a few dead souls short of making the rent. While chasing down a soul bounty that might get them out of their pauper’s grave and into a mausoleum, things take a turn for the worse when the sisters find themselves at odds with the worst thing possible: The living. Because the only thing worse than a dead soul that refuses to move on, is a living soul that refuses to let go.

A Grave Full of Stilettos

Book Description

There’s something brewing in the reaper community. Something dangerous. Something sinister. Stanley Morris is a loan shark. A low life. A thief. A con man. A man of questionable ethics and morality. He is also a lover and a fighter. Up until six months ago he was Brooke Graves’ boyfriend. Most of the time. However, for the last six months, Stanley Morris has been in a coma and Brooke has been wracked with confusion and guilt. She didn’t know what to do with her life. She didn’t know how she felt. All she knew was that Stanley Morris was in a coma and that it was her fault. But eventually Brooke came to terms with her decisions, with her life. She was ready to move on. And then Stanley Morris woke up. But he isn’t Stanley Morris anymore. He’s someone different. He’s someone who’s more monster than man and the monster is in control. A war is coming. And before it’s over, the living and the dead won’t ever be the same again.

Death Wears Stilettos

Book Description

There are two sets of laws in this world: The Law of the Living and the Law of the Dead. And if the Graves Sisters aren’t careful, they’re going to end up breaking both of them. After Brooke’s boyfriend ends up in a coma after a brutal beating from local gangster, Dicky Ramburg, Brooke finds herself on the hook for finding a centuries old Reaper talisman and delivering it to Ramburg. If she doesn’t deliver, Dicky’s promised that the next person to getting a beating will be her and this time he won’t stop until she’s dead. Before Brooke and Avery have any time to even process what’s happened, things go from bad to worse. Something is amiss at Saint Mercy’s. At first it’s thought to be just an accident, a tired, overworked doctor simply wasn’t paying attention. But then it happens again. And again. And again. Avery and Brooke find themselves trapped in every grim reaper’s nightmare: The dead in Saint Mercy’s aren’t staying dead.

One Tomb Short of a Graveyard

Book Description

The Messer Building is located in the heart of downtown Callahan. It’s a building of architectural wonder. It’s visible from almost anywhere in the downtown area. And it’s home to the Darketo Sanction, a top secret organization that’s housing the largest collection of mad scientists anywhere in the country. Two weeks ago, the security system in the Messer Building tried to kill every single human onsite and nobody knows why. Since the geniuses in the Darketo Sanction can’t figure it out, they’ve decided to outsource the mystery to Alex Cheradon. (Although, to be fair, it’s a building filled with a bunch of mad scientists. This one shouldn’t be too hard to figure out, right? Right?) Meanwhile, Devon Christian is on the edge of sanity. The voices in his head get louder every day. At some point, he’s not going to be able to ignore those voices forever. And when he stops, there’s only one person at the top of his hit list

Better Than Dead

Book Description

The citizens of Clayton City have a problem. From beneath their beds, from deep in the corners of their darkest closets, things are stirring. Monstrous things. In the twin cities of Clayton and Callahan, Alex Cheradon and Devon Christian are two somewhat famous-ish private investigators. They’ve saved the twin cities a couple of times, stopped a werewolf apocalypse or two and are the best of friends, despite that short period of time when Devon went crazy and tried to kill Alex. But it’s all water under the proverbial bridge now. Times are tough and cheating spouses and missing kids don’t always pay the bills. Of course, thanks to a mysterious, mystical gem embedded in his chest, Devon can go weeks, sometimes even months without eating. Unfortunately for Alex, though, all he has is a sharp wit and an awesome collection of hilariously ironic T-Rex t-shirts, neither of which do much to satisfy the grumbling in his stomach. When Judy Brathweight darkens their doorstep with concerns about what’s making some creepily hungry noises under her child’s bed, Alex and Devon are in no position to turn her away. Monster hunting may not be their specialty, but at least it’ll put food on the table. Unless, of course, Alex and Devon end up as food on someone else's table first.

The Last Breath of a Dying Tomorrow

Book Description

The Veneer Empire is collapsing. A hundred years ago the Veneer Empire seceded from the UPA and entered into a secret alliance with the Unity. Today, the seeds of the empire’s collapse have taken root and are blossoming into a chaotic darkness that threatens to destabilize the entire region. The Veneer home world has suddenly gone silent. An entire planet with billions of inhabitants and there is nothing but silence. Without the guidance and leadership from the home world, the structure of the empire is crumbling. Supply chains are failing. Criminal elements are running wild. The entire sector is up for grabs and anyone who can make a power play is making it. In an effort to stabilize the region, the UPA has dispatched an envoy headed up by the Defiance. Their mission is humanitarian. They’re to offer aid and begin the process of reestablishing communication between the Alliance and the Veneer Empire. But before long, that mission turns to survival for the crew of the Defiance. Survival against the darkness from without, and from within.


Book Description

One hundred years ago they came. We reached out to them with a hand of friendship and they returned the gesture by nearly destroying us all. After a single encounter with the mysterious alien race identified only as Species 4876, the United Planetary Alliance was nearly decimated. Stopping their lone vessel was almost a hollow victory in the aftermath of the haunting mystery that Species 4876 presented: Where had they come from? Why did they attack us? And most of all, what if they came back? But they never did. Today, the threat of Species 4876 is a distant memory, a nearly forgotten footnote in the history books. Or is it? On the outer rim, cut off from any backup, ignored by Fleet Admiralty and surrounded by a hostile empire and an interstellar crime syndicate, Captain Mitchell and his crew of the USS Defiance find themselves as the first, and possibly only, defense against an alien menace that the rest of the galaxy has all but forgotten about. “Firefly” meets “Battlestar Galactica” via "Star Trek" in this addictive, fast-paced military sci-fi adventure.

Dating Disaster

Book Description

After taking Sloane Slade under her wing, Rose Gardens is faced with the seemingly impossible task of teaching the quick tempered teen how to be a hero, without accidentally turning her into the next terrifying supervillain of Century City. But superhero school comes to an abrupt halt when superhero reality rears its ugly head: the mystery of Rose’s murderous boyfriend from the future is a ticking time bomb that’s set to go off any minute, and every minute Rose spends away from cracking the mystery of how the love of her life transforms into the man who would see her dead is one minute closer to Rose meeting that unfortunate fate. Disaster looms on the horizon of Rose’s life and when a superhero’s life turns into a disaster, the rest of the world isn’t too far behind.

Everything's Coming Up Aces

Book Description

“Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else.” ~ Will Rogers Peter Perkins was born and raised in Las Vegas. He’s a jaded local through and through. So nobody’s more surprised than him when a sleazy street magician cons him out of a priceless family heirloom. So Peter Perkins does the only thing he can think of: He gets help. From Alex Cheradon? Wait a minute. Alex Cheradon? What’s he doing in Vegas?

Hand of God

Book Description

On the edge of UPA space a mysterious vessel has appeared. No one knows where it came from. It has no callsign or identifying marks. The vessel simply transmits a standard S.O.S. in a signal that hasn’t been used in hundreds of years: Morse code. While still recovering from their losses on Carlock, the USS Defiance is dispatched to investigate. But when they arrive they discover that every single individual on the ship has already been dead for hundreds of years. As Captain Mitchell and his crew work to unravel the mystery of this ghost ship, they soon find themselves confronted by something far worse than a simple space mystery: What killed this crew so long ago is still very much onboard and still is very much alive.