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Who Killed Hammarskjöld?

Book Description

It has been 50 years since the UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold mysteriously died in a plane crash in Africa. Williams uncovers new evidence to demonstrate conclusively that the horrific conflict in the Congo was driven not so much by internal divisions as by the Cold War and the West's determination to control post-colonial Africa.

The International Law of Human Rights in Africa

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Against Apartheid in Sports (1986).

L’avenir du travail en Afrique

Book Description

L‘avenir du travail en Afrique se penche sur deux questions fondamentales : comment créer des emplois productifs et comment subvenir aux besoins des laissés-pour-compte. Le rapport met en lumière comment l’adoption des technologies numériques, conjuguée à d’autres phénomènes mondiaux, transforme la nature du travail en Afrique subsaharienne et pose un défi en même temps qu’elle crée de nouvelles possibilités. Les auteurs montrent que les nouvelles technologies ne sont pas simplement synonymes de destruction d’emplois, comme on le craint généralement, mais qu’elles peuvent permettre aux pays africains de construire un monde du travail inclusif et offrir des opportunités aux travailleurs les moins qualifiés. Pour exploiter ces opportunités, cependant, il est indispensable de mettre en place des politiques publiques et de réaliser des investissements productifs dans quatre domaines principaux. Il faudra notamment promouvoir des technologies numériques inclusives, développer le capital humain d’une main-d’oeuvre jeune, globalement peu qualifiée et qui s’accroît rapidement, augmenter la productivité des entreprises et des travailleurs du secteur informel et élargir la couverture de la protection sociale pour atténuer les risques liés aux bouleversements du marché du travail. Le présent rapport, prolongement du Rapport sur le développement dans le monde 2019 de la Banque mondiale, aborde en conclusion d’importantes questions de politique publique qui viendront alimenter de futurs travaux de recherche permettant de guider les pays africains sur la voie d’une croissance plus inclusive.

African International Relations

Book Description

African International Relations is a thoroughly revised and updated bibliography that contains annotated entries for international books and journal articles in the field of African international relations.

Supranational Institutions and Peacebuilding in Africa

Book Description

This book analyses the role of the African Union and regional economic communities in contributing to peacebuilding in Africa. Big and small conflicts rage across the African continent, and this book argues that the African Union and the five regional economic communities have the potential to greatly contribute to peace and peacebuilding In Africa. Looking across the African Union and the five regional economic communities (the AMU, ECCAS, ECOWAS, IGAD, and SADC), the book considers in detail the organizations’ programmes, engagement, endeavours, success and failure of activities of peacebuilding in their respective regions. Overall, the book argues that an institutionalised and formalised relationship between the African Union and the regional economic communities would not only be decisive for the prospects for peace in the region but would also serve to strengthen the continent’s role on the global stage through asserting its agency, owning its agenda, and designing its own solutions and mechanisms for addressing problems. Drawing together an international team of prominent experts, this book will be of interest to researchers, policymakers, NGOs, activists, and regional and international actors working on African politics, security, governance, and economics.

African Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire Africain De Droit International

Book Description

The "African Yearbook of International Law" provides an intellectual forum for the systematic analysis and scientific dissection of issues of international law as they apply to Africa, as well as Africa's contribution to the progressive development of international law. It contributes to the promotion, acceptance of and respect for the principles of international law, as well as to the encouragement of the teaching, study, dissemination and wider appreciations of international law in Africa. A clear articulation of Africa's views on the various aspects of international law based on the present realities of the continent as well as on Africa's civilization, culture, philosophy and history will undoubtedly contribute to a better understanding among nations. The "African Yearbook of International Law" plays an important role in examining the tensions underlying the State in Africa, and by shedding more light on the causes of the fragility of African State institutions so as to facilitate the identification of appropriate remedies. The tension and interrelationships among issues such as territorial integrity, self determination, ethnic diversity and nation-building are constantly addressed. Development, human rights and democratization in Africa are also the subject of continuous attention and examination. The Special Theme of this volume is: "Civil Conflicts in Africa (Part" "I)/ Les conflits internes en Afrique (1ere partie),"

Devindex Africa

Book Description