Response of Dual-purpose Reinforced-concrete Mass Shelter

Book Description

A reinforced-concrete dual-purpose underground parking garage and personnel sheiter designed for a long-duration incident pressure of 40 psi was tested. The sheiter was exposed to shot Priscilla, an approximately 37-kt 700-ft balloon burst (June 24, 1957), at a ground range of 1600 ft (predicted 35-psi peak incident-pressure level). The recorded peak incident pressure at the shelter was approximately 39 psi. Postshot soil borings were made to obtain undisturbed samples for determining soil characteristics. Preshot and postshot field surveys were made to determine the total lateral and vertical displacement of the structure. The test structure provided adequate protection from the effects of the test device at the test GZ distance. Despite failure of the door sealing gasket, a rise in pressure in the interior did not exceed 1.0 psi. The flat-slab roof and supporting structure were more than adequate to resist the 39psi peak incident test loading. (P.C.H.).

Dome-structure Response Instrumentation

Book Description

Power-transferring equipment was designed to change from a-c to d-c power prior to shot time. The d-c power was supplied by storage batteries to motors driving 110-volt 60-cycle single-phase alternators which operated all the instrumentation.


Book Description