Operator Semigroups Meet Complex Analysis, Harmonic Analysis and Mathematical Physics

Book Description

This proceedings volume originates from a conference held in Herrnhut in June 2013. It provides unique insights into the power of abstract methods and techniques in dealing successfully with numerous applications stemming from classical analysis and mathematical physics. The book features diverse topics in the area of operator semigroups, including partial differential equations, martingale and Hilbert transforms, Banach and von Neumann algebras, Schrödinger operators, maximal regularity and Fourier multipliers, interpolation, operator-theoretical problems (concerning generation, perturbation and dilation, for example), and various qualitative and quantitative Tauberian theorems with a focus on transfinite induction and magics of Cantor. The last fifteen years have seen the dawn of a new era for semigroup theory with the emphasis on applications of abstract results, often unexpected and far removed from traditional ones. The aim of the conference was to bring together prominent experts in the field of modern semigroup theory, harmonic analysis, complex analysis and mathematical physics, and to present the lively interactions between all of those areas and beyond. In addition, the meeting honored the sixtieth anniversary of Prof C. J. K. Batty, whose scientific achievements are an impressive illustration of the conference goal. These proceedings present contributions by prominent scientists at this international conference, which became a landmark event. They will be a valuable and inspiring source of information for graduate students and established researchers.

Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the Conference on Complex Analysis and Spectral Theory, in celebration of Thomas Ransford's 60th birthday, held from May 21–25, 2018, at Laval University, Québec, Canada. Spectral theory is the branch of mathematics devoted to the study of matrices and their eigenvalues, as well as their infinite-dimensional counterparts, linear operators and their spectra. Spectral theory is ubiquitous in science and engineering because so many physical phenomena, being essentially linear in nature, can be modelled using linear operators. On the other hand, complex analysis is the calculus of functions of a complex variable. They are widely used in mathematics, physics, and in engineering. Both topics are related to numerous other domains in mathematics as well as other branches of science and engineering. The list includes, but is not restricted to, analytical mechanics, physics, astronomy (celestial mechanics), geology (weather modeling), chemistry (reaction rates), biology, population modeling, economics (stock trends, interest rates and the market equilibrium price changes). There are many other connections, and in recent years there has been a tremendous amount of work on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of analytic functions, on the operators acting on them, as well as on applications in physics and engineering, which arise from pure topics like interpolation and sampling. Many of these connections are discussed in articles included in this book.

Semigroups of Operators – Theory and Applications

Book Description

This book features selected and peer-reviewed lectures presented at the 3rd Semigroups of Operators: Theory and Applications Conference, held in Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, in October 2018 to mark the 85th birthday of Jan Kisyński. Held every five years, the conference offers a forum for mathematicians using semigroup theory to discover what is happening outside their particular field of research and helps establish new links between various sub-disciplines of semigroup theory, stochastic processes, differential equations and the applied fields. The book is intended for researchers, postgraduate and senior students working in operator theory, partial differential equations, probability and stochastic processes, analytical methods in biology and other natural sciences, optimisation and optimal control. The theory of semigroups of operators is a well-developed branch of functional analysis. Its foundations were laid at the beginning of the 20th century, while Hille and Yosida’s fundamental generation theorem dates back to the forties. The theory was originally designed as a universal language for partial differential equations and stochastic processes but, at the same time, it started to become an independent branch of operator theory. Today, it still has the same distinctive character: it develops rapidly by posing new ‘internal’ questions and, in answering them, discovering new methods that can be used in applications. On the other hand, it is being influenced by questions from PDE’s and stochastic processes as well as from applied sciences such as mathematical biology and optimal control and, as a result, it continually gathers new momentum. However, many results, both from semigroup theory itself and the applied sciences, are phrased in discipline-specific languages and are hardly known to the broader community.

Convergence of One-parameter Operator Semigroups

Book Description

Presents the classical theory of convergence of semigroups and looks at how it applies to real-world phenomena.

Analysis in Banach Spaces

Book Description

This second volume of Analysis in Banach Spaces, Probabilistic Methods and Operator Theory, is the successor to Volume I, Martingales and Littlewood-Paley Theory. It presents a thorough study of the fundamental randomisation techniques and the operator-theoretic aspects of the theory. The first two chapters address the relevant classical background from the theory of Banach spaces, including notions like type, cotype, K-convexity and contraction principles. In turn, the next two chapters provide a detailed treatment of the theory of R-boundedness and Banach space valued square functions developed over the last 20 years. In the last chapter, this content is applied to develop the holomorphic functional calculus of sectorial and bi-sectorial operators in Banach spaces. Given its breadth of coverage, this book will be an invaluable reference to graduate students and researchers interested in functional analysis, harmonic analysis, spectral theory, stochastic analysis, and the operator-theoretic approach to deterministic and stochastic evolution equations.

Banach Algebras and Applications

Book Description

The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.

A Primer for a Secret Shortcut to PDEs of Mathematical Physics

Book Description

​This book presents a concise introduction to a unified Hilbert space approach to the mathematical modelling of physical phenomena which has been developed over recent years by Picard and his co-workers. The main focus is on time-dependent partial differential equations with a particular structure in the Hilbert space setting that ensures well-posedness and causality, two essential properties of any reasonable model in mathematical physics or engineering.However, the application of the theory to other types of equations is also demonstrated. By means of illustrative examples, from the straightforward to the more complex, the authors show that many of the classical models in mathematical physics as well as more recent models of novel materials and interactions are covered, or can be restructured to be covered, by this unified Hilbert space approach. The reader should require only a basic foundation in the theory of Hilbert spaces and operators therein. For convenience, however, some of the more technical background requirements are covered in detail in two appendices The theory is kept as elementary as possible, making the material suitable for a senior undergraduate or master’s level course. In addition, researchers in a variety of fields whose work involves partial differential equations and applied operator theory will also greatly benefit from this approach to structuring their mathematical models in order that the general theory can be applied to ensure the essential properties of well-posedness and causality.

Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Systems Theory

Book Description

Infinite-dimensional systems is a well established area of research with an ever increasing number of applications. Given this trend, there is a need for an introductory text treating system and control theory for this class of systems in detail. This textbook is suitable for courses focusing on the various aspects of infinite-dimensional state space theory. This book is made accessible for mathematicians and post-graduate engineers with a minimal background in infinite-dimensional system theory. To this end, all the system theoretic concepts introduced throughout the text are illustrated by the same types of examples, namely, diffusion equations, wave and beam equations, delay equations and the new class of platoon-type systems. Other commonly met distributed and delay systems can be found in the exercise sections. Every chapter ends with such a section, containing about 30 exercises testing the theoretical concepts as well. An extensive account of the mathematical background assumed is contained in the appendix.

Integrable Systems and Algebraic Geometry: Volume 1

Book Description

Created as a celebration of mathematical pioneer Emma Previato, this comprehensive book highlights the connections between algebraic geometry and integrable systems, differential equations, mathematical physics, and many other areas. The authors, many of whom have been at the forefront of research into these topics for the last decades, have all been influenced by Previato's research, as her collaborators, students, or colleagues. The diverse articles in the book demonstrate the wide scope of Previato's work and the inclusion of several survey and introductory articles makes the text accessible to graduate students and non-experts, as well as researchers. This first volume covers a wide range of areas related to integrable systems, often emphasizing the deep connections with algebraic geometry. Common themes include theta functions and Abelian varieties, Lax equations, integrable hierarchies, Hamiltonian flows and difference operators. These powerful tools are applied to spinning top, Hitchin, Painleve and many other notable special equations.