Optimal Control of Switched Autonomous Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and Robotic Applications

Book Description

As control systems are becoming more and more complex, system complexity is rapidly becoming a limiting factor in the efficacy of established techniques for control systems design. To cope with the growing complexity, control architectures often have a hierarchical structure. At the base of the system pyramid lie feedback loops with simple closed-loop control laws. These are followed, at a higher level, by discrete control logics. Such hierarchical systems typically have a hybrid nature. A common approach to addressing these types of complexity consists of decomposing, in the time domain, the control task into a number of modes, i.e. control laws dedicated to carrying out a limited task. This type of control generally involves switching laws among the various modes, and its design poses a major challenge in many application domains. The primary goal of this thesis is to develop a unified framework for addressing this challenge. To this end, the contribution of this thesis is threefold: (1) An algorithmic framework for how to optimize the performance of switched autonomous systems is derived. The optimization concerns both the sequence in which different modes appear in and the duration of each mode. The optimization algorithms are presented together with detailed convergence analyses. (2) Control strategies for how to optimize switched autonomous systems operating in real time, and when the initial state of the system is unknown, are presented. (3) A control strategy for how to optimally navigate an autonomous mobile robot in real-time is presented and evaluated on a mobile robotics platform. The control strategy uses optimal switching surfaces for when to switch between different modes of operations (behaviors).

Real-Time Optimal Control of Autonomous Switched Systems

Book Description

This work provides a real-time algorithmic optimal control framework for autonomous switched systems. Traditional optimal control approaches for autonomous switched systems are open-loop in nature. Therefore, the switching times of the system can not be adjusted or adapted when the system parameters or the operational environments change. This work aims to close this loop, and apply adaptations to the optimal switching strategy based on new information that can only be captured on-line. One important contribution of this work is to provide the means to allow feedback (in a general sense) to the control laws (i.e. the switching times) of the switched system so that the control laws can be updated to maintain optimality of the switching-time control inputs. Furthermore, convergence analysis for the proposed algorithms are presented. The effectiveness of the real-time algorithms is demonstrated by an application in optimal formation and coverage control of a networked system. This application is implemented on a realistic simulation framework consisting of a number of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) that interact in a virtual 3D world.

Cooperative Control of Dynamical Systems

Book Description

Stability theory has allowed us to study both qualitative and quantitative properties of dynamical systems, and control theory has played a key role in designing numerous systems. Contemporary sensing and communication n- works enable collection and subscription of geographically-distributed inf- mation and such information can be used to enhance signi?cantly the perf- manceofmanyofexisting systems. Throughasharedsensing/communication network,heterogeneoussystemscannowbecontrolledtooperaterobustlyand autonomously; cooperative control is to make the systems act as one group and exhibit certain cooperative behavior, and it must be pliable to physical and environmental constraints as well as be robust to intermittency, latency and changing patterns of the information ?ow in the network. This book attempts to provide a detailed coverage on the tools of and the results on analyzing and synthesizing cooperative systems. Dynamical systems under consideration can be either continuous-time or discrete-time, either linear or non-linear, and either unconstrained or constrained. Technical contents of the book are divided into three parts. The ?rst part consists of Chapters 1, 2, and 4. Chapter 1 provides an overview of coope- tive behaviors, kinematical and dynamical modeling approaches, and typical vehicle models. Chapter 2 contains a review of standard analysis and design tools in both linear control theory and non-linear control theory. Chapter 4 is a focused treatment of non-negativematrices and their properties,multipli- tive sequence convergence of non-negative and row-stochastic matrices, and the presence of these matrices and sequences in linear cooperative systems.

Optimal Control of Switched Systems with Application to Networked Embedded Control Systems

Book Description

This thesis addresses optimal control of discrete-time switched linear systems with application to networked embedded control systems (NECSs). Part I focuses on optimal control and scheduling of discrete-time switched linear systems. The objective is to simultaneously design a control law and a switching (scheduling) law such that a cost function is minimized. This optimization problem exhibits exponential complexity. Taming the complexity is a major challenge. Two novel methods are presented to approach this optimization problem: Receding-horizon control and scheduling relies on the receding horizon principle. The optimization problem is solved based on relaxed dynamic programming, allowing to reduce complexity by relaxing optimality within predefined bounds. The solution can be expressed as a piecewise linear (PWL) state feedback control law. Stability is addressed via an a priori stability condition based on a terminal weighting matrix and several a posteriori stability criteria based on constructing piecewise quadratic Lyapunov functions and on utilizing the cost function as a candidate Lyapunov function. Moreover, a region-reachability criterion is derived. Periodic control and scheduling relies on periodic control theory. Both offline and online scheduling are studied. The optimization problem is solved based on periodic control and exhaustive search. The online scheduling solution can again be expressed as a PWL state feedback control law. Stability is guaranteed inherently. Several methods are proposed to reduce the online complexity based on relaxation and heuristics. Part II focuses on optimal control and scheduling of NECSs. The NECS is modeled as a block-diagonal discrete-time switched linear system. Various control and scheduling codesign strategies are derived based on the methods from Part I regarding the structural properties of NECSs. The methods presented in Part I and II are finally evaluated in a case study.

Software-Enabled Control

Book Description

Discusses open systems, object orientation, software agents, domain-specific languages, component architectures, as well as the dramatic IT-enabled improvements in memory, communication, and processing resources that are now available for sophisticated control algorithms to exploit. Useful for practitioners and researchers in the fields of real-time systems, aerospace engineering, embedded systems, and artificial intelligence.

Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems

Book Description

Distributed robotics is a rapidly growing, interdisciplinary research area lying at the intersection of computer science, communication and control systems, and electrical and mechanical engineering. The goal of the Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS) is to exchange and stimulate research ideas to realize advanced distributed robotic systems. This volume of proceedings includes 43 original contributions presented at the Tenth International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2010), which was held in November 2010 at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. The selected papers in this volume are authored by leading researchers from Asia, Europa, and the Americas, thereby providing a broad coverage and perspective of the state-of-the-art technologies, algorithms, system architectures, and applications in distributed robotic systems. The book is organized into four parts, each representing one critical and long-term research thrust in the multi-robot community: distributed sensing (Part I); localization, navigation, and formations (Part II); coordination algorithms and formal methods (Part III); modularity, distributed manipulation, and platforms (Part IV).

Optimization and Cooperative Control Strategies

Book Description

Cooperative, collaborating autonomous systems are at the forefront of research efforts in numerous disciplines across the applied sciences. There is constant progress in solution techniques for these systems. However, despite this progress, cooperating systems have continued to be extremely difficult to model, analyze, and solve. Theoretical results are very difficult to come by. Each year, the International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization (CCO) brings together top researchers from around the world to present new, cutting-edge, ideas, theories, applications, and advances in the fields of autonomous agents, cooperative systems, control theory, information flow, and optimization. The works in this volume are a result of invited papers and selected presentations at the Eighth Annual International Conference on Cooperative Control and Optimization, held in Gainesville, Florida, January 30 – February 1, 2008.

Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Agents in Power System Control and Operation

Book Description

Autonomous systems are one of the most important trends for the next generation of control systems. This book is the first to transfer autonomous systems concepts and intelligent agents theory into the control and operation environment of power systems. The focus of this book is to design a future control system architecture for electrical power systems, which copes with the changed requirements concerning complexity and flexibility and includes several applications for power systems. This book draws the whole circle from the theoretical and IT-concept of autonomous systems for power system control over the required knowledge-based methods and their capabilities to concrete applications within this field.

The Control Handbook (three volume set)

Book Description

At publication, The Control Handbook immediately became the definitive resource that engineers working with modern control systems required. Among its many accolades, that first edition was cited by the AAP as the Best Engineering Handbook of 1996. Now, 15 years later, William Levine has once again compiled the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on control engineering. He has fully reorganized the text to reflect the technical advances achieved since the last edition and has expanded its contents to include the multidisciplinary perspective that is making control engineering a critical component in so many fields. Now expanded from one to three volumes, The Control Handbook, Second Edition brilliantly organizes cutting-edge contributions from more than 200 leading experts representing every corner of the globe. They cover everything from basic closed-loop systems to multi-agent adaptive systems and from the control of electric motors to the control of complex networks. Progressively organized, the three volume set includes: Control System Fundamentals Control System Applications Control System Advanced Methods Any practicing engineer, student, or researcher working in fields as diverse as electronics, aeronautics, or biomedicine will find this handbook to be a time-saving resource filled with invaluable formulas, models, methods, and innovative thinking. In fact, any physicist, biologist, mathematician, or researcher in any number of fields developing or improving products and systems will find the answers and ideas they need. As with the first edition, the new edition not only stands as a record of accomplishment in control engineering but provides researchers with the means to make further advances.

Control Synthesis of Switched Systems

Book Description

This book offers its readers a detailed overview of the synthesis of switched systems, with a focus on switching stabilization and intelligent control. The problems investigated are not only previously unsolved theoretically but also of practical importance in many applications: voltage conversion, naval piloting and navigation and robotics, for example. The book considers general switched-system models and provides more efficient design methods to bring together theory and application more closely than was possible using classical methods. It also discusses several different classes of switched systems. For general switched linear systems and switched nonlinear systems comprising unstable subsystems, it introduces novel ideas such as invariant subspace theory and the time-scheduled Lyapunov function method of designing switching signals to stabilize the underlying systems. For some typical switched nonlinear systems affected by various complex dynamics, the book proposes novel design approaches based on intelligent control concepts. It is a useful source of up-to-date design methods and algorithms for researchers studying switched systems and graduate students of control theory and engineering. In addition, it is a valuable reference resource for practising engineers working in switched-system control design. Readers should have a basic knowledge of linear, nonlinear and switched systems.