On the perspectives of SiC MOSFETs in high-frequency and high-power isolated DC/DC converters

Book Description

Increasing demand for efficiency and power density pushes Si-based devices to some of their inherent material limits, including those related to temperature operation, switching frequency, and blocking voltage. Recently, SiC-based power devices are promising candidates for high-power and high-frequency switching applications. Today, SiC MOSFETs are commercially available from several manufacturers. Although technology affiliated with SiC MOSFETs is improving rapidly, many challenges remain, and some of them are investigated in this work. The research work in this dissertation is divided into the three following parts. Firstly, the static and switching characteristics of the state-of-the-art 1.2 kV planar and double-trench SiC MOSFETs from two different manufacturers are evaluated. The effects of different biasing voltages, DC link voltages, and temperatures are analysed. The characterisation results show that the devices exhibit superior switching performances under different operating conditions. Moreover, several aspects of using the SiC MOSFET’s body diode in a DC/DC converter are investigated, comparing the body-diodes of planar and double-trench devices. Reverse recovery is evaluated in switching tests considering the case temperature, switching rate, forward current, and applied voltage. Based on the measurement results, the junction temperature is estimated to guarantee safe operation. A simple electro-thermal model is proposed in order to estimate the maximum allowed switching frequency based on the thermal design of the SiC devices. Using these results, hard- and soft-switching converters are designed, and devices are characterised as being in continuous operation at a very high switching frequency of 1 MHz. Thereafter, the SiC MOSFETs are operated in a continuous mode in a 10 kW / 100-250 kHz buck converter, comparing synchronous rectification, the use of the body diode, and the use of an external Schottky diode. Further, the parallel operation of the planar devices is considered. Thus, the paralleling of SiC MOSFETs is investigated before comparing the devices in continuous converter operation. In this regard, the impact of the most common mismatch parameters on the static and dynamic current sharing of the transistors is evaluated, showing that paralleling of SiC MOSFETs is feasible. Subsequently, an analytical model of SiC MOSFETs for switching loss optimisation is proposed. The analytical model exhibits relatively close agreement with measurement results under different test conditions. The proposed model tracks the oscillation effectively during both turn-on and –off transitions. This has been achieved by considering the influence of the most crucial parasitic elements in both power and gate loops. In the second part, a comprehensive short-circuit ruggedness evaluation focusing on different failure modes of the planar and double-trench SiC devices is presented. The effects of different biasing voltages, DC link voltages, and gate resistances are evaluated. Additionally, the temperature-dependence of the short-circuit capability is evaluated, and the associated failure modes are analysed. Subsequently, the design and test of two different methods for overcurrent protection are proposed. The desaturation technique is applied to the SiC MOSFETs and compared to a second method that depends on the stray inductance of the devices. Finally, the benefits of using SiC devices in continuous high-frequency, high-power DC/DC converters is experimentally evaluated. In this regard, a design optimisation of a high-frequency transformer is introduced, and the impact of different core materials, conductor designs, and winding arrangements are evaluated. A ZVZCS Phase-Shift Full-Bridge unidirectional DC/DC converter is proposed, using only the parasitic leakage inductance of the transformer. Experimental results for a 10 kW, (100-250) kHz prototype indicate an efficiency of up to 98.1% for the whole converter. Furthermore, an optimized control method is proposed to minimise the circulation current in the isolated bidirectional dual active bridge DC/DC converter, based on a modified dual-phase-shift control method. This control method is also experimentally compared with traditional single-phase shift control, yielding a significant improvement in efficiency. The experimental results confirm the theoretical analysis and show that the proposed control can enhance the overall converter efficiency and expand the ZVZCS range. Die steigende Nachfrage nach Effizienz und Leistungsdichte bringt Si-basierte eistungsbauteile an einige inhärente Materialgrenzen, die unter anderem mit der Temperaturbelastung, der Schaltfrequenz und der Blockierspannung in Zusammenhang stehen. In jüngster Zeit sind SiC-basierte Leistungsbauelemente vielversprechende Kandidaten für Hochleistungs- und Hochfrequenzanwendungen. Aktuell sind SiC-MOSFETs von mehreren Herstellern im Handel erhältlich. Obwohl sich die Technologie der SiC-MOSFETs rasch verbessert, werden viele Herausforderungen bestehen bleiben. Einige dieser Herausforderungen werden in dieser Arbeit untersucht. Die Untersuchungen in dieser Dissertation gliedern sich in die drei folgenden Teile: Im ersten Teil erfolgt, die statische und die transiente Charakterisierung der aktuellen 1,2 kV Planarund Doubletrench SiC-MOSFETs verschiedener Hersteller. Die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Gatespannungen, Zwischenkreisspannungen und Temperaturen werden analysiert. Die Ergebnisse der Charakterisierung zeigen, dass die Bauteile überlegene Schaltleistungen unter verschiedenen Betriebsbedingungen aufweisen. Darüber hinaus wird der Einsatz der internen SiC-Bodydioden in einem DC/DC-Wandler untersucht, wobei die Unterschiede zwischen Planar- und Doppeltrench-Bauteilen aufgezeigt werden. Das Reverse-Recovery-Verhalten wird unter Berücksichtigung der Gehäusetemperatur, der Schaltgeschwindigkeit, des Durchlassstroms und der angelegten Spannung bewertet. Anhand der Messergebnisse wird die Sperrschichttemperatur geschätzt, damit ein sicherer Betrieb gewährleistet ist. Ein einfaches elektrothermisches Modell wird vorgestellt, um die maximal zulässige Schaltfrequenz auf der Grundlage des thermischen Designs der SiC-Bauteile abzuschätzen. Anhand dieser Ergebnisse werden hart- und weichschaltende Umrichter konzipiert und die Bauteile werden im Dauerbetrieb mit einer sehr hohen Schaltfrequenz von 1 MHz untersucht. Danach werden die SiC-MOSFETs im Dauerbetrieb in einem 10 kW / 100-250 kHz-Tiefsetzsteller betrieben. Dabei wird die Synchrongleichrichtung, die Verwendung der internen Diode und die Verwendung einer externen Schottky-Diode verglichen. Außerdem wird die Parallelisierung von SiC-MOSFETs untersucht, bevor die Parallelschaltung der verschiedenen Bauelemente ebenso im kontinuierlichen Konverterbetrieb verglichen wird. Es wird der Einfluss der häufigsten Parametervariationen auf die statische und dynamische Stromaufteilung der Transistoren analysiert, was zeigt, dass eine Parallelisierung von SiC-MOSFETs möglich ist. Anschließend wird ein analytisches Modell der SiC-MOSFETs zur Schaltverlustoptimierung vorgeschlagen. Das analytische Modell zeigt eine relativ enge Übereinstimmung mit den Messergebnissen unter verschiedenen Testbedingungen. Das vorgeschlagene Modell bildet die Schwingungen sowohl beim Ein- als auch beim Ausschalten effektiv nach. Dies wurde durch die Berücksichtigung der wichtigsten parasitären Elemente in Strom- und Gatekreisen erreicht. Im zweiten Teil wird eine umfassende Bewertung der Kurzschlussfestigkeit mit Fokus auf verschiedene Ausfallmodi der planaren und double-trench SiC-Bauelemente vorgestellt. Die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Gatespannungen, Zwischenkreisspannungen und Gate-Widerstände werden ausgewertet. Zusätzlich wird die temperaturabhängige Kurzschlussfähigkeit ausgewertet und die zugehörigen Fehlerfälle werden analysiert. Anschließend wird die Auslegung und Prüfung von zwei verschiedenen Verfahren zum Überstromschutz evaluiert. Die „Desaturation“-Technik wird auf SiC-MOSFETs angewendet und mit einer zweiten Methode verglichen, welche die parasitäre Induktivität der Bauelemente nutzt. Schließlich wird der Nutzen des Einsatzes von SiC-Bauteilen in kontinuierlichen Hochfrequenz-Hochleistungs-DC/DC-Wandlern experimentell untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang wird eine Designoptimierung eines Hochfrequenztransformators vorgestellt und der Einfluss verschiedener Kernmaterialien, Leiterausführungen und Wicklungsanordnungen wird bewertet. Es wird ein unidirektionaler ZVZCS Vollbrücken-DC/DC-Wandler vorgestellt, der nur die parasitäre Streuinduktivität des Transformators verwendet. Experimentelle Ergebnisse für einen 10 kW, (100-250) kHz Prototyp zeigen einenWirkungsgrad von bis zu 98,1% für den gesamten Umrichter. Abschließend wird ein optimiertes Regelverfahren verwendet, welches auf einem modifizierten Dual-Phase-Shift-Regelverfahren basiert, um den Kreisstrom im isolierten bidirektionalen Dual-Aktiv-Brücken-DC/DC-Wandler zu minimieren. Diese Regelmethode wird experimentell mit der herkömmlichen Single-Phase-Shift-Regelung verglichen. Hierbei zeigt sich eine deutliche Effizienzsteigerung durch die neue Regelmethode. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse bestätigen die theoretische Analyse und zeigen, dass die vorgeschlagene Regelung den Gesamtwirkungsgrad des Umrichters erhöhen und den ZVZCS-Bereich erweitern kann.

Modeling and Analysis of Power MOSFETs for High Frequency DC-DC Converters

Book Description

Evolutions in integrated circuit technology require the use of a high-frequency synchronous buck converter in order to achieve low cost, low profile, fast transient response and high power density. However, high frequency operation leads to increased power MOSFET switching losses. Optimization of the MOSFETs plays an important role in improving converter performance. This dissertation focuses on revealing the power loss mechanism of power MOSFETs and the relationship between power MOSFET structure and its power loss. The analytical device model, combined with circuit modeling, cannot reveal the relationship between device structure and its power loss due to the highly non-linear characteristics of power MOSFETs. A physically-based mixed device/circuit modeling approach is used to investigate the power losses of the MOSFETs under different operating conditions. The physically based device model, combined with SPICE-like circuit simulation, provides an expeditious and inexpensive way of evaluating and optimizing circuit and device concepts. Unlike analytical or other SPICE models of power MOSFETs, the numerical device model, relying little on approximations or simplifications, faithfully represents the behavior of realistic power MOSFETs. The impact of power MOSFET parameters on efficiency of synchronous buck converters, such as gate charge, on resistance, reverse recovery, is studied in detail in this thesis. The results provide a good indication on how to optimize power MOSFETs used in VRMs. The synchronous rectifier plays an important role in determining the performance of the synchronous buck converter. The reverse recovery of its body diode and the Cdv/dt induced false trigger-on are two major mechanisms that impact SyncFET's performance. This thesis gives a detailed analysis of the SyncFET operation mechanism and provides several techniques to reduce its body-diode influence and suppress its false Cdv/dt trigger-n. This thesis also investigates the influence of several circuit level parameters on the efficiency of the synchronous buck converter, such as input voltage, circuit parasitic inductance, and gate resistance to provide further optimization of synchronous buck converter design.

Low Voltage Power MOSFETs

Book Description

Low Voltage Power MOSFETs focuses on the design of low voltage power MOSFETs and the relation between the device structure and the performance of a power MOSFET used as a switch in power management applications. This SpringerBriefs close the gap between detailed engineering reference books and the numerous technical papers on the subject of power MOSFETs. The material presented covers low voltage applications extending from battery operated portable electronics, through point of load converters, internet infrastructure, automotive applications, to personal computers and server computers. The issues treated in this volume are explained qualitatively using schematic illustrations, making the discussion easy to follow for all prospective readers.

High Performance Low Voltage Power MOSFET for High-frequency Synchronous Buck Converters

Book Description

In particular, a new NexFET structure with its source electrode on the bottom side of the die (source-down) is designed to enable the innovative stacked-die PSiP technology with significantly reduced parasitic inductance and package footprint. It is also observed that in synchronous buck converter very fast switching of power MOSFETs sometimes leads to high voltage oscillations at the phase node of the buck converter, which may introduce additional power loss and cause EMI related problems and undesirable electrical stress to the power MOSFET. At the same time, the synchronous MOSFET plays an important role in determining the performance of the synchronous buck converter. The reverse recovery of its body diode and the Cdv/dt induced false trigger-on are two major mechanisms that impact the performance of the SyncFET. This dissertation introduces a new approach to effectively overcome the aforementioned challenges associated with the state-of-art technology. The threshold voltage of the low-side NexFET is intentionally reduced to minimize the conduction and body diode related power losses. Meanwhile, a monolithically integrated gate voltage pull-down circuitry is proposed to overcome the possible Cdv/dt induced turn-on issue inadvertently induced by the low V[subscript TH] SynFET.

Voltage Regulators for Next Generation Microprocessors

Book Description

This book deals with energy delivery challenges of the power processing unit of modern computer microprocessors. It describes in detail the consequences of current trends in miniaturization and clock frequency increase, upon the power delivery unit, referred to as voltage regulator. This is an invaluable reference for anybody needing to understand the key performance limitations and opportunities for improvement, from both a circuit and systems perspective, of state-of-the-art power solutions for next generation CPUs.

Design and Optimization of Power MOSFET Output Stage for High-frequency Integrated DC-DC Converters

Book Description

Switching device power losses place critical limits on the design and performance of high-frequency integrated DC-DC converters. Especially, the layout of metal interconnects in lateral power MOSFETs has a profound effect on their on-resistances and conduction power losses. This thesis presents an analytical interconnect modeling and layout optimization technique for large-area power MOSFETs. The layout optimization of 24V LDMOS transistors in the area of 1 mm2 has achieved an improvement of 55 % in its on-resistance. The simulation result has been verified by experimental measurements on a test chip fabricated in TSMC 0.25 μm HV CMOS technology. In addition, this thesis presents an optimized output stage design methodology for the implementation of a 4 MHz, 12V to 1V integrated DC-DC converter. A segmented output stage scheme is employed to increase the converter efficiency at light load conditions. The peak efficiency of 84% was achieved at load current of 2 A.

Analog Circuit Design

Book Description

Analog Circuit Design contains the contribution of 18 tutorials of the 20th workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design. Each part discusses a specific to-date topic on new and valuable design ideas in the area of analog circuit design. Each part is presented by six experts in that field and state of the art information is shared and overviewed. This book is number 20 in this successful series of Analog Circuit Design, providing valuable information and excellent overviews of: Topic 1 : Low Voltage Low Power, chairman: Andrea Baschirotto Topic 2 : Short Range Wireless Front-Ends, chairman: Arthur van Roermund Topic 3 : Power Management and DC-DC, chairman : Michiel Steyaert. Analog Circuit Design is an essential reference source for analog circuit designers and researchers wishing to keep abreast with the latest development in the field. The tutorial coverage also makes it suitable for use in an advanced design course.

Semiconductor Power Devices

Book Description

Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelemente sind das Kernstück der Leistungselektronik. Sie bestimmen die Leistungsfähigkeit und machen neuartige und verlustarme Schaltungen erst möglich. In dem Band wird neben den Halbleiter-Leistungsbauelementen selbst auch die Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik behandelt: von den physikalischen Grundlagen und der Herstellungstechnologie über einzelne Bauelemente bis zu thermomechanischen Problemen, Zerstörungsmechanismen und Störungseffekten. Die 2., überarbeitete Auflage berücksichtigt technische Neuerungen und Entwicklungen.