Functional Organization of Descending Supraspinal Fibre Systems to the Spinal Cord

Book Description

Recent advances in the neurophysiology of the spinal cord, due largely to the use of microelectrodes, have increased the demand for a detailed knowledge of its minute anatomy, including the exact sites and mode of termination of the various contingents of afferent fibres to the spinal grey matter, among them the descending supraspinal fibre systems. Anatomical data of this kind are indispensable for functional interpretations and for the analysis of the structural and functional organization of the spinal cord. The observation of REXED (1952, 1954) that the grey matter of the feline spinal cord may be subdivided on a cytoarchitectonic basis into ten different laminae, presumably representing, at least in part, functionally different regions, should serve as a stimulus to attempt more precise analysis of the intrinsic organi zation of the spinal cord. Furthermore REXED'S laminae provide a common basis of reference of the sites of termination of afferent fibre systems to the spinal grey matter and the localization of single units recorded from in neurophysiological experiments, and thus promise useful correlations between anatomical and physiological observations and their functional interpretations.

Organization in the Spinal Cord

Book Description

The research described in this book arose, in large part, from a sense of frustration. For a number of years I had been studying the physiology of the spinocervical tract, a somatosensory pathway, in the cat's spinal cord. But I did not know, precisely, where the cells of origin of the tract were located and therefore did not know what they looked like or whether there were any correlations between structure and function. It was true that electrophysiolo gical experiments had indicated their probable situation in the dorsal horn, and anatomical work had described the morphology of cells that were likely to give rise to the axons of the tract; but this was not satisfactory. With the publication, by Stretton and Kravitz in 1968, of the Procion Yellow ionophoretic method for intracellular staining, a new tool became available for studying the morphology of physiologically identified neurones. We used the techniques and, although very pleased with the beautiful appearance of the dendritic trees of neurones seen in the fluorescence microscope, we were again frustrated, this time by the inability of Procion Yellow to stain axons for any considerable length. Therefore, P. K. Rose and P. J. Snow and I began to try to develop a method that would stain the axon, together with its collaterals, in addition to the soma and dendrites of an intracellularly re corded neurone.

Organization of the Spinal Cord

Book Description

This volume includes contributions from almost all of the leading neuroanatomists who have in recent years devoted their attention to the spinal cord.

Organization in the Spinal Cord

Book Description

Anatomy & Physiology

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A version of the OpenStax text

Anatomy and Physiology

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