Our Divine Magnificence

Book Description

Shari devotes her life in Sacred Service to humanity. She has been facilitating Spirit-Led Healing services for many years. Over the past two years her Healing Service work has primarily been with Unity in the Foothills, Torrington, CT. Before the Pandemic, she had begun facilitating services at a Congregational Church in Manchester, CT as well. She has also been known to occasionally lead Healing Services in her home. Shari is part of Celebrating Life Ministries Interfaith community, whose TRUTH is, "There is only one religion, the religion of LOVE." The work of this Ministry is to help all grow deeper in relationship with Creator, as well as experience Healing and Balance; emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Shari also works as a Lifestyle Coach and Energy Healer offering private sessions to clients, both in person, as well as by phone and Zoom. She relishes her time with Creator in nature, and finds great pleasure tending to her seasonal vegetable garden. She lives in Northern Connecticut with her husband. For further information on Shari's healing work visit www.sharishea.com or email [email protected]

Embrace Your Magnificence

Book Description

What started as a love letter to her young daughter has become Fabienne Fredrickson’s message to women everywhere: "You are a magnificent being, truly deserving of a full and abundant life." In Embrace Your Magnificence, Fabienne lays out a course in self-esteem. She shows that when you realize how great you truly are, you free yourself to confidently shift your life. When you see how glorious and brave you are, you gather the courage to break out of your shell, stop playing small, and step into your potential. When you honor, love, and value yourself, you accept all the abundance the universe has in store for you. By living the principles within these 72 inspiring lessons, Fabienne has created an extraordinary life for herself and her family. Her advice—which comes from real-world experiences in both her personal life and her work with clients—is universally beneficial and can be applied in anyone’s life. With love, appreciation, and compassion, Fabienne encourages you to move forward in your own journey, so you too can have a richer, fuller, more abundant life.

Being Your Divine Magnificence

Book Description

The only difference between you and any ascended being or any being that walks the earth is the amount of divine power and light you allow to flow through your awareness from moment to moment. You and all beings are holy extensions of the one divine power and creative Presence. Who you are is an extension of God's radiance, and when you allow infinite divine grace to infuse your present moment awareness and allow yourself to become fully enraptured by your entire divine brilliance you become your infinite, holy, ecstatic God Realized Self. It is our constant intention to allow the fullness of our infinite divine magnificence to immerse our present moment awareness... to be in perfect vibratory alignment with the highest good for all... our highest possible destiny.

The Magnificent Goodness of God and How It Will Transform Your Life

Book Description

The goodness of God is one of the most revolutionary truths of the Bible, but our generation has lost faith in the goodness of God. The image you carry in your heart of God and what He is like will dramatically affect your life, character, and destiny. Do you believe God can be your hero? Do you believe God has a good heart? Do you believe that God can transform you into the type of Christian that you always wanted to be? When we begin to understand and believe what it means when the Bible boldly declares that "God is good always," our lives will begin a breathtaking transformation, as we rise up to be a mighty witness for our Lord. Anyone who has been touched with the goodness of God cannot come away the same. The goodness of God encompasses everything that God is, and is a perfect representation of all His characteristics. The goodness of God is the foundation of all His works, plans, and purposes. If we are to understand what God is like, we must first know that He is good, and not evil. The devil works tirelessly to keep the truth of the goodness of God lost in the mindset of this world, and marshals all of his forces to cause confusion about the true character of our God. The goodness of God is the pinnacle point of the spiritual battle that rages all around us. Understanding the goodness of God is first and foremost in spiritual warfare, because without this, you can never stand for God faithfully

The Magnificent Story

Book Description

What is the story you have been told about the gospel? James Bryan Smith, author of the bestselling book The Good and Beautiful God, brings us this spiritual formation resource full of field-tested material and practices for both individuals and groups. Uncover the magnificent story of beauty, goodness, and truth that will satisfy the ultimate longings of your heart.

March of the Divine Magnificent

Book Description

One day in the future divine ones from the heavens shall return to earth. During that time mankind and all of life on planet earth shall be restored back into its original ante-mutated state of being. At that time all of mankind and the earth shall be led into a new golden age.

The Magnificent Immeasurable Kingdom of God the Father

Book Description

Our knowledge of God the Father is very limited. Because the Son of God, Jesus Christ is the Person of the Blessed Trinity, who took on humanity and lived among us, it is He to whom humans can best relate. Nevertheless, as maker of heaven and earth, as well as all things visible and invisible, our Father in Heaven is highly deserving of our thoughts and prayers. Although our knowledge of the Father is very limited, it is the purpose of this book to examine, as best as we are able, the magnificent and immeasurable Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.

God's Magnificent Grace

Book Description

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW YOUR SPIRITUAL BENEFITS, THOSE THAT ARE AFFORDED THROUGH THE GRACE OF GOD? Do you feel trapped or engulfed by religious legalism? Are you desiring a meaningful relationship with the Lord rather than a checklist of rules? This book is for you. "Being a Christian is not about being perfect. In fact, we can never live up to the letter of the law. It is only when we let go of our constant striving for perfection that we encounter true perfection." Derek Prince In this book, Spellman discuss how there are multitudes of Christians who think it's okay to habitually sin, because God's grace is accessible in the person of Christ Jesus. According to the Bible, the Lord has set boundaries to help us walk in the light. Romans 6:1,6 says "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound. Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?" There are many profound books written on the subject of grace, Spellman is prayerful this book will reaffirm the richness and beauty of grace. God's grace is absolutely magnificent, no amount of pages, pamphlets, books, lectures, songs or messages can do justice or express the wealth and depth of His unmerited favor. With a focus on winning souls for the kingdom of God, Apostle Donald Spellman ministers healing and restoration-spiritually, physically, and emotionally-to the body of Christ. A pastor with military and civil service, together with his wife and co-founder of Living Word of Grace Ministries, they lead an apostolic ministry team and host a regular radio broadcast. www.lwogministries.org

God's Magnificent Beanfield

Book Description

God's Magnificent Beanfield ...fires the imagination, inspires the faithful, and celebrates the family. If you believe true miracles are a thing of the past, Mr. Bowlin will convince you otherwise.