
Book Description

Throughout human history, almost everyone has had "Out of Body Experiences," and especially while the body is asleep and dreaming. The RealU, leaves the physical body while it is asleep and explores other worlds and realms. Everyone is doing this, but they are not recognizing this fact. With RealGuidance and a RealEducation, anyone can begin to consciously recall their RealExperiences beyond what their senses know. Duane Heppner, has had OBE all his life and has taught this subject for more than forty years in colleges and universities. Duane the Great Writer, has numerous books all over the Internet and provides courses for people who want to better understand themselves and why they are here. For those who want an "Adventure Like No other, " OBE is it!


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

OUT OF THE BODY EXPERIENCES are a step into what lies beyond the mind and senses. Most Out of Body Experiences are Astral Projection or Remote Viewing, which is along the lines of the First Heaven of Man, and the light contained within that level. But, there are so many more levels to Become MoreAware of. Reincarnation and Karma are a reality here and in the five psychic levels, and so it benefits a person to discover The Real Universes beyond all time and space and the appointed deities who reside over the realms of the mind and senses. RealGuidance and a RealEducation is The Key to Secret Worlds and Universes, beyond the knowledge that is found upon the earth. Rebazar Tarzs and The Real Universal Guides, are the main focus in this NUBook. When a person tests The NU-U Sessions, they will begin to have RealExperiences in their DreamVisions, while their physical body sleeps. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

The Business World of today is based upon a lot of deception and seems to be okay with most people. Duane The Great Writer is merely 'Reporting the News,' and what each person does with this information is their free will. If people do not mind looking silly and actually stupid to those who control Big Business, then they are the people that can enjoy staying asleep to what is really taking place on the planet earth within the created social structures. But, as a hint, there is a much bigger picture that is possible for everyone, even bigger than knowing what is really taking place with the Deceptions of Big Business. As one gets into the heart of what is really taking place on the earth, they will discover that the Passing Dream they are in is not at all what they have been taught it was or supposed to be. There is a total-takeover going on and all Dumbed Down Humans are the effect of this. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. HAVE FUN DECIDING! www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info


Book Description

Dumbed Down Humans have been taught to 'believe' in something, but The Whole of Life is so much bigger than any belief. It takes a lot of Real Guidance and Real Education to understand what is being presenting here. There is no mistake as to all the pollution and destruction this world is experiencing. It is time for people to 'Wakeup' or be totally taken over by the Invented Systems and their plans to have everyone here as their slaves as they are now and into future lifetimes. If you as the reader will simply 'test' what is being presented here with The NU-U Sessions and Your DreamVisions with Rebazar Tarzs, then you will soon Become MoreAware and conscious in Your DreamVisions of The RealGuidance that can be with you always, then See for yourself from The RealSide of Life what has and is taking place on earth Now. www.DuaneTheGreatWriter.Info