Outcome-Driven Business Architecture

Book Description

This book discusses business architecture as a basis for aligning efforts with outcomes. It views BA as complementary to enterprise architecture, where the focus of technological initiatives and inventories is to understand and improve business organization, business direction, and business decision-making. This book provides a practical, long-term view on BA. Based on the authors' consulting experience and industrial research, the material in this book is a valuable addition to the thought processes around BA and EA. The lead author has direct and practical experience with large clients in applying APQC capability framework for undertaking multiple enterprise-wide capability assessments.

Outcome-Driven Business Architecture

Book Description

This book discusses business architecture as a basis for aligning efforts with outcomes. It views BA as complementary to enterprise architecture, where the focus of technological initiatives and inventories is to understand and improve business organization, business direction, and business decision-making. This book provides a practical, long-term view on BA. Based on the authors' consulting experience and industrial research, the material in this book is a valuable addition to the thought processes around BA and EA. The lead author has direct and practical experience with large clients in applying APQC capability framework for undertaking multiple enterprise-wide capability assessments.

Enterprise Business Architecture

Book Description

A critical part of any company's successful strategic planning is the creation of an Enterprise Business Architecture (EBA) with its formal linkages. Strategic research and analysis firms have recognized the importance of an integrated enterprise architecture and they have frequently reported on its increasing value to successful companies. Enterpr

ArchiMate® 3.0.1 Specification

Book Description

The ArchiMate® Specification, an Open Group Standard, defines an open and independent modeling language for Enterprise Architecture that is supported by different tool vendors and consulting firms. The ArchiMate language enables Enterprise Architects to describe, analyze, and visualize the relationships among business domains in an unambiguous way. This book is the official specification of the ArchiMate 3.0.1 modeling language from The Open Group. ArchiMate 3.0.1 is a minor update to ArchiMate 3.0, containing the set of corrections from ArchiMate 3.0 Technical Corrigendum No. 1 (U172). This addresses inconsistencies and errors identified since the publication of Version 3.0 in June 2016. The ArchiMate Specification supports modeling throughout the TOGAF® Architecture Development Method (ADM). New features in Version 3 include elements for modeling the enterprise at a strategic level, such as capability, resource, and outcome. It also includes support to model the physical world of materials and equipment. Furthermore, the consistency and structure of the language have been improved, definitions have been aligned with other standards, and its usability has been enhanced in various other ways. The intended audience is threefold: • Enterprise Architecture practitioners, such as architects (e.g., business, application, information, process, infrastructure, and, obviously, enterprise architects), senior and operational management, project leaders, and anyone committed to work within the reference framework defined by the Enterprise Architecture. • Those who intend to implement the ArchiMate language in a software tool; they will find a complete and detailed description of the language in this book. • The academic community, on which we rely for amending and improving the language, based on state-of-the-art research results in the Enterprise Architecture field.

Enterprise Architecture

Book Description

This book is positioned as a rst in a series of books on enterprise architecture needed for a Master of Enterprise Architecture program, and is targeted both at university students and practitioners with a drive to increase their understanding of these elds. As an introductory book, this book aims to explore the concept of enterprise architecture. At rst glance, writing such an introductory book might seem as a straight forward task of setting up a structure and lling in “the blanks. ” However, writing this book turned out to be a pleasant journey of discovery. Based on our past experiences, each of us had a clear understanding of enterprise architecture, based on several years of experience and insight in the eld. However, when we started writing this book, and each of us exposed our individual understandings, it became apparent that our understanding of the eld differed in several ways. This prompted several discussions leading to an abundance of new insights. Without exception, thesediscussionstookplaceina pleasantandopenatmosphere,fueledbyourshared driveforunderstandingandincreasedinsight. Wearenowevenmoreconvincedthan before, that the eld enterprise architecture is a true multi-disciplinary profession. In the resulting book, we would like to share our insights, while also hoping to continue our discussions, now also involving you as a reader. We also realise that the journey is still far from complete. While this introductory book provides an overview of the eld of enterprise architecture from the perspective of our insights, many aspects need further re nement.

Business and Dynamic Change: The Arrival of Business Architecture

Book Description

Widely held as the most important Business Architecture book to date, the authors illustrate the discipline's transformation from IT Enterprise Architecture to a business imperative necessary for rapid response to change. Business and Dynamic Change The Arrival of Business Architecture This book represents the collaborative work of the industry's top experts, and thought leaders. As explained in the Foreword by best-selling author Keith Swenson, Chair of the Business Architecture Working Group, "The chapters in this book are from visionaries who see the need for business leaders to define their organizations to be agile and robust in the face of external changes." Swenson adds,"The people making the architecture cannot know the pressures that will be faced. Instead, it must support leaders and executives within the organization to make consistently good decisions on how to adapt their practices. The architecture is not a plan that anticipates all the decisions, instead it embodies a set of core guiding principles that enable decision making." Part One - The Big Picture of Architecture Business Architecture - Information Necessity Business Architecture: Setting the Record Straight Making Sense of the Architecture Jungle Converting Decision to Action Design and Reengineering of Business: An Engineering Approach Building a Foundation for Business Architecture How Business Architecture Enables Agility in a Dynamic Market Part Two - Where the Rubber Meets the Road Linking Architectures for Business Results Database Reverse Engineering for Business Due Diligence Heat-mapped Value Streams as the Translation from Strategy to Action Applying Architecture to Business Transformation and Decision-making: Case Aalto University Business Architecture for Process-Oriented Learning in Public Administration Leveraging Architecture Federation to Increase the Value and Use of Architecture BA Practical Data Governance Understand that the term "business" used this way is not limited to for-profit enterprises but includes all forms of organizations that have a strategic need to accomplish goals. Pragmatically speaking, business architecture is the conceptual understanding that people have on why particular choices were made in forming the organization in a particular way. This book will help you understand your options and how to relate them to your own organization.

Enterprise Architecture Made Simple

Book Description

Learn how to institute and implement enterprise architecture in your organization. You can make a quick start and establish a baseline for your enterprise architecture within ten weeks, then grow and stabilize the architecture over time using the proven Ready, Set, Go Approach. Reading this book will: 1. Give you directions on how to institute and implement enterprise architecture in your organization. You will be able to build close relationships with stakeholders and delivery teams, but you will not need to micromanage the architecture’s operations. 2. Increase your awareness that enterprise architecture is about business, not information technology. 3. Enable you to initiate and facilitate dramatic business development. The architecture of an enterprise must be tolerant of currently unknown business initiatives. 4. Show you how to get a holistic view of the process of implementing enterprise architecture. 5. Make you aware that information is a key business asset and that information architecture is a key part of the enterprise architecture. 6. Allow you to learn from our experiences. This book is based on our 30 years of work in the enterprise architecture field, colleagues in Europe, customer cases, and students. We do not pretend to cover all you need to know about enterprise architecture within these pages. Rather, we give you the information that is most important for effective and successful guidance. Sometimes, less is more. If your company is about to make a major change and you are looking for a way to reduce the changes into manageable pieces—and still retain control of how they fit together—this is your handbook. Maybe you are already acting as an enterprise architect and using a formal method, but you need practical hints. Or maybe you are about to set up an enterprise architect network or group of specialists and need input on how to organize your work. The Ready-Set-Go method for introducing enterprise architecture provides you, the enterprise architect, with an immediate understanding of the basic steps for starting, organizing, and operating the entirety of your organization’s architecture. Chapter 1: Ready shows how to model and analyze your business operations, assess their current status, construct a future scenario, compare it to the current structure, analyze what you see, and show the result in a city plan. Chapter 2: Set deals with preparing for the implementation of the architecture with governance, enterprise architecture organization, staffing, etc. This is the organizing step before beginning the actual work. Chapter 3: Go establishes how to implement a city plan in practice. It deals with the practicalities of working as an enterprise architect and is called the “running” step. The common thread through all aspects of the enterprise architect’s work is the architect’s mastery of a number of tools, such as business models, process models, information models, and matrices. We address how to initiate the architecture process within the organization in such a way that the overarching enterprise architecture and architecture-driven approach can be applied methodically and gradually improved.

Business Architecture

Book Description

Organizations today exist in an environment of unprecedented change. They do so against a backdrop of a global, competitive marketplace, the fast-paced enablement of technology, amplified regulation and accelerating organizational complexity. Many organizations are addressing change in a sub-optimal way and they are operating without a clear view of where their operational risks lie. It is these dynamics that are leading organizations to recognise and embrace Business Architecture. Despite this environment, Business Architecture can be a difficult ’sell’ - it is often perceived to be abstract and lacking in tangible delivery. To succeed, Business Architecture must be pragmatic and, to be sustainable, it must focus on achieving long-term value and, at the same time, recognise the shorter-term tactical needs of the organisation. With these challenges in mind, this book provides a practical guide on how to employ Business Architecture and how to build a balanced proposition that delivers value to a broad range of stakeholders. As the book states, Business Architecture should not be practised in isolation, nor should it be thought of as a one-off process; it needs to be woven into the fabric of the organization. And so the authors illustrate the opportunities for weaving the Business Architecture Practice into this fabric through the various stakeholders and life cycles that exist, both formally and informally, within an organization. Whilst recognizing best practice, this book explores a new, inspirational level of Business Architecture whilst acknowledging that the best way to realize the vision is one step at a time.

Business Architecture

Book Description

History has shown that having a competitive advantage is critical to the success and long-term viability of all organizations. However, creating and sustaining such an advantage is a challenge. Organizations must formulate a winning strategy, surpass competitors at implementing and executing it, and excel at adapting in response to internal and external events. Although organizations have applied numerous best practices to help them succeed in their strategic endeavors, they still face serious difficulties, which they can only surmount by adopting business architecture. The goal of this book is to describe what business architecture is; how it can help meet the challenge of formulating, implementing and executing an organization’s strategy; and how to build and exploit a superior strategy management system that leverages business architecture.

TOGAF® Business Architecture Level 1 Study Guide

Book Description

This title is the Study Guide for the TOGAF® Business Architecture Part 1 Examination. It gives an overview of every learning objective for the TOGAF Business Architecture Syllabus and in-depth coverage on preparing and taking the TOGAF Business Architecture Part 1 Examination. It is specifically designed to help individuals prepare for certification. This Study Guide is excellent material for: • Individuals who require knowledge and understanding of TOGAF Business Architecture techniques; • Professionals who are working in roles associated with an architecture project such as those responsible for planning, execution, development, delivery, and operation; • Architects who are looking to achieve the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 credential; • Architects who want to specialize in development of a Business Architecture based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2; It covers the following topics: • Business Modeling • Business Capabilities • Value Streams • Information Mapping • TOGAF Business Scenarios and how to apply them in development of a Business Architecture based on the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2. A prior knowledge of Enterprise Architecture is advantageous but not required. While reading this Study Guide, the reader should also refer to the TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 documentation (manual), available as hard copy and eBook, from www.vanharen.net and online booksellers, and also available online at www.opengroup.org.