Owls Up Close / Los buhos

Book Description

Examines owls and their anatomy, behavior, and reproduction.

Owls Up Close

Book Description

This book is sure to be a hoot for young readers! This book explores owl habitats, behavior and the special body parts that make them nature’s stealthy hunters.

Sunflowers Up Close / Los girasoles

Book Description

Examines the sunflower plant and its anatomy, reproduction, and uses.

Bees Up Close / Las abejas

Book Description

Examines bees and their anatomy, behavior, and reproduction.

Turtles Up Close / Las tortugas

Book Description

Examines the anatomy, habitat, and behavior of turtles.

Corn Up Close / El maiz

Book Description

Examines the corn plant and its anatomy, reproduction, and uses.

When the Owl Calls for You

Book Description

This bilingual (English/Spanish) book is based on a Native American legend. Owls are amazing birds. Did you ever think of an owl, hooting in the night, as scary, or even something bad? In many Native American tribes, an owl's hooting was considered an "omen," a signal that something bad was going to happen. Some even believed that they were a symbol of death. This is the story of one Native American child who feared that the owl was calling for her. Este libro bilingüe (inglés/español) está basado en una leyenda de los Nativos Americanos. Los búhos son aves increíbles. ¿Has pensado alguna vez que un búho, ululando en la noche, da miedo, o tal vez que es algo malo? En muchas tribus de nativos americanos, el ulular de un búho se consideraba un "mal presagio", una señal de que algo malo iba a ocurrir. Algunos incluso creían que eran un símbolo de la muerte. Esta es la historia de una niña Nativa Americana que temía que el búho la estuviera llamando.


Book Description

Beginning readers learn about owlets, talons, and flying silently.

Neotropical Owls

Book Description

This book presents a comprehensive biological and ecological information about owls in the neotropic area. In addition the book covers topics such as threats and conservation strategies for these nocturnal birds of prey from 18 Neotropical countries. Owls are a good example of diversification processes and have developed evolutionary characteristics themselves. These species are found almost everywhere in the world but most of them are distributed in tropical areas and about a third of them live in the Neotropics. This biogeographic region has a high biodiversity and even share lineages of species from other continents because at some point all were part of Pangea. Although we still have much to know and understand about this diverse, scarcely studied and threatened group this work aims to be a precedent for future and further research on the subject.

Owls Are Night Animals / Los búhos son animales nocturnos

Book Description

Examines owls, highlighting the way that they use stealth and agility to hunt in the night.