Paisajes insurrectos

Book Description

¿Es posible hablar de insurrecciones 2.0?, ¿de nuevas formas de acuerpamiento social?, ¿de nuevas formas de protesta y organización colectiva? ¿Qué desafíos plantea la ola de insurrecciones que han irrumpido en la escena del siglo XXI? Este libro busca repensar las preguntas que nos hacemos en torno a las culturas políticas de los jóvenes y su acción colectiva. También reflexiona sobre la idea de sujeto y sus formas de expresión. Un sujeto que busca deslindarse de los determinismos, que sale a campo abierto, en plena tempestad sin certezas. Un sujeto que se arriesga no para decretar, sino para comprender, para asir lo inasible “garantizando su estatuto de inasible”, como quería Levinas. La autora habla acerca, de, sobre y especialmente con quienes han construido una inmensa red de conversaciones colectivas, de acciones, de estéticas y de lenguajes. Estos movimientos sociales surgidos en la red y trasladados a la calle, han logrado interrumpir el monólogo de los poderes propietarios.

Media Activist Research Ethics

Book Description

This book maps complex ethical dilemmas in social justice research practices in media and communication. Contributors critically analyse power dynamics that arise when building equitable research relations with media activists, social movements, and cultural producers, considering issues of access, control, affective labour, reciprocal critiques, and movement pedagogies. Authors probe the ethical challenges faced when horizontal relations inadvertently create conflicts leading to oppressive communication; when affective demands generate non-reciprocal relations of care; and when participant anonymity has to be balanced with self-expression and voice. Chapters explore engagements with digital technologies in developing research relations, covering new research practices from horizontal collectives to dialogical auto-ethnography; from community scholarship and pedagogies to decolonising research. The book asks researchers to consider the complexities of ethical practices today in socially engaged global research within the neoliberal university.

Performance Constellations

Book Description

Demonstrates the power of embodied and digital networks in confronting neoliberal sociopolitical regimes in the Americas

Women Mobilizing Memory

Book Description

Women Mobilizing Memory, a transnational exploration of the intersection of feminism, history, and memory, shows how the recollection of violent histories can generate possibilities for progressive futures. Questioning the politics of memory-making in relation to experiences of vulnerability and violence, this wide-ranging collection asks: How can memories of violence and its afterlives be mobilized for change? What strategies can disrupt and counter public forgetting? What role do the arts play in addressing the erasure of past violence from current memory and in creating new visions for future generations? Women Mobilizing Memory emerges from a multiyear feminist collaboration bringing together an interdisciplinary group of scholars, artists, and activists from Chile, Turkey, and the United States. The essays in this book assemble and discuss a deep archive of works that activate memory across a variety of protest cultures, ranging from seemingly minor acts of defiance to broader resistance movements. The memory practices it highlights constitute acts of repair that demand justice but do not aim at restitution. They invite the creation of alternative histories that can reconfigure painful pasts and presents. Giving voice to silenced memories and reclaiming collective memories that have been misrepresented in official narratives, Women Mobilizing Memory offers an alternative to more monumental commemorative practices. It models a new direction for memory studies and testifies to a continuing hope for an alternative future.

Abortion and Democracy

Book Description

Abortion and Democracy offers critical analyses of abortion politics in Latin America’s Southern Cone, with lessons and insights of wider significance. Drawing on the region’s recent history of military dictatorship and democratic transition, this edited volume explores how abortion rights demands fit with current democratic agendas. With a focus on Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, the book’s contributors delve into the complex reality of abortion through the examination of the discourses, strategies, successes, and challenges of abortion rights movements. Assembling a multiplicity of voices and experiences, the contributions illuminate key dimensions of abortion rights struggles: health aspects, litigation efforts, legislative debates, party politics, digital strategies, grassroots mobilization, coalition-building, affective and artistic components, and movement-countermovement dynamics. The book takes an approach that is sensitive to social inequalities and to the transnational aspects of abortion rights struggles in each country. It bridges different scales of analysis, from abortion experiences at the micro level of the clinic or the home to the macro sociopolitical and cultural forces that shape individual lives. This is an important intervention suitable for students and scholars of abortion politics, democracy in Latin America, gender and sexuality, and women’s rights.

The Routledge Handbook of Political Communication in Ibero-America

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Political Communication in Ibero-America addresses the relationship between communication, politics, and digital technologies in Latin American and the Iberian Peninsula, a geographical space linked by social, cultural, and linguistic aspects. In recent years, digital media have been central in the dialogue established by political parties, institutions, the media, and citizens. In this hybrid space emerged certain phenomena that are of interest, particularly in the Ibero-American landscape, including disinformation and fake news, protests on social media, the organization of social movements, the relationship between the press and the state, political participation, populism, the role played by emotions and memes, the impact of AI and platformization on politics, and topics of debate in the public sphere. This Handbook is structured into nine parts, beginning with a historical contextualization and then exploring central aspects of the discipline. It then goes on to study trends at the regional level, increasing knowledge about how political communication and digital technologies are changing multiple aspects of Ibero-American societies, where political communication plays a fundamental role – especially in electoral processes, with its consequent effects on democracy. This Handbook will be of interest to academics, students, and professionals in the fields of political science, communication, journalism, advertising, marketing, and sociology, as well as public opinion consulting. It will be of particular interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students from Latin America, Portugal, and Spain.

What AI Can Do

Book Description

The philosopher Spinoza once asserted that no one knows what a body can do, conceiving an intrinsic bodily power with unknown limits. Similarly, we can ask ourselves about Artificial Intelligence (AI): To what extent is the development of intelligence limited by its technical and material substrate? In other words, what can AI do? The answer is analogous to Spinoza’s: Nobody knows the limit of AI. Critically considering this issue from philosophical, interdisciplinary, and engineering perspectives, respectively, this book assesses the scope and pertinence of AI technology and explores how it could bring about both a better and more unpredictable future. What AI Can Do highlights, at both the theoretical and practical levels, the cross-cutting relevance that AI is having on society, appealing to students of engineering, computer science, and philosophy, as well as all who hold a practical interest in the technology.

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period (1983–2023)

Book Description

Argentina’s Right-Wing Universe During the Democratic Period provides a comprehensive analysis of the course of right-wing politics in the country in the last 40 years. In 1983, after the fall of a violent military regime, Argentina began the longest period of democratic stability in its history—40 years marked by economic, institutional, social and political crises. This book examines the trajectory of the different right-wing organisations and ideological developments during these years, seeking to understand both the distinctions and the continuities that lie beneath its metamorphoses. Argentina has always acted as a laboratory in which to appreciate how the major problems and questions that concern those who have studied the right-wing in recent decades are translated into a particular political culture. In an international scenario marked by the social and political growth of different right-wing movements, some of which pose a threat to liberal democracies, the study of the Argentine case can provide greater clarity and a different perspective on problems that transcend this specific national case. This book will be of interest to scholars of Argentinian and Latin American politics and history, as well as specialists on the comparative politics of the radical right.

Exploring Ibero-American Youth Cultures in the 21st Century

Book Description

The authors collected here address youth street cultures in different cities from the Ibero-American world, bringing together contributions on Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Portugal, Spain, and beyond. This overseas approach bridging the European and American contexts is justified by the range of (complex) social, cultural and economic relationships that have shaped this transnational geographical space since the beginning of the colonial period. The chapters collected here focus on three key concepts—creativity, resistance and transgression—that form a threefold dispositive to locally and globally confront, contest and even fight against the hegemonic, punitive and oppressive powers (re)produced by (white, male) dominant classes of the city. The book ensures a high diversity of geographical and social/cultural research contexts by focusing on one, two or multiple spatial contexts (the public space, the street, the city) and, at the same time, by emphasizing the different economic, social, cultural, symbolic specificities of youth cultures (including gender, sexuality and race) in their particular urban contexts.

Citizen Media and Practice

Book Description

This groundbreaking collection advances understanding of the concept of media practices by critically interrogating its relevance for the study of citizen and activist media. Media as practice has emerged as a powerful approach to understanding the media’s significance in contemporary society. Bringing together contributions from leading scholars in sociology, media and communication, social movement and critical data studies, this book stimulates dialogue across previously separate traditions of research on citizen and activist media practices and stakes out future directions for research in this burgeoning interdisciplinary field. Framed by a foreword by Nick Couldry and a substantial introductory chapter by the editors, contributions to the volume trace the roots and appropriations of the concept of media practice in Latin American communication theory; reflect on the relationship between activist agency and technological affordances; explore the relevance of the media practice approach for the study of media activism, including activism that takes media as its central object of struggle; and demonstrate the significance of the media practice approach for understanding processes of mediatization and datafication. Offering both a comprehensive introduction to scholarship on citizen media and practice and a cutting-edge exploration of a novel theoretical framework, the book is ideal for students and experienced scholars alike.