Palestina ocupación y resistencia

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Sombras duraderas

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Sombras duraderas: el sufrimiento de los palestinos bajo la ocupación israelí ofrece una exploración integral y profundamente humana de la experiencia palestina bajo la ocupación israelí. Este libro profundiza en las raíces históricas del conflicto, las duras realidades de la vida cotidiana de los palestinos y el profundo impacto de décadas de violencia, desplazamiento y privaciones. A través de capítulos meticulosamente investigados, examina el costo físico y psicológico para los individuos y las comunidades, la lucha por la identidad y la dignidad, y la incansable lucha por la supervivencia en medio de la opresión constante. Cada capítulo ofrece un relato detallado de las distintas facetas de la vida bajo la ocupación, desde las dificultades económicas y la destrucción de viviendas hasta los ataques a los niños y la supresión del patrimonio cultural. El libro también destaca la resiliencia del pueblo palestino, sus métodos de resistencia (tanto armados como no violentos) y el papel fundamental de las organizaciones de derechos humanos para sacar a la luz su sufrimiento. Sombras duraderas no son sólo una crónica del sufrimiento; es un poderoso testimonio del espíritu perseverante de un pueblo que lucha por la justicia y la paz a pesar de las adversidades. Este libro es una lectura esencial para todo aquel que desee comprender las complejidades del conflicto entre Israel y Palestina y el profundo costo humano de la ocupación.

Development of the Roadmap of Political Zionism in the State of Israel

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This book deals with many different aspects of Zionism, including analysing the origins of Zionism in Western and Eastern Europe as a consequence of the antisemitism of the late 19th to mid-20th century in Europe. It also analyses how political Zionism was implanted in historic Palestine, and maps its development since the creation of the State of Israel and the consequences of this, among which are the country’s occupation, and the violation of the human, political and economic rights of its inhabitants. It also deals with Hamas’ response to this situation.


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Revista energética

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Indigenous Psychologies in an Era of Decolonization

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This groundbreaking volume explores the capacity of Indigenous psychologies to counter the effects of longstanding colonization on traditional cultures and habitats. It chronicles the editor’s extensive research in the Lacandon Rainforest in southern Mexico, illustrating respectful methodologies and authentic friendship—a decolonized approach by a committed scholar—and the concerted efforts of community members to preserve their history and heritage. Descriptions of collaborations among children, parents, students, and elders demonstrate the continued passing on of indigenous knowledge, culture, art, and spirituality. This richly layered narrative models cultural resilience and resistance in their transformative power to replace environmental and cultural degradation with co-existence and partnership. Included in the coverage: • Indigenous psychologies: a contestation for epistemic justice. • The ecological context and the methods of inquiry and praxes. • Environmental impact assessment of deforestation in three communities of the Lacandon Rainforest. • Public policy development for community and ecological wellbeing. • Oral history, legends, myths, poetry, and images. With stirring examples to inspire future practices and policies, Indigenous Psychologies in an Era of Decolonization will take its place as a bedrock text for indigenous psychology and community psychology researchers. It speaks needed truths as the world comes to grips with pressing issues of environmental preservation, restorative justice for marginalized peoples, and the waging of peace over conflict.