Papa's War

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Papa's War

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This historical narrative follows the lives of a young couple separated by the upheavals of World War II. In May 1940, Jan van Houten, a Dutch journalist working in London, joins the press office of the Dutch government now exiled in England. When bombing raids over London force his wife Marie and infant daughter to leave the city, the couple write daily letters to express their love and commitment to each other. Jan's letters vividly describe life during the Blitz, and the travails of a government-in-exile. Their correspondence resumes when, in September 1944, Jan is asked to organize press censorship in a recently liberated area of The Netherlands. Here he is eyewitness to historic events such as the aftermath of the allied forces' failed attempt to secure a crucial bridge across the Rhine-a defeat that delays the country's liberation by eight long months. Written by Jan and Marie's daughter Thérèse, Papa's War, is based primarily on Jan's letters backed by diaries, Marie's letters, and historical research. It paints a compelling picture of life in wartime England and postwar Holland. Its publication coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Netherlands' liberation from Germany on May 5, 1945.

Papa's Mark

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In this timely reissue, a father and son help their community claim the right to vote in the post Civil-War South. A son teaches his father how to write his name so he can vote for the first time in this historical tale filled with warmth and strength by Coretta Scott King Honor winner Colin Bootman's expressive oil paintings. In a new author’s note, veteran teacher and author Gwendolyn Battle-Lavert expands upon the obstacles facing African American voters in the aftermath of the Civil War and the fight to end voter suppression that goes on even today. Simms knows election day will be a big day for his papa, and for all of Lamar County. For the very first time, Papa will get to vote. But Simms wishes his papa could write his own name, so he could go to the courthouse with head held high. And Simms is determined to teach Papa, because, like his father, he knows that freedom doesn’t come easy.

And this is War

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Papa’s Story

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It is 1944, and war is raging in Europe and Japan. Chuck is still in high school but his dream is to join the army and fight the Germans. One day, in the spring of 1944, he was walking on a lonely road and met someone that caused him to have another dream. This dream began when he met Betty Watson, the bank president's daughter. His good fortune began when, by a chance meeting, the Desoto she was driving had a flat tire. Her misfortune became Chuck's continuing desire to marry the girl of his dreams even though she was a few years older than he was. Although the two became good friends, Betty frequently reminded him that she had a boyfriend and that he was serving his country in the military. That information, although disheartening, did not keep Chuck from pursuing her. Betty and Chuck spent weeks together going places such as the bowling alley, the skating rink and the movies, while both insisted they were not dating. Chuck's older sister spilled the beans about the couple to his father who was not thrilled. His father suggested he date girls in school that were closer to his age but to no avail. Chuck had a one-track mind and that one track was Betty. In conversations between them Betty expressed doubt about a commitment from her soldier boyfriend and that was all the encouragement Chuck needed. After avoiding Chuck for several weeks, Betty confided in him that she was pregnant and her boyfriend, Bobby, was the father of the child. The announcement was a blow to him but Chuck was still not ready to give up on marrying her. However, when Betty's parents found out about her pregnancy, they shipped her off to California to have the baby and place it up for adoption. With one dream dimming the other was still very much alive. He graduated from high school and joined the army. Even though the war in Europe was winding down, the war in Japan was still very much alive. Chuck continued to write letters to Betty but at some point, her letters stopped. Chuck's interest in Betty had to be put on the back burner because of his military duties including guarding a brothel in Japan. After his discharge from the army Chuck attempted to rekindle their story but by that time Betty had married the father of her child. Even though he was still in love with Betty, he felt it was time for him to move on with his life. Where would he go from there?

Mutti and Papa

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When Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941, Stalin ordered the deportation of Russian citizens of German descent to Siberia. After his father and uncles were sent off to the Gulag, sixteen-year-old Johann Franz volunteered to join the Wehrmacht as an interpreter. This eventually saw him wounded and evacuated to Austria. He met and fell in love with the young Polish-born Ella Weber in a refugee camp in Germany. The product of more than sixty years of reflection, Mutti and Papa is a family history that traces the love story of the parents of author Bill Franz, Mennonite refugees fleeing war-torn Europe, over the course of World War II. The story is largely told through their love letters to one another, across continents, while his father, Johann, awaits immigration to Canada to join his fiancée, Franz’s mother, Ella. Beyond these letters, a patchwork of fascinating secondary sources is consulted to present a fuller picture of the Franz family history, which, in turn, gestures to cultural legacies of Mennonite migration to Canada and involvement in World War II more broadly. Set against the backdrop of the cataclysmic events of the Holocaust and Second World War, the love story of Ella and Johann is at once a fascinating historical account, a happy romance, and an earnest examination of what it’s like to strive for a future while struggling to cope with life as a refugee. Offering a fresh perspective on the layered and nuanced histories of the Holocaust, Mennonite culture, and love during wartime, Mutti and Papa is sure to interest history buffs and romantics alike.

Life Journey

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The Russian revolution in 1917 and ensuing civil war caused a massive exodus of upper class, intelligentsia, and military families from Russia. The author's parents were part of that exodus, having stayed on until the very end of the Russian Civil War during which the author's father, Major General Paul Petroff, played an important role in the struggle against the Bolsheviks. They lived in northern China, Shanghai, Japan, and, after years of wandering, arrived in California where they became U.S. citizens and part of the American establishment. As you leaf through the memoir, you will find that the family witnessed the War of the Chinese Warlords, the militarization of Japan where the author's father had a law suit against the government for the recovery of gold bullion deposited by him for safekeeping with the Japanese Military Mission in 1920, the air raids over Tokyo, post-war American politics, the Cold War, the difficult years of the Vietnam War debate, and the Iraq War. Carefully documented from family archival materials, the memoir is a richly woven account of an odyssey that spanned eighty-five years of the author's life, from Harbin, China to the San Francisco Bay Area in California.

Papa Spy

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In the 1930s Tom Burns was a rising star of British publishing, whose friends and authors included G. K. Chesterton, Evelyn Waugh, Graham Greene, the artist Eric Gill and the poet David Jones. And among his glittering social circle he had set his heart on the beautiful Ann Bowes-Lyon, cousin of the Queen. When war was declared in 1939, Burns joined the Ministry of Information, effectively the propaganda wing of the secret services. Sent to Madrid as press attaché at the British Embassy, where the Ambassador was the formidable and very Proetstant Sir Samuel Hoare, Burns used his faith and his deep love of Spain in the propaganda war against the Nazis, who at the time had nearly unrestricted access to the Spanish media. Burns' brief was to do all in his power to keep Franco neutral and so protect Gibraltar and access to the western Mediterranean. The strategy was simple, but the tactics were more complicated, especially when Burns found he had begun to make enemies at home, not least among them Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt, head of the MI6's Iberian section. By 1941 he felt far from the real fighting, Ann had pledged herself to another man, and Burns was spending as much time protecting his back as fighting the Nazis. How he overcame these odds, was involved in the Man Who Never Was decoy plot, arranged Leslie Howard's fatal propaganda trip to Portugal and Spain, and finally found true love while loyally serving his country is the story told in this extraordinary book by his son.

Olga's War

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