Paragraphs and Essays: With Integrated Readings

Book Description

PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS WITH INTEGRATED READINGS is the higher-level companion to SENTENCES, PARAGRAPHS, AND BEYOND in the two-book Brandon series. Instruction in this text -- comprehensive, flexible, and relevant -- is predicated on the idea that reading and writing are linked and that good writing is the product of revision and rigorous editing. The hallmarks of the Brandons' books are tell-show-engage instruction, ample demonstrations of good professional and student writing, and an abundance of reading-based, high-interest general, cross-curricular, and career-related topics and prompts. The reading-based writing presented in this book provides experience in critical thinking that enables students to write competently across the disciplines and transition smoothly to the next level of the English program. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

Paragraphs and Essays

Book Description

Paragraphs and Essays with Integrated Readings—the higher level of Lee Brandon's two-level series that also includesSentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond—provides extensive writing instruction in a fun, engaging manner. Written in Lee Brandon's unique style and voice, the text incorporates coverage of reading, a three-stage writing process, and in-depth instruction on different essay patterns. The last chapter (Chapter 16) covers research writing; and a Handbook section provides grammar, mechanics, and punctuation review for students to brush up on their skills. New to this edition are 12 full-color photographs that provide writing prompts for student essays, a wide variety of brand-new readings, and new "Mindset" features that emphasize key concepts and point to additional exercises on the accompanying Online Study Center. Also new to this edition is Lee Brandon's co-author, son Kelly Brandon, who also teaches developmental writing. Strong emphasis on the writing process covers three separate stages of writing. Three chapters cover the writing process in detail: the exploring, experimenting, and gathering information stage; writing the controlling idea, organizing, and developing support stage; and writing, revising, and editing. Engaging writing samples by both professionals and students are integrated throughout the text. This edition incorporates more examples of text-based writing and stresses the importance of locating and qualifying sources, as well as incorporating and documenting sources. Intriguing topics such as cheating on papers, low-wage jobs, flirting, and the dangers of steroids, engage students' interest; paired readings in several chapters encourage critical thinking about the pros and cons of an issue. New!Writing across the disciplines and in the workplace is emphasized in every chapter. Every chapter begins with a consideration of how a particular type of writing can be helpful in college courses across the curriculum, as well as in the workplace. New!Application exercises are now linked with four-color photographs to provide critical thinking opportunities as well as writing prompts. These Application exercises can be used for individual or group consideration and discussion, or assigned as essay topics. The effective pedagogy includes a number of student exercises in every chapter for immediate review of chapter concepts; writing process worksheets to help students develop their essays; many annotated readings; and suggested writing topics. New to this edition are special features that point students to the Online Study Center, which contains self-study quizzes with immediate feedback and rejoinders for every chapter and "Mindset" features that provide additional questions and suggestions before many of the readings. A handbook of grammar, mechanics, and punctuation helps students refresh their understanding of parts of speech, sentence structure, and mechanics such as spelling and punctuation. Also included in the handbook is a brief guide for ESL students, with additional information on subjects such as idioms.

Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond

Book Description

SENTENCES, PARAGRAPHS, AND BEYOND: WITH INTEGRATED READINGS, 7E, International Edition is the first in the popular two-level Brandon series, which helps the student learn to both read and write at the college level, by providing instruction on reading techniques (and barriers), the basics of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as the writing process and common writing patterns; lively, engaging readings provide student as well as professional models.

Real Reading and Writing

Book Description

Real Reading and Writing puts both reading skills and writing skills in a real-world context, showing students that good writing, reading, and thinking skills are both achievable and essential to their success in college and beyond. Miriam Moore, a developmental and ESL specialist from Lord Fairfax Community College, collaborated with Susan Anker to provide students with an integrated reading and writing package. Students connect reading and writing with their real lives through practical examples, model writing samples, and readings that are both engaging and relevant to their lives. To keep students from getting overwhelmed, the book focuses first on the most important concepts in each area, such as the Four Basics of the Reading and Writing Process; Four Basics of each rhetorical strategy; the Four Most Serious Errors in the grammar section; and the academic skills of summary, analysis, and synthesis

Focus on Reading and Writing

Book Description

Focus on Reading and Writing: Essays provides thorough, integrated instruction on reading and writing essays and includes many effective features to help students make the connection between the reading and writing processes, including TEST—Kirszner and Mandell’s simple and effective reading and writing tool designed to help students gauge their progress. Kirszner and Mandell believe that students learn best when they try their hand at a new concept first with their own work. That’s why they designed the Focus on Reading and Writing strand throughout each chapter. The strand first prompts students to read and write, then learn essential concepts, and ultimately apply those concepts while re-reading and revising. With a complete grammar guide, supplementary online grammar practice through LaunchPad Solo for Readers and Writers, and 23 professional reading selections, this comprehensive text gets students reading, writing, and thinking critically in preparation for academic, career, and life success. The Second Edition strengthens and further integrates reading coverage throughout, helping improve students’ comprehension and ability to think critically as they read. An updated TEST feature now applies equally to understanding and analyzing readings as well as developing, drafting, and revising essays, a new annotated model has been added in Chapter 1, and new information has been added on identifying and formulating implied main ideas.


Book Description

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Mosaics illustrates how reading and writing are part of a interrelated process, and encourages students to discover how the “mosaics” of their own reading and writing processes work together to form a coherent whole.

In Concert

Book Description

Read, Write, Connect

Book Description

Read, Write, Connect provides integrated instruction in reading and writing paragraphs and essays with a thematic reader full of high-interest selections students will want to read and write about. The text begins with a walk-through of the reading and writing processes and then moves on to a series of workshop chapters that provide in-depth coverage of key topics like finding main ideas and drafting and organizing an essay. Throughout, the text demonstrates that academic processes are recursive, and the structure of the text reflects this recursivity: as students move from the early chapters to the workshop chapters, they build upon earlier learning, digging deeper into the material and gaining confidence along the way. The second edition offers new chapters and new features devoted to stronger, more integrated coverage of reading; expanded coverage of research and grammar; and exciting new readings, class-tested by the authors. Read, Write, Connect, Second Edition, can be packaged with LaunchPad Solo for Readers and Writers, allowing you to more efficiently track students’ progress with reading, writing, and grammar skills in an active learning arc that complements the book.

Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings

Book Description

SENTENCES, PARAGRAPHS, AND BEYOND is the first in the popular two-level Brandon series, which helps the student learn to both read and write at the college level, by providing instruction on reading techniques (and barriers), the basics of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation, and spelling, as well as the writing process and common writing patterns; lively, engaging readings provide student as well as professional models. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.