Parallel Computing on Distributed Memory Multiprocessors

Book Description

Advances in microelectronic technology have made massively parallel computing a reality and triggered an outburst of research activity in parallel processing architectures and algorithms. Distributed memory multiprocessors - parallel computers that consist of microprocessors connected in a regular topology - are increasingly being used to solve large problems in many application areas. In order to use these computers for a specific application, existing algorithms need to be restructured for the architecture and new algorithms developed. The performance of a computation on a distributed memory multiprocessor is affected by the node and communication architecture, the interconnection network topology, the I/O subsystem, and the parallel algorithm and communication protocols. Each of these parametersis a complex problem, and solutions require an understanding of the interactions among them. This book is based on the papers presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at Bilkent University, Turkey, in July 1991. The book is organized in five parts: Parallel computing structures and communication, Parallel numerical algorithms, Parallel programming, Fault tolerance, and Applications and algorithms.

Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs

Book Description

Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs addresses the problem of efficient implementation of logic programming languages, specifically Prolog, on multiprocessor architectures. The approaches and implementations developed attempt to take full advantage of sequential implementation technology developed for Prolog (such as the WAM) while exploiting all forms of control parallelism present in logic programs, namely, or-parallelism, independent and-parallelism and dependent and-parallelism. Coverage includes a thorough survey of parallel implementation techniques and parallel systems developed for Prolog. Multiprocessor Execution of Logic Programs is recommended for people implementing parallel logic programming systems, parallel symbolic systems, parallel AI systems, and parallel theorem proving systems. It will also be useful to people who wish to learn about the implementation of parallel logic programming systems.

Partitioning and Scheduling Parallel Programs for Multiprocessors

Book Description

This book is one of the first to address the problem of forming useful parallelism from potential parallelism and to provide a general solution. The book presents two approaches to automatic partitioning and scheduling so that the same parallel program can be made to execute efficiently on widely different multiprocessors. The first approach is based on a macro dataflow model in which the program is partitioned into tasks at compile time and the tasks are scheduled on processors at run time. The second approach is based on a compile time scheduling model, where both the partitioning and scheduling are performed at compile time. Both approaches have been implemented in partition programs written in the single assignment language SISAL. The inputs to the partitioning and scheduling algorithms are a graphical representation of the parallel program and a list of parameters describing the target multiprocessor. Execution profile information is used to derive compile-time estimates of execution times and data sizes in the program. Both the macro dataflow and compile-time scheduling problems are expressed as optimization problems and are shown to be NP complete in the strong sense. Efficient approximation algorithms for these problems are presented. Finally, the effectiveness of the partitioning and scheduling algorithms is studied by multiprocessor simulations of various SISAL benchmark programs for different target multiprocessor parameters. Vivek Sarkar is a Member of Research Staff at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center. Partitioning and Scheduling Parallel Programs for Multiprocessing is included in the series Research Monographs in Parallel and Distributed Computing. Copublished with Pitman Publishing.

Parallel Execution of Parlog

Book Description

This monograph concentrates on the implementation of concurrent logic programming languages on loosely-coupled parallel computer architectures. Two different abstract models are also considered: a graph reduction based model and a more imperative approach. The design of a specialized instruction set is presented that is general enough to be used for the whole family of concurrent logic programming languages. In particular the language Parlog is concentrated upon because it is the most efficiently implementable of all the non-flat logic programming languages. Other issues arising from the implementation of a programming language are discussed, in particular the design of a load balancing scheme which deals with the large number of short-lived processes inherent in a correct language implementation. Detailed descriptions of all the data structures and synchronisation algorithms are also presented. Resource exhaustion is also discussed and handled within the implementations. Detailed performance results for both models of computation are given. From the material it should be possible for the reader to create an implementation.

Parallel Combinatorial Optimization

Book Description

This text provides an excellent balance of theory and application that enables you to deploy powerful algorithms, frameworks, and methodologies to solve complex optimization problems in a diverse range of industries. Each chapter is written by leading experts in the fields of parallel and distributed optimization. Collectively, the contributions serve as a complete reference to the field of combinatorial optimization, including details and findings of recent and ongoing investigations.

Transputer Applications and Systems '93

Book Description

Proceedings -- Parallel Computing.

Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing

Book Description

Euro-Par Conference Series Euro-Par is an annual series of international conferences dedicated to the p- motion and advancement of all aspectsof parallelcomputing. The major themes can be divided into the broad categories of hardware, software, algorithms and applications for parallel computing. The objective of Euro-Par is to provide a forum within which to promote the development of parallel computing both as an industrial technique and an academic discipline, extending the frontier of both the state of the art and the state of the practice. This is particularly - portant at a time when parallel computing is undergoing strong and sustained development and experiencing real industrial take-up. The main audience for, and participants at, Euro-Par are seen as researchers in academic departments, government laboratories and industrial organizations. Euro-Par’s objective is to be the primary choice of such professionals for the presentation of new - sults in their speci?c areas. Euro-Par also targets applications demonstrating the e?ectiveness of parallelism. This year’s Euro-Par conference was the tenth in the conference series. The previous Euro-Par conferences took place in Sto- holm, Lyon, Passau, Southampton, Toulouse, Munich, Manchester, Paderborn and Klagenfurt. Next year the conference will take place in Lisbon. Euro-Par has a permanent Web site hosting the aims, the organization structure details as well as all the conference history:http://www. europar. org.

FGCS '92

Book Description

Logic Programming

Book Description

Includes tutorials, lectures, and refereed papers on all aspects of logic programming, including theoretical foundations, constraints, concurrency and parallelism, deductive databases, language design and implementation, nonmonotonic reasoning, and logic programming and the Internet. The International Conference on Logic Programming, sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming, includes tutorials, lectures, and refereed papers on all aspects of logic programming, including theoretical foundations, constraints, concurrency and parallelism, deductive databases, language design and implementation, nonmonotonic reasoning, and logic programming and the Internet.

Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Distributed Systems

Book Description

Massively Parallel Systems (MPSs) with their scalable computation and storage space promises are becoming increasingly important for high-performance computing. The growing acceptance of MPSs in academia is clearly apparent. However, in industrial companies, their usage remains low. The programming of MPSs is still the big obstacle, and solving this software problem is sometimes referred to as one of the most challenging tasks of the 1990's. The 1994 working conference on "Programming Environments for Massively Parallel Systems" was the latest event of the working group WG 10.3 of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) in this field. It succeeded the 1992 conference in Edinburgh on "Programming Environments for Parallel Computing". The research and development work discussed at the conference addresses the entire spectrum of software problems including virtual machines which are less cumbersome to program; more convenient programming models; advanced programming languages, and especially more sophisticated programming tools; but also algorithms and applications.