The dynamics of finite-size settling particles

Book Description

This book contributes to the fundamental understanding of the physical mechanisms that take place in pseudo turbulent particulate flows. In the present work we have considered the sedimentation of large numbers of spherical rigid particles in an initially quiescent flow field. We have performed direct numerical simulations employing an immersed boundary method for the representation of the fluid-solid interface. The results evidence that depending on the particle settling regime (i.e. Galileo number and particle-to-fluid density ratio) the particles may exhibit strong inhomogeneous spatial distribution. It is found that the particles are preferentially located in regions with downward fluid motion. The particles inside clusters experience larger settling velocities than the average. The flow in all flow cases is observed to exhibit characteristic features of pseudo-turbulence. The particle-induced flow field is further found to be highly anisotropic with dominant vertical components. The results indicate that, in the present flow configurations, the collective and mobility effects play significant role for the particle and fluid motion.

Direct Numerical Investigations of Dilute Dispersed Flows in Homogeneous Turbulence

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The motivation for the present work is to investigate particle-laden turbulent flows using accurate numerical simulations. In the present work, the carrier phase is modeled using direct numerical simulations (DNS) and the particles are tracked in a Lagrangian sense. Investigations of both one-way and two-way coupled particulate flows in homogeneous isotropic turbulence have been carried out. The phenomenon of interest in one-way coupled simulations is preferential accumulation, which refers to the tendency of heavy particles in isotropic turbulence to collect in regions of high strain and low vorticity. Several measures and mechanisms of accumulation have been reported in the literature often showing conflicting scaling with particle and fluid parameters. In the present study, accumulation has been quantified using several indicators to give a unified picture. The present work addresses the scaling of preferential accumulation with Reynolds number and suggests that while the spacing between particle clusters does exhibit a dependence on Reynolds number, the structure of particle clusters as viewed by individual particles shows little dependence on Reynolds number. The effect of adding a gravitational settling force on the particles has also been explored. While the gravity force tends to homogenize the particle distribution at low Stokes numbers, at high Stokes numbers it tends to arrange the originally random distribution into streaks in the direction of gravity. The ability of the Lorentz force to limit preferential accumulation has been the focus of the next part of the study. Charges are placed on particles to produce an electric field when the particles are inhomogeneously distributed. The electric field and thereby the Lorentz force tend to homogenize the particle distribution. It is interesting to note that the particle distribution attains a stationary state determined by the total amount of charge contained in the domain. It is demonstrated that in the presence of gravity, less amount of charge is required to homogenise particle distribution. Good agreement is observed for simulations of settling charged particles with experimental work. The modification of carrier phase turbulence by particles is studied formono-sized particles. The non-uniform modification of the fluid energy spectrum by particles has been demonstrated. It is seen that there is an increase in energy at high wave numbers for microparticles (St k

Dynamics of Non-Spherical Particles in Turbulence

Book Description

This book studies the dynamics of 2D objects moving through turbulent fluids. It examines the decay of turbulence over extended time scales, and compares the dynamics of non-spherical particles moving through still and turbulent fluids. The book begins with an introduction to the project, its aims, and its relevance for industrial applications. It then discusses the movement of planar particles in quiescent fluid, and presents the numerous methodologies used to measure it. The book also presents a detailed analysis of the falling style of irregular particles, which makes it possible to estimate particle trajectory and wake morphology based on frontal geometry. In turn, the book provides the results of an analysis of physically constrained decaying turbulence in a laboratory setting. These results suggest that large-scale cut-off in numerical simulations can result in severe bias in the computed turbulent kinetic energy for long waiting times. Combining the main text with a wealth of figures and sketches throughout, the book offers an accessible guide for all engineering students with a basic grasp of fluid mechanics, while the key findings will also be of interest to senior researchers.

Gas-solid Flows, 1993

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Advances in Turbulence 2

Book Description

The Second European Turbulence Conference was held at the Technische Univer sitat Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, from August 30th to September 2nd 1988 under the auspices of the European Mechanics Committee. It was primar ily devoted to fundamental aspects of turbulence, and aimed at bringing together engineers, physicists, and mathematicians. The scientific committee - serving also as Sub-committee of the European Turbulence Conference - consisted of the following members: G. Comte-Bellot (Lyon), H.-H. Fernholz and H.E. Fiedler (both from Berlin) as co-chairmen of the conference, U. Frisch (Nice), J.C.R. Hunt (Cambridge), E. Krause (Aachen), M. Landahl (Stockholm), A.M. Obukhov (Moscow), and G. Ooms (Amsterdam). The conference programme comprised 6 invited lectures and 94 contributions, presented either orally or at poster sessions. There were 165 participants from 18 countries. All papers published in these conference proceedings were, with the exception of the invited ones, again refereed by the members of the scientific committee. The main research topics discussed at this meeting were stability and gener ation of turbulence, effects of rotation, stratification and buoyancy forces, novel instrumentation, manipulation and control, boundary layers with separation and reattachment, computer simulation, turbulent diffusion, image analysis and flow visualization, vorticity dynamics and turbulence, and large-scale structures. We have taken the liberty of regrouping some papers following the submitted final versions for this volume. Authors may therefore find their paper under a different heading from that in the conference programme.

Particle Dispersion in Isotropic Turbulence and Unsteady Particle Dynamics at Finite Reynolds Number

Book Description

A solution to particle dispersion in an isotropic turbulence under Stokes drag, Basset force and gravitational force is obtained in closed form using the independence approximation. The Basset force has no effect on the fluid velocity structure seen by the particles or the long-time particle diffusivities. It does affect the intensities of particle motion for particles with large settling rate and with response time comparable to the turbulence integral time scale. A solution for particles dispersion in isotropic turbulence with non-Stokesian drag and gravitational force is obtained. The time constants of the particle fluctuation in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the gravity are anisotropic. Turbulence increases particle response time constants and reduces settling velocity. Influence of the nonlinear drag, particle response time constants and settling rate on particle dispersion are investigated. Monte-Carlo simulations are performed for particle motions in an isotropic turbulence with non-Stokesian drag. Pseudo-turbulence is generated using random Fourier modes representation. Statistical averages are obtained from more than 5000 particles. The results of the simulation validate the preceeding analysis in the non-Stokesian drag range. The influence of turbulence structure on the dispersions of fluid and particle is examined. In addition to the integral length and time scales, the functional form of the energy spectrum is also important in describing the dispersions of both fluid and particles. Numerical solution for unsteady flow over a sphere indicates that the added-mass force at finite Reynolds number is the same as in the creeping flow and the potential flow. The classical Stokes solution is not valid at small frequency, $omega$, and the corresponding Basset force is proportional to $omega$, instead of $sqrt{omega}$. The Basset-force term has a kernel decays faster than (t- $tau$)$sp{-1/2}$ at large time. The use of the steady state drag coefficient with the instantaneous velocity is justified to approximate the quasi-steady drag on particles. Limiting behavior of the unsteady drag on a sphere at small frequency and low Reynolds number is obtained using matched asymptotic expansions. The modified Basset-force term at finite Re is constructed. It has a kernel decays as (t- $tau$)$sp{-2}$ at large times.