Pascal Programming for Libraries

Book Description

Pascal Programming for Libraries is a practical introduction to computer programming designed specifically for library and information center applications. A graded text, this book provides detailed examples of straightforward programs, each fully illustrated and clearly explained. The examples begin with relatively simple computer code and progress to more complex examples using the highly acclaimed language TURBO Pascal, now widely used on personal computers. The applications illustrated deal with such operations as document retrieval, sorting, keyword indexing, selective dissemination of information, and rudimentary technical processes in libraries.

Pascal Programming for Music Research

Book Description

Pascal Programming for Music Research addresses those who wish to develop the programming skills necessary for doing computer-assisted music research, particularly in the fields of music theory and musicology. Many of the programming techniques are also applicable to computer assisted instruction (CAI), composition, and music synthesis. The programs and techniques can be implemented on personal computers or larger computer systems using standard Pascal compilers and will be valuable to anyone in the humanities creating data bases. Among its useful features are: -complete programs, from simple illustrations to substantial applications; -beginning programming through such advanced topics as linked data structures, recursive algorithms, DARMS translation, score processing; -bibliographic references at the end of each chapter to pertinent sources in music theory, computer science, and computer applications in music; -exercises which explore and extend topics discussed in the text; -appendices which include a DARMS translator and a library of procedures for building and manipulating a linked representation of scores; -most algorithms and techniques that are given in Pascal programming translate easily to other computer languages. Beginning, as well as advanced, programmers and anyone interested in programming music applications will find this book to be an invaluable resource.

Illustrating Pascal

Book Description

This book, written entirely by hand, is an introduction to programming in Pascal.

Object-oriented Programming in Pascal

Book Description

Rather than taking the more traditional "procedural" approach, the authors take an object-oriented approach from the start to teach introductory programming concepts. Focusing on effective use of objects, they concentrate on building programs from an object library, reusing the objects, and developing classes and methods.

PASCAL User Manual and Report

Book Description

A preliminary version o~ the programming language Pascal was dra~ted in 1968. It ~ollowed in its spirit the A1gol-6m and Algo1-W 1ine o~ 1anguages. A~ter an extensive deve10pment phase, a~irst compiler became operational in 197m, and pub1ication ~ollowed a year 1ater (see Re~erences 1 and 8, p.1m4). The growing interest in the deve10pment of compilers ~or other computers ca11ed ~or a conso1idation o~ Pascal, and two years of experience in the use o~ the 1anguage dictated a few revisions. This 1ed in 1973 to the pub1ication o~ a Revised Report and a de~inition o~ a 1anguage representation in terms of the ISO cha:.:.acter set. This booklet consists o~ two parts: The User Manual, and the Revised Report. The ManUAl is directed to those who have previous1y acquired some ~ami1iarity with computer programming, and who wish to get acquainted with the 1anguage Pascal. Hence, the style o~ the Manual is that o~ a tutorial, and many examp1e~ are inc1uded to demonstrate the various ~eatures o~ Pascal. Summarising tab1es and syntax speci~ications are added as Appendices. The Report is inc1uded in this booklet to serve as a concise, u1timate reference ~or both programmers and imp1ementors. It defines stAndArd Pascal which constitutes a common base between various implementations of the 1anguage.

Programming Expert Systems in Modula-2

Book Description

Programmers and software designers can now have help writing expert system software in Modula-2 with maximum efficiency and ease. Sawyer and Foster create a model authoring system which provides a base that programmers can use to make a system run and to create AI (Artificial Intelligence) software for a wide range of applications.

Delphi in a Nutshell

Book Description

With a new name and a new focus on CORBA, database drivers, and Microsoft Back Office applications, Inprise/Borland Delphi is enjoying a resurgence, with a growing user base of programmers who use Delphi for rapid development of enterprise computing applications. Not to rest on success, the latest version of Delphi, Version 5, includes further expansion and refinement of the 3-tier application framework introduced in Delphi 4 and has resulted in a prize-winning product.Delphi in a Nutshell is the first concise reference to Borland/Inprise Delphi available. It succinctly collects all the information you need in one easy-to-use, complete, and accurate volume that goes beyond the product documentation itself.Delphi in a Nutshell starts with the Delphi object model and how to use RTTI (Run Time Type Information) for efficient programming. The rest of the book is the most complete Delphi Pascal language reference available in print, detailing every language element with complete syntax, examples, and methods for use. The book concludes with a look at the compiler, discussing compiler directives in depth.

Standard PASCAL

Book Description

A handbook on the PASCAL computer program language includes discussions of statements, simple expressions, parameters, subprograms, and structured types.