Peace in the Middle East?

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Holy War, Holy Peace

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The use of religion in inflaming the Palestinian/Israeli conflict represents one understanding of the Abrahamic traditions. Marc Goplin argues for a greater integration of the Middle East peace process with the region's religious groups.

Securing Peace in the Middle East

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Based on the joint efforts of Israelis, Jordanians, and Palestinians, in conjunction with economists from Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, this book describes a cohesive plan for an integrated Middle East economy. It specifies actions and studies in areas where there are pressing and important issues, and where rapid progress is possible. Specifically, the plan assumes Palestinian economic sovereignty in the West Bank and Gaza. It calls for a market-driven economy and free trade among the three economies, and regional projects to further develop shared interests. Additional recommendations call for the Palestinians to take over the existing Civil Administration in the West Bank and Gaza, expansion of the financial sector, and removal of the restrictions on Palestinian employment in Israel to allow as many as 100,000 Palestinians to work there.

The Missing Peace

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The Missing Peace, published to great acclaim last year, is the most candid inside account of the Middle East peace process ever written.

Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace

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Elusive Peace in the Middle East

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The Struggle for Peace in the Middle East

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An Arab diplomat analyzes the history of the relations between Israel and the Arab countries and describes his involvement in the efforts to achieve a peaceful solution.

Brokers of Deceit

Book Description

Winner of the 2014 Lionel Trilling Book Award An examination of the failure of the United States as a broker in the Palestinian-Israeli peace process, through three key historical moments For more than seven decades the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people has raged on with no end in sight, and for much of that time, the United States has been involved as a mediator in the conflict. In this book, acclaimed historian Rashid Khalidi zeroes in on the United States’s role as the purported impartial broker in this failed peace process. Khalidi closely analyzes three historical moments that illuminate how the United States’ involvement has, in fact, thwarted progress toward peace between Israel and Palestine. The first moment he investigates is the “Reagan Plan” of 1982, when Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin refused to accept the Reagan administration’s proposal to reframe the Camp David Accords more impartially. The second moment covers the period after the Madrid Peace Conference, from 1991 to 1993, during which negotiations between Israel and Palestine were brokered by the United States until the signing of the secretly negotiated Oslo accords. Finally, Khalidi takes on President Barack Obama’s retreat from plans to insist on halting the settlements in the West Bank. Through in-depth research into and keen analysis of these three moments, as well as his own firsthand experience as an advisor to the Palestinian delegation at the 1991 pre–Oslo negotiations in Washington, DC, Khalidi reveals how the United States and Israel have actively colluded to prevent a Palestinian state and resolve the situation in Israel’s favor. Brokers of Deceit bares the truth about why peace in the Middle East has been impossible to achieve: for decades, US policymakers have masqueraded as unbiased agents working to bring the two sides together, when, in fact, they have been the agents of continuing injustice, effectively preventing the difficult but essential steps needed to achieve peace in the region.

Peace for Peace

Book Description

The quest for peace between Israel and its neighbors in the Middle East has captured the attention of the world media for decades. However, and much to the dismay of those who have placed great hopes in the ongoing peace process, the frequency of war has only increased in recent years. How do we explain this anomaly? Frequent terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians have emboldened the Palestinian Authority as it demands a new Islamic state called Palestine. World leaders irritate Israel by jumping aboard the Palestinian ship as it sails to statehood. The diplomatic efforts frantically continue, but the Hamas, Fatah, and Islamic Jihad terrorist organizations persist in their calls for Jihad, or holy war, against Israel. Why have the seemingly endless efforts for peace borne so little fruit? How can a truly lasting peace be achieved? In Peace For Peace: Israel In The New Middle East, author David Rubin exposes the false premises on which the peace process and peace plans have been based, explaining the confusion about a patently failed process resulting in some thirty years of effort, billions of dollars spent, and thousands of lost lives. Describing the greatly promoted, yet disappointing summits and the various peace plans that have blown up in years of terrorism and recurring wars, Rubin goes on to describe the reasons why the great hopes of peace negotiators have not been realized. Finally, Rubin presents us with the framework for a bold, practical peace plan, entitled Peace for Peace. With comprehensive analysis and lucid description, Rubin shows us how Peace for Peace, which combines historical justice and common sense, can bring a realistic and lasting peace to this fascinating, but troubled part of the world.

How to Make Peace in the Middle East in Six Months or Less

Book Description

Gregory Levey’s modest goal is to solve the Middle East conflict—all by himself. After returning to North America following a stint in his midtwenties writing speeches for the Israeli government—first at the United Nations and then for the prime minister in Jerusalem—he thinks he is leaving the madness of the Middle East conflict behind. But nothing could be further from the truth. Levey soon discovers that everyone on this side of the Atlantic seems to think that they have the solution to the intractable conflict—and they all feel the need to tell him about it. Fatigued by the endless debate, the constant hostility, and the cacophony of shrill voices, he decides that the only way he is going to escape it all is if he solves the conflict himself, once and for all. So Levey sets out on a hilarious, quixotic, and surprisingly illuminating quest to broker a peace deal where a long line of world leaders have failed. Interacting with White House officials, DC lobbyists, congressmen, advisors to presidential candidates, high-profile journalists, secretive fundraisers, former Israeli spies now living in North America, and hundreds and hundreds of Jewish grandmothers, Levey tries to understand why the Middle East situation refuses to be resolved, and why so many people who live a world away are so obsessed with it. He combs through theories ranging from the eminently reasonable to the completely insane, engages in virtual peacemaking simulations, investigates an “online suicide bombing,” spends time with a former advisor to Yasser Arafat, undergoes training with a half-baked Jewish paramilitary group, goes undercover as an Evangelical Christian, and somehow ends up at a real-life castle owned by an eccentric, cape-wearing crusader for peace. In How to Make Peace in the Middle East in Six Months or Less Without Leaving Your Apartment, Levey brings his trademark brand of street-smart levity to a situation that many see as hopeless— and thereby reveals the very human and sometimes very silly side of a brutal, decades-old geopolitical conflict. Along the way, he meets a cast of characters that would be outright funny if the situation weren’t so dire. The result is a fast-paced, humorous, and insightful romp through U.S. policymaking in the Middle East.