Peaceful uses of atomic energy : proceedings

Book Description

V. 1. Opening and closing speeches; special talks; world energy needs and resources, and the role of nuclear energy: national and international organizations; narrative of the exhibits -- v. 2. Performance of nuclear plants; costing of nuclear plants; fuel management -- v. 3. Safety aspects of nuclear plants; legal aspects of nuclear energy -- v. 4. Integration of nuclear plants in electrical networks; integrated planning of nuclear industry; fuel materials technology -- v. 5. Breeder and advanced converted reactors -- v. 6. Small and medium power reactors; desalination and agro-industrial complexes; role of research reactors; impact of nuclear energy in developing countries -- v. 7. Advanced energy concepts; peaceful nuclear explosions; special applications, including ship propulsion; controlled thermonuclear reactions; application of transuranium isotope -- v. 8. Uranium and thorium ore resources; fuel fabrication and reprocessing -- v. 9. Isotope enrichment; fuel cycles; safeguards -- v. 10. Effects of irradiation on fuels and materials -- v. 11. Health physics and radiation protection; radioactive waste management; the environment and public acceptance -- v. 12. Nuclear methods in food production; education and training and public information -- v. 13. Medical applications; radiation biology -- v. 14. Applications of nuclear techniques in industry and natural resources -- v. 15 Indexes and lists.

Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy

Book Description

Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy

Book Description

Includes testimony of Hyman Rickover before the House Committee on Appropriations on August 18, 1959 (p. 38-121).

Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

Book Description

"It is now a quarter of a century since nuclear energy was introduced to the public. Its introduction was made in the most dramatic, but unfortunately in the most destructive way - through the use of a nuclear weapon. "Since that introduction enormous strides have been made in developing the peaceful applications of this great and versatile force. Because these strides have always been overshadowed by the focusing of public attention on the military side of the atom, the public has never fully understood or appreciated the gains and status of the peaceful atom. "This book is an attempt to correct, in some measure, this imbalance in public information and attitude. It is a compilation of remarks, and excerpts of remarks, that I have made in recent years in an effort to bring to the public the story of the remarkable benefits the peaceful atom has to offer man. This is a story that grows with the development and progress of the peaceful atom. It must be told so that we can learn to use the power of nuclear energy wisely and through this use help to build a world in which the military applications of the atom will never again be a threat to mankind." --- Glenn T. Seaborg Contents: Introduction The Need for Nuclear Power Nuclear Power---Status and Outlook Nuclear Fusion Nuclear Energy in Space The Atom's Expanding Role in Medicine The Atom's Expanding Role in Industry The Atom's Expanding Role in Agriculture The Atom's Expanding Role in the Humanities Swords into Plowshares Man and the Atom---By the Year 2000