Peacekeeping, Policing, and the Rule of Law after Civil War

Book Description

The UN plays a vital but underappreciated role in restoring the rule of law in countries recovering from civil war.

Police and International Peacekeeping Missions

Book Description

This edited volume examines the experiences and the roles of the police deployed on peacekeeping and intervention missions in Afghanistan, Bougainville, Cyprus, Haiti, Kosovo, Namibia, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, and Ukraine. Despite the extensive literature that has examined the role of the military in peacekeeping and intervention operations, little literature or information that investigates the role and the work of the police or the methods that they use to assist in the reformation of local police is available. This book provides an overview of the history and role of the police in peacekeeping missions, and discusses the principle factors of police reform and development in post-conflict nations. It includes case studies assessing the background of the conflict and the police deployments, as well as their role, contributions, and achievements. Including two in-depth surveys of police officer experiences on peacekeeping missions, this volume will be of great value to policing researchers and law enforcement leadership, police historians, and students and researchers of post-conflict development.

The United Nations Rule of Law Indicators

Book Description

"Building and strengthening the 'rule of law' in developing nations, particularly countries in transition or emerging from a period of armed conflict, has become a central focus of the work of the United Nations. As a result, there is a growing demand throughout the United Nations system to better understand the delivery of justice in conflict and post-conflict situations and the impact of developments in this area. The United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in cooperation with other United Nations departments, agencies, funds and programmes, have developed an instrument to monitor changes in the performance and fundamental characteristics of criminal justice institutions in conflict and post-conflict situations. The instrument consists of a set of indicators, the United Nations Rule of Law indicators. This guide describes how to implement this instrument and measure these indicators"--P. v.

Power in Peacekeeping

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Explains how peacekeeping can work effectively by employing power through verbal persuasion, financial inducement, and coercion short of offensive force.

Peace Maintenance

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This book is invaluable in identifying the necessary ingredients for long term, legitimate and effective peace-maintenance at a time when it is needed most.

Today's Peacekeepers

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21st Century Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI) Papers - Social Capital, Policing and the Rule-of-Law

Book Description

Social Capital, Policing and Rule-of-Law: Keys to Stabilization reflects a breadth of U.S. Army War College Strategy Research papers which tackled tough issues. Stabilization is a process in which personnel identify and mitigate underlying sources of instability to establish the conditions for long-term stability. While long-term development requires stability, stability does not require long-term development. Therefore, stability tasks focus on identifying and targeting the root causes of instability and by building the capacity of local institutions. Stability, ultimately, aims to create conditions such that the local populace regard the overall situations as legitimate, acceptable, and predictable. These conditions consist of: the level of violence; the functioning of governmental, economic, and societal institutions; and the general adherence to local laws, rules, and norms of behavior. Sources of instability manifest themselves locally. First, instability stems from the decreased support for the government, a result of the government failing to meet the expectation of the locals. Second, instability grows from increased support for anti-government elements, a situation that usually occurs when locals see spoilers as those helping to solve the priority grievance(s). Lastly, instability stems from the undermining of the normal functioning of society when the emphasis must be on a return to the established norms. Stability tasks and activities are not things that we have only been doing in Iraq and Afghanistan. There is a long-time recognition that we have been doing this "other stuff" for a long time. But the term(s) keep changing. Professor Bill Flavin, the Chief of Doctrine, Concepts, Education and Training (DCET) at PKSOI and one of the Army's foremost experts in stability operations, has been keeping track of the various terms used to describe stability tasks and activities over the past fifty years. This list includes terms such as: attenuated conflict, nation building, marginal military operations, indirect war, lower-level war, brush fire war, low intensity conflict, constrained operations, and ambiguous war. But the essential message has not changed. That being: there is something, other than offense and defense, that the military always winds up doing. We may not know what to call it, but we know it when we see it. But because we do not know what to call it - we often try to hide it under the rug and keep tripping over it. Only then do we deal with it. But in the interim, we have lost the competencies required to do it well. My fear, and others, is that as we become leaner, we will forget how painful it was to trip over the rug and, once again, lose our hard-earned competencies in the stability arena. Topics and subjects include: Prisons, Afghanistan, Iraq, Timor, Kosovo, Military Police, Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs), Bosnia-Herzegovina, Constabulary forces, counterinsurgency. Contents: Social Capital, Policing and the Rule-of-Law: Keys to Stabilization * INTRODUCTION * 1. SOCIAL CAPITAL AND STABILITY OPERATIONS * 2. HOME GUARD, POLICE AND THE SOCIAL CONTRACT * 3. PROVIDING SECURITY: THE STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE OF POLICING * 4. FOREIGN POLICE DEVELOPMENT: THE THIRD TIME'S THE CHARM * 5. AFGHAN CIVIL POLICE: POLICE INSTEAD OF SOLDIERS * 6. MOUNTING A U.S. CIVIL-MILITARY POLICE FORCE * 7. MILITARY POLICE: THE ANSWER TO THE STABILITY OPERATIONS GAP * 8. PUTTING THE POLICE BACK INTO THE MILITARY POLICE * 9. U.S. ARMY POLICE PROFESSIONALIZATION - RELEVANCY BEYOND 2012 * 10. MEDICAL SUPPORT TO FAILED STATES: START WITH THE PRISONS * 2013 U.S. Intelligence Community Worldwide Threat Assessment - Cyber Threat to Critical Infrastructure, Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Terrorism, al-Qaida, Jihad, WMD, North Korea, Syria, Afghanistan

Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations

Book Description

Integrating comparative empirical studies with cutting-edge theory, this dynamic Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of the study and practice of peacekeeping. Han Dorussen brings together a diverse range of contributions which represent the most recent generation of peacekeeping research, embodying notable shifts in the kinds of questions asked as well as the data and methods employed.

Police Peacekeeping

Book Description

UN peace operations increasingly deploy police forces and engage in policing tasks. The turn to 'police peacekeeping' has generally been met with enthusiasm in both academic and policy circles, and is often understood to provide a more civilian instrument of intervention, better suited to mandates that increasingly emphasize protection. Rebuilding local police forces along democratic, liberal lines is seen as a prerequisite for a successful transition towards peace and stability. In this book, Lou Pingeot questions this optimistic reading of police peacekeeping, and demonstrates that the logic of policing leads to the depoliticization of conflict and the criminalization of those who are deemed to threaten not just public order but social order, authorizing violence against them in the name of law enforcement. Police Peacekeeping proposes a new way of studying peace operations that focuses not on their success or failure, but on how they allow people and ideas to circulate transnationally. It shows that peace operations act as a point of cross-fertilization for the creation and transmission of policing discourses and practices globally. In so doing, these missions contribute to (re)producing social orders that are based on the exclusion of often racialized, socio-economically marginalized populations, both 'domestically' (in countries of intervention) and 'internationally' (in troop contributing countries). The book draws on and contributes to critical understandings of police power that show that police forces were never meant to protect all equally. It also furthers our understanding of policing at a global level. Drawing on interpretive, feminist, and postcolonial methodologies that emphasize relations, processes, and situatedness, Lou Pingeot's in-depth study of UN intervention in Haiti shows how a single site can help illuminate global processes. Rather than starting from Haiti's supposed deviance from international expectations and norms, she posits that Haiti can reveal a great deal about how policing functions globally.