Pearls of Wisdom, 1978

Book Description

The Masters and Their Retreats

Book Description

"The great lights who have come out of all the world’s spiritual traditions and graduated from earth’s schoolroom have become widely known as masters. They demonstrate that in the world of Spirit, there is no division of race, religion or philosophy—there is simply oneness, ineffable sweetness and love. What is not so widely known is that these great masters have retreats—temples and cities of light in the heaven world—where we can go in spiritual meditation and while our bodies sleep at night. In this comprehensive work, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet talk about these great masters, the stories of their lives and their magnificent spiritual retreats."

Year of Prophecy

Book Description

The Path of Brotherhood

Book Description

"Prior to the Fall, men and women lived blissfully in a golden-age paradise. Their souls evolved in love, peace and harmony. Everyone embodied the principle of being their brother’s keeper. In the dark ages that occurred after the Fall, souls lost their moorings, their sense of unity and oneness with God and became increasingly aware of their sense of separation and outer differences. The Path of Brotherhood demonstrates how brotherhood is possible, and crucial, today. It explores a range of topics including spiritual keys to racial unity, personal relationships as the means to develop divine love, a mystical look at the Twelve Tribes and the Twelve Apostles, and much more."

Maitreya on Image of God I

Book Description

Working with the Masters

Book Description

"No spiritual journey is complete without a road map and an expert guide. Book 3 in the Sacred Adventure series provides just that—detailed advice from the ascended masters for anyone who would like to follow in their footsteps and reach the pinnacle of self-mastery on one of the seven rays, or paths, of the divine consciousness. You will learn what is important to the ascended masters and how to work with these mentors of the spirit in chapters on the science of wholeness, the light of the divine mother, the creative power of music, the power of love in action, the joy of divine purity, the mysteries of elemental life (nature spirits), the gift of divine freedom, and the path of personal Christhood."

The Enemy Within

Book Description

In "The Enemy Within", Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet bring a clear understanding and spiritual tools to help us deal with that enemy within. They reveal what we can fully become when we have overcome the not-self.

Where the Eagles Gather

Book Description

Strategies of Light and Darkness

Book Description

Divide and conquer, the tar-baby syndrome, the salami technique--these are just three of the strategies that the fallen angels (and our own dweller-on-the-threshold) use to trip us up. These strategies of darkness are ancient. Even in the Garden of Eden we can see a typical ploy of the fallen ones to lead the soul astray. The strategies of darkness caused the downfall of the golden ages of Lemuria and Atlantis. And the plots are the same today. Don't be caught off guard! Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet reveal 33 strategies of the forces of darkness--and the strategies of light to counteract them.