Pemasaran Digital

Book Description

Dengan gembira, saya mempersembahkan buku ini kepada pembaca yang tertarik untuk memahami lebih dalam tentang pemasaran digital. Dalam era di mana teknologi terus berkembang dengan pesat, penggunaan media sosial dan berbagai alat digital menjadi kunci dalam strategi pemasaran yang sukses.

Understanding Digital Industry

Book Description

These proceedings compile selected papers from presenters at the Conference: Managing Digital Industry, Technology and Entrepreneurship 2019 (CoMDITE 2019) which was held on July 10-11, 2019. There are 122 papers from various universities and higher educational institutions in Indonesia and Malaysia. The main research topics in these proceedings are related to: 1) Strategic Management and Ecosystem Business, 2) Digital Technology for Business, 3) Digital Social Innovation, 4) Digital Innovation and Brand Management, 5) Digital Governance, 6) Financial Technology, 7) Digital and Innovative Education, 8) Digital Marketing. 9) Smart City, 10) Digital Talent Management, and 11) Entrepreneurship. All the papers in the proceedings highlight research results or literature reviews that will both contribute to knowledge development in the field of digital industry.

Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession

Book Description

This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection and increasing the purchasing power of households as well as various business sectors, including small and medium-sized micro enterprises (MSMEs). This condition urges the world to create new breakthroughs to rise from this adversity. Academicians and practitioners need to work together to find the necessary solutions and developments. Surely, it will contribute to solve the problems in society by interdisciplinary cooperation. This collaboration will create innovations in science and technology especially business and economic field. This book includes in-depth discussions between academicians and practitioners, especially on how to strengthen the regional sectors to be the strong pillars of the country’s economy. Interestingly, various methods are used to observe the problems, to explore the solutions, and to develop the innovation. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of social empowerment, governance, and other related stakeholders. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by State University of Malang.

Revolutionizing the AI-Digital Landscape

Book Description

This book investigates the growing influence of artificial intelligence in the marketing sphere, providing insights into how AI can be harnessed for developing more effective and efficient marketing strategies. In addition, the book will also offer a comprehensive overview of the various digital marketing tools available to entrepreneurs, discussing their features, benefits, and potential drawbacks. This will help entrepreneurs make well-informed decisions when selecting the tools most suited to their needs and objectives. It is designed to help entrepreneurs develop and implement successful strategies, leveraging the latest tools and technologies to achieve their business goals. As the digital landscape continues to evolve rapidly, this book aims to serve as a valuable resource for entrepreneurs looking to stay ahead of the curve and capitalize on new opportunities. The book's scope encompasses a wide range of topics, including customer experience, content marketing, AI strategy, and digital marketing tools.

Sustainable Development in Creative Industries: Embracing Digital Culture for Humanities

Book Description

This book provides the thoughtful writings of a selection of authors illustrating a central concept: Sustainable Development in Creative Industries, which utilizes a monetary equilibrium addressing issues, particularly those associated with the use of an integrated area in cyberspace and physical space, and their effect on the creative industries. 15 universities from Asia and Europe have participated in the 9th Bandung Creative Movement, where this topic was explored. Sustainability issues are now at the forefront of progress. The book covers four main areas. The first section, entitled "Art, Culture, and Society," delves into the various sectors that contribute to building a more sustainable environment, including the arts and culture. Whereas, "Design and Architecture" is referring to cutting-edge practices in the fields of manufacturing, transportation, interior design, and building construction. The third section "Technology and New Media" delves into the transformation of technology into a new medium for the development of the creative industries. The final section, "management and Business," discusses an innovative perspective on the state of the market and management in the sector. Anyone interested in the intersection of creative industries, sustainability, and digital cultures would benefit intellectually from reading this book. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license. Funded by Telkom University, Indonesia.


Book Description

Dengan memanjatkan puji syukur ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, akhirnya buku ini dapat diselesaikan. Buku ini hadir sebagai jawaban atas kebutuhan para pelaku bisnis dan akademisi akan panduan praktis dan teoritis yang komprehensif dalam mengelola bisnis di era yang penuh dengan dinamika dan tantangan ini.

Roti Mayo

Book Description

Toko roti ini sudah berdiri sejak tahun 1939. Generasi pertama kami adalah peranakan Tionghoa yang hijrah untuk membuka peluang usaha di kota Garut. Dari masa ke masa pesaing kami banyak yang gugur. Namun, toko kami mampu bertahan sampai dengan hari ini. Memang kami sebagai penerus sengaja tidak membuat toko ini ekspansi ke daerah lain. Kami ingin toko roti ini seperti sediakala pertama didirikan oleh leluhur kami. Saat ini, kami memang memiliki segudang masalah keuangan. Karena sudah hampir satu dekade penjualan kami menurun. Kondisi ini menjurus dalam kondisi kami yang nyaris bangkrut. Keuangan toko kami seperi kain tambal sulam, atau seperti gali lobang tutup lobang.

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Accounting, Management and Economics (ICAME-7 2022)

Book Description

This is an open access book. The International Conference on Accounting, Management, and Economics (ICAME) is an annual agenda organized by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Hasanuddin University. In 2022, we would like to introduce to you the 7th ICAME with the current theme entitled “Innovation Towards Sustainable Business”. We hope that our conference can add discussions and information from various research towards the discourse of new economic policy in the post-pandemic era. This activity also became an important agenda in publishing scientific papers by academics and became a positive contribution to mapping Indonesia’s future development. Therefore, we would like to invite academics, practitioners, researchers to contribute to the development of economic and business management research through participating in the 7th of ICAME. Thank you for your participation and we look forward to meeting you at the conference.

Book Description

UNDERSTANDING OF RELATIONSHIP MARKETING : Membangun Hubungan yang Kuat untuk Kesuksesan Bisnis

Book Description

Dalam dunia bisnis yang semakin kompetitif, relationship marketing adalah kunci untuk meraih kesuksesan jangka panjang. Buku ini menawarkan panduan praktis untuk memahami dan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip relationship marketing secara efektif. Pendahuluan membahas dasar-dasar relationship marketing dan relevansinya dalam bisnis modern. Customer is the King menekankan pentingnya memfokuskan strategi pada kebutuhan dan kepuasan pelanggan. Loyalitas Pelanggan mengupas cara membangun dan mempertahankan loyalitas pelanggan melalui program-program yang efektif. Komunikasi Efektif memberikan strategi untuk berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan secara jelas dan bernilai. Pengalaman Pelanggan menjelaskan cara menciptakan pengalaman yang positif dan konsisten. Personal Branding membahas pengembangan personal brand yang mendukung relationship marketing. Pemberian Nilai Tambahan mengajak Anda untuk menawarkan nilai lebih kepada pelanggan. Teknologi dan Data Analytics mengulas cara memanfaatkan teknologi dan data untuk strategi marketing yang lebih cerdas. Kepercayaan dan Kredibilitas menjelaskan bagaimana membangun dan mempertahankan kepercayaan pelanggan. Kolaborasi dan Kemitraan mengeksplorasi manfaat kerja sama strategis. Buku ini menyediakan alat dan wawasan penting untuk membangun hubungan pelanggan yang kuat, meningkatkan kepuasan dan loyalitas, serta mencapai pertumbuhan bisnis yang berkelanjutan. Temukan bagaimana relationship marketing dapat mengubah cara Anda berinteraksi dengan pelanggan dan mendorong kesuksesan bisnis Anda.