Performance-based Management of Traffic Signals

Book Description

Management of traffic signal systems is a critical function for every transportation agency. Thanks to advancements in technology, it is now possible to collect large amounts of data at signalized intersections, leading to the development of dozens of performance measures. The TRB National Cooperative Highway Research Program's pre-publication draft of NCHRP Research Report 954: Performance-Based Management of Traffic Signals provides information to help agencies invest in signal performance measures as part of a comprehensive approach to performance-based management. Supplementary materials to the report include a data dictionary and a PowerPoint presentation.

Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Systems

Book Description

This monograph is a synthesis of research carried out on traffic signal performance measures based on high-resolution controller event data, assembled into a methodology for performance evaluation of traffic signal systems. High-resolution data consist of a log of discrete events such as changes in detector and signal phase states. A discussion is provided on the collection and management of the signal event data and on the necessary infrastructure to collect these data. A portfolio of performance measures is then presented, focusing on several different topics under the umbrella of traffic signal systems operation. System maintenance and asset management is one focus. Another focus is signal operations, considered from the perspectives of vehicle capacity allocation and vehicle progression. Performance measures are also presented for nonvehicle modes, including pedestrians, and modes that require signal preemption and priority features. Finally, the use of travel time data is demonstrated for evaluating system operations and assessing the impact of signal retiming activities.

Real-Time Arterial Traffic Signal Performance Measures

Book Description

Increasing demand for highway system capacity compels transportation agencies to extract as much capacity as possible from existing systems. Traffic signals represent a major component of highway systems. Improvement of traffic signal operation requires accurate performance measures. Despite recent improvements in computing technology, traffic signal controllers are currently not able to capture useful performance measures on a cycle-by-cycle basis. This report presents a set of performance measures that could be collected on a cycle-by-cycle basis by a traffic signal controller given the capability to log phase indications and detector actuations. The performance measures investigated here include the volume-to-capacity ratio and arrival type defined by the Highway Capacity Manual. The effectiveness of these performance measures in evaluating operation at a traffic signal is demonstrated in two comparative case studies. The first study investigates the impact of actuating a portion of the coordinated phases at a coordinated arterial intersection. The second study investigates the results of retiming a traffic signal on a coordinated arterial.

Development of a Real-time Arterial Performance Monitoring System Using Traffic Data Available from Existing Signal Systems

Book Description

Data collection and performance measurement for signalized arterial roads is an area of emerging focus in the United States. As indicated by the results of the 2005 Traffic Signal Operation Self-Assessment Survey, a majority of agencies involved in the operation and maintenance of traffic signal systems do not monitor or archive traffic system performance and thus have limited means to improve their operation. With support from the Transportation Department of Hennepin County, Minneapolis, MN, a system for high resolution traffic signal data collection and arterial performance measurement has been successfully built. The system, named SMART-SIGNAL (Systematic Monitoring of Arterial Road Traffic Signals), is able to collect and archive event-based traffic signal data simultaneously at multiple intersections. Using the event-based traffic data, SMART-SIGNAL can generate timedependent performance measures for both individual intersections and arterials including intersection queue length and arterial travel time. The SMART-SIGNAL system has been deployed at an 11-intersection corridor along France Avenue in south Minneapolis and the estimated performance measures for both intersection queue length and arterial travel times are highly consistent with the observed data.

Traffic Signal Systems

Book Description

This issue explores 10 papers related to traffic signal systems, including: MESCOP: A Mesoscopic Traffic Simulation Model to Evaluate and Optimize Signal Control Plans Strategy for Multiobjective Transit Signal Priority with Prediction of Bus Dwell Time at Stops Empirical Evaluation of Transit Signal Priority: Fusion of Heterogeneous Transit and Traffic Signal Data and Novel Performance Measures Fine-Tuning Time-of-Day Transitions for Arterial Traffic Signals Use of Maximum Vehicle Delay to Characterize Signalized Intersection Performance Traffic Signal Battery Backup Systems: Use of Event-Based Traffic Controller Logs in Performance-Based Investment Programming Study of Truck Driver Behavior for Design of Traffic Signal Yellow and Clearance Timings Online Implementation and Evaluation of Weather-Responsive Coordinated Signal Timing Operations Resonant Cycles Under Various Intersection Spacing, Speeds, and Traffic Signal Operational Treatments Implementation of Real-Time Offset-Tuning Algorithm for Integrated Corridor Management

Active Traffic Management for Arterials

Book Description

"Active traffic management (ATM) includes a suite of traffic management and control strategies that improve operational efficiency. These strategies are used to manage traffic flow to enhance capacity and safety. This synthesis documents the state of the practice associated with designing, implementing, and operating ATM on arterial roadways."--Preface.