Performance Measurement in Farmer-managed Irrigation Systems

Book Description

Farmer managed irrigation systems ; Performance evaluation ; Performance indexes ; Irrigation management ; Case studies ; Water distribution ; Social aspects ; Water users' associations ; Tube wells / Indonesia / Pakistan / Bolivia / Israel / Mexico / Peru / Venezuela / Andean Region / Philippines / Nepal / Sri Lanka / India / Egypt / Portugal / Tanzania / Argentina / China / Bangladesh

Irrigation System Performance Assessment and Diagnosis

Book Description

Irrigation system performance assessment and diagnosis. performance, performance indicators and performance frameworks. Design-management environments and irrigation system management objectives. Performance in fixed division systems. Performance in gated division systems. Lessons learned from the case studies. Proposition for improving performance. Sustaining irrigation performance.

Assessment of Participatory Management of Irrigation Schemes in Sri Lanka

Book Description

Describes the application of a standard methodology developed by IWMI to assess the impact of irrigation management transfer on the performance of irrigation schemes. Includes detailed analysis of the effects of participatory management on the performance of irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka.