Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 83,1 april 2014

Book Description

Cristian Biagioni, Elena Bonaccorsi, Yves Moëlo and Paolo Orlandi Mercury-arsenic sulfosalts from the Apuan Alps (Tuscany, Italy). III. Aktashite, Cu6Hg3As4S12, and laffittite, AgHgAsS3, from the Monte Arsiccio mine: occurrence and crystal structure Gabriele Cruciani, Dario Fancello, Marcello Franceschelli, Massimo Scodina and Maria Elena Spano Geothermobarometry of Al-silicate-bearing migmatites from the Variscan chain of NE Sardinia, Italy: a P-T pseudosection approach Paolo Ballirano Dependence of structural data from sinθ/λ extension in Rietveld refinement of virtually texture-free laboratory X-ray powder-diffraction data Kamal Siahcheshm, Ali Asghar Calagari, Ali Abedini and Sven Sindern Elemental mobility and mass changes during alteration in the Maher-Abad porphyry Cu–Au deposit, SW Birjand, Eastern Iran Ozlem Akgul, Nil Baran Acarali, Nurcan Tugrul, Emek Moroydor Derun and Sabriye Piskin X-Ray, Thermal, FT-IR and morphological studies of zinc borate in presence of boric acid synthesized by ulexite Giuseppe Montana, Luciana Randazzo, Cristina Maria Belfiore, Mauro Francesco La Russa, Silvestro Antonio Ruffolo, Anna Maria De Francesco, Antonino Pezzino, Rosalda Punturo and Vincenzo Di Stefano An original experimental approach to study the alteration and/or contamination of archaeological ceramics originated by seawater burial Shanke Liu, He Li and Jianming Liu Reliability of the structural data for calcite and dolomite extracted from X- ray powder diffraction by Rietveld refinement

Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 83,2 september 2014

Book Description

CONTENTS Angelo De Min, Francesco Princivalle and Davide Lenaz Geochemistry of the Late Mesozoic - Early Cenozoic turbidites from the NE part of the Adria microplate Bogdan Constantinescu, Daniela Cristea-Stan, Imre Kovács and Zoltan Szőkefalvi-Nagy External milli-beam PIXE analysis of the mineral pigments of glazed Iznik (Turkey) ceramics Somayeh Noghani and Mohammadamin Emami Mineralogical Phase Transition on Sandwich-like Structure of Clinky Pottery from Parthian Period, Iran Mauro Francesco La Russa, Silvestro Antonio Ruffolo, Natalia Rovella, Cristina Maria Belfiore, Paola Pogliani, Claudia Pelosi, Maria Andaloro and Gino Mirocle Crisci Cappadocian ignimbrite cave churches: stone degradation and conservation strategies Valeria Diella, Ilaria Adamo and Rosangela Bocchio Gem-quality rhodonite from Val Malenco (Central Alps, Italy) Luisa De Capitani, Giovanni Grieco, Silvia Porro, Elena Ferrari, Enrica Roccotiello and Pietro Marescotti Potentially toxic element contamination in waste rocks, soils and wild flora at the Roşia Montană mining area (Romania) Davide Lenaz, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Maibam Bidyananda and Francesco Princivalle Oxidation degree of chromite from Indian ophiolites: a crystal chemical and 57Fe Mössbauer study Gaetano Ortolano, Roberto Visalli, Rosolino Cirrincione and Gisella Rebay PT-path reconstruction via unraveling of peculiar zoning pattern in atoll shaped garnets via image assisted analysis: An example from the Santa Lucia de Mela garnet micaschists (northeastern Sicily-Italy)

Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 82, 2 - Semptember 2013

Book Description

Bejaoui, Bouhlel, Barca, Geology, Mineralogy and Fluid inclusions investigation of the Fluorite deposit at Jebel Kohol, northeastern Tunisia Bracco, Brajkovic, Comotti, Rolandi, Characterization of Elephant and Mammoth Ivory by Solid State NMR Caucia, Marinoni, Leone, Adamo, Investigation on the gemological, physical and compositional properties of some opals from Slovakia Fazlnia, Alizade, Petrology and geochemistry of the Mamakan gabbroic intrusions, Urumieh (Urmia), Iran: Magmatic development of an intra-oceanic arc Fulignati, Kamenetsky, Marianelli, Sbrana, PIXE mapping on multiphase fluid inclusions in endoskarn xenoliths of AD 472 eruption of Vesuvius Gualtieri, Giacobbe, Rinaudo, Croce, Allegrina, Gaudino, Yang, Carbone, Preliminary results of the spectroscopic and structural characterization of mesothelioma inducing crocidolite fibers injected in mice Barone, Bruno, Giuffrida, Mazzoleni, Raneri, Archaeometric investigation of a Late Roman marble statue from Kaucana (RG) with considerations on the diffusion of Thasos marble in Sicily Castorina, Masi, REY and Sr-Nd isotopic ratios of acqua regia extracts to assess pedogenic processes and pollution in soils from Ravenna

Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 80, 2 - September 2011

Book Description

Indice: Archaeometric characterization of amphorae and bricks of Imperial Age found in a roman villa near the Luzzi town (Cosenza, Calabria, Italy)Structural and spectroscopic characterization of anorthite synthesized from secondary raw materialsVein mineral assemblage in partially serpentinized peridotite xenoliths from Hyblean Plateau (south-eastern Sicily, Italy)Cumulative cordieritite formation as a result of anatexis and melt expulsion. An example from the Chavanon sequence, Variscan French Massif CentralVolcanic geology and petrology of the Val Calanna succession (Mt. Etna, Southern Italy): discovery of a new eruptive centerA case study of alkali-silica reactions: petrographic investigation of paving deteriorationChemical, mineralogical and petrographic characterization of Roman ancient hydraulic concretes cores from Santa Liberata, Italy, and Caesarea Palestinae, Israel Sulphate-arsenate exchange properties of Zn-Al layered double hydroxides: preliminary data

Periodico di Mineralogia Vol. 86, 2 settembre 2017

Book Description

Contents Simone Pollastri, Lara Gigli, Paolo Ferretti, Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Nicola Bursi Gandolfi, Kilian Pollok , Alessandro F. Gualtieri -The crystal structure of mineral fibes. 3. Actinolite asbestos Dmitry A. Chebotarev, Anna G. Doroshkevich, Reiner Klemd, Nikolay S. Karmanov - Evolution of Nb-mineralization in the Chuktukon carbonatite massif, Chadobets upland (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia) Nicola Mondillo, Giuseppina Balassone, Maria Boni, Antonio Marino, Giuseppe Arfè - Evaluation of the amount of rare earth elements -REE in the Silius fluorie vein system (SE Sardinia, Italy). Fuat Yavuz and Zeynep Döner - WinAmptb: A Windows program for calcic amphibole thermobarometry Marcella Di Bella, Francesco Italiano, Davide Romano, Alessandro Tripodo, Giuseppe Sabatino - Geochemistry and tectonic setting of triassic magmatism from the Lercara Basin (Sicily, Italy) Silvio Mollo, Francesco Vetere, Harald Beherens, Vanni Tecchiato, Antonio Langone, Piergiorgio Scarlato, Diego Perugini - The effect of degassing and volatile exsolution on the composition of a trachybasaltic melt decompressed at slow and fast rates