The Frontiers of Baluchistan

Book Description

George Passman Tate was an assistant superintendent employed by the Survey of India who headed the surveys undertaken by two missions that determined large parts of the borders of Afghanistan, the Baluch-Afghan Boundary Commission of 1895-96 and the Seistan Arbitration Mission of 1903-5. The first of these surveys was carried out to delimit the so-called Durand Line, the border between Afghanistan and British India (present-day Pakistan) that was negotiated during the 1893 mission to Kabul by Sir Mortimer Durand of the Indian government and codified in an agreement signed by Durand and the ruler of Afghanistan, Amir 'Abd al-Rahman Khan. The second survey was to Seistan, or Sistan, a region that straddles eastern Iran and southern Afghanistan (and parts of Pakistan). It was undertaken after the governments in Kabul and Tehran asked Great Britain to arbitrate the border between the two countries in this region. The book contains an introduction by Colonel Sir Henry McMahon, the British commissioner on both missions. Most of the book is taken up by Tate's account of the Seistan Mission. He describes the journey overland from Quetta (in present-day Pakistan) to eastern Iran and the region of the marshy Hamun-i Helmand (present-day Daryacheh-ye Hamun) fed by the Helmand River. Tate offers vivid descriptions of the harsh and forbidding climate, the famous "Wind of 120 Days," and the people, economy, and social conditions of the region. The final chapter is devoted to the Helmand River. The book includes illustrations and two fold-out maps, one showing the route of Tate's travels, and another the region of the Daryacheh-ye Hamun. Tate describes the work of the surveying parties, but he offers little insight into the politics surrounding the determination of the borders, a topic which, as Sir Henry McMahon phrased it in his introduction, he "felt himself debarred from touching." Tate filed a number of official reports in which these topics were discussed.

The Afghan Occupation of Safavid Persia, 1721-1729

Book Description

The study of the history of Safavid Iran has been rather neglected, although this situation is rapidly changing. This book deals with an important and very traumatic experience in the history of Iran, the fall of the Safavid dynasty, brought about by rebellious Afghans from Kandahar. The Safavids had governed Iran for 220 years by the fall of Isfahan in 1722, and such was their charisma that their legitimacy outlasted their reign. Subsequent rulers both established an administration modeled after that of the Safavids as well tried to bolster the legitimacy of their own regime by linking their dynasty to that of the Safavids. This book is entirely based upon the unpublished materials in the archives of the Dutch East Indies Company (VOC), and, in addition to the unabridged translation of the Diary of the Siege of Isfahan, it is a summary of all available information in those archives on the political and military situation in Iran between 1715 and 1730. Because of the nature of the materials offered here (mostly eye-witness accounts) as well as the geographical spread of the points of observation (Isfahan, Kerman, Bandar 'Abbas, Shiraz) much of the information offered here is of a unique nature. There are no other contemporary sources available, either published or unpublished, Persian or foreign, that have the same level of detail and the spread of geographical vantage points over the same period. An earlier version of this book was published in 1987 in Persian under the title Bar Oftadan-e Safaviyan va Bar Amadan-e Mahmud Afghan, though lacking most of the explanatory notes that embellish this publication in English.

Tribe and State in Iran and Afghanistan (RLE Iran D)

Book Description

In 1978 and 1979 revolutions in Afghanistan and Iran marked a shift in the balance of power in South West Asia and the world. Then, as now, the world is once more aware that tribalism is no anachronism in a struggle for political and cultural self-determination. This books provides historical and anthropological perspectives necessary to the eventual understanding of the events surrounding the revolutions.

History of the Afghans

Book Description

Joseph Philippe Ferrier (1811-86) was a French soldier who served as a military instructor in the army of Persia (present-day Iran) in 1839-42 and again in 1846-50. He was sent on a diplomatic mission to Europe by the Qajar ruler Muhammad Shah (1808-48, reigned 1834-48), but later fell out of favor with the shah and was forced to leave Persia. He returned to the Persian service in 1846, after undertaking a dangerous overland journey through Afghanistan and Persia in 1844-46. While working for the Persian army, Ferrier reported to the French government and sought to promote French interests in the rivalry with Great Britain and Russia for influence in the country. Ferrier produced two major books based on historical research and his personal observations. Caravan Journeys and Wanderings in Persia, Afghanistan, Turkistan and Beloochistan was published in London in 1857; the French edition, Voyages et aventures en Perse, dans l'Afghanistan, le Beloutchistan et le Turkestan appeared only in 1870. The book presented here, History of the Afghans, was published in London in 1858 and is an English translation of the manuscripts of Ferrier made by a British officer, Captain William Jesse. A French edition of the book was never published. The work is a history of the Afghans from ancient times to 1850. Ferrier chronicles the rise of British power in South Asia, which from a French perspective he regrets. In the final passage of the book, he notes that possession of Peshawar in the north and Shikarpur in the south had given the British control of the Indus River, and concludes: "These are the têtes-de-pont [bridgeheads] which command the passage of that river, and give the Anglo-Indian government the power of exercising the greatest influence over the policy of the chiefs of Kandahar and Kabul--may Europe never have cause to repent that she has permitted those conquests which will render Great Britain and Russia all-powerful over this planet." The book contains a detailed fold-out map.