Pesca y acuicultura animal. Censos Económicos 2004

Book Description

Se pone a disposición de los usuarios los resultados censales sobre las actividades del sector de pesca y acuicultura animal en seis clases de actividades: camaronicultura, acuicultura animal (excepto camaronicultura), pesca de camarón, túnidos, sardina y anchoveta y otras especies; mediante un conjunto de cuadros estadísticos con información referida a 2003, sobre las principales características económicas de este sector. .

Brown Trout

Book Description

Brown Trout: Biology, Ecology and Management A comprehensive guide to the most current research, history, genetics and ecology of the brown trout including challenging environmental problems The brown trout is an iconic species across its natural European distribution and has been introduced throughout the World. Brown Trout offers a comprehensive review of the scientific information and current research on this major fish species. While the brown trout is the most sought species by anglers, its introduction to various waters around the world is causing serious environmental problems. At the same time, introduction of exogenous brown trout lineages threats conservation of native gene pools of populations in many regions. The authors summarize the important aspects of the brown trout’s life history and ecology and focus on the impact caused by the species. The text explores potential management strategies in order to maintain numerous damaged populations within its natural distributional range and to ameliorate its impacts in exotic environments. The authors include information on a wide-range of topics such as recent updates in population genetics, evolutionary history, reproductive traits and early ontogeny, life history plasticity in anadromous brown trout and life history of the adfluvial brown trout and much more. This vital resource: Contains the latest research on the biology and ecology of brown trout Includes information on phylogeography, genetics, population dynamics and stock management Spotlights the brown trout’s introduction to regions around the world and the serious environmental impacts Offers a comprehensive review of conservation and management techniques Written for salmonid scientists and researchers, fishery and environmental managers, and students of population genetics, ecology and population dynamics, Brown Trout explores the most recent findings on the history, ecology and sustainability of this much-researched species.

Perspectives on Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Book Description

All coastal areas are facing a growing range of stresses and shocks, the scale of which now poses threats to the resilience of both human and environmental coastal systems. Responsible agencies are seeking better ways of managing the causes and consequences of the environmental change process in coastal zones. This volume discusses the basic principles underpinning a more integrated approach to coastal management and highlights the obstacles that may be met in practice in both developed and developing countries. Successful strategies will have to encompass all the elements of management, from planning and design through financing and implementation, as highlighted in this book.

The Ocean Challenge Badge

Book Description

The ocean covers 70 percent of the Earth’s surface, and is essential for life on our planet – even for those of us who live nowhere near the sea! It provides us all with food and other materials that we need, regulates our climate and provides half of the oxygen we breathe. The ocean also offers us various means of transport and opportunities for recreation. People have long thought that the ocean was so wide and bountiful that it would go on supplying our needs forever, but this is not the case: human activities are causing significant damage to life in the ocean. People are often unaware of the problems created by this heavy reliance, as few of us have the opportunity to look beneath the surface of the sea and see the damage that our actions have caused. This is where the Ocean Challenge Badge comes in: let it take you on a journey to discover the ocean! It is packed with activities to help you learn about how the ocean works, the creatures that live in it, and just how important it is in our everyday lives. You will also discover how YOU can play a role in protecting our ocean for future generations. We hope you will be inspired to take the challenge and celebrate our ocean. So dive in and begin your aquatic discoveries!

Inland Fisheries

Book Description

The current high demand for fish and increased awareness of the role of the environment in supporting human well being has led to a situation where attitudes to inland water resources are changing rapidly. Trends in resource use and environmental impact are very evident in inland waters which are particularly vulnerable as they act as collectors of all the activities occurring in their basins and rank as some of the most endangered ecosystems in the world. The principle changes influencing the evolution of the aquatic resource for fisheries are described in this book, which has been compiled for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Smart Trends in Computing and Communications

Book Description

This book gathers high-quality papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications (SmartCom 2021), organized by Global Knowledge Research Foundation (GR Foundation) from March 2 – 3 , 2021. It covers the state of the art and emerging topics in information, computer communications, and effective strategies for their use in engineering and managerial applications. It also explores and discusses the latest technological advances in, and future directions for, information and knowledge computing and its applications.

The North American Mosaic

Book Description

The North American Mosaic has four overarching features. First, it is, to the extent feasible, based on comparable information on the status and trends of major indicators of the state of the environment in Canada,Mexico, and the United States. Second, the report confirms that these three countries together make up an incredibly complex, dynamic, and interconnected ecosystem in which humans play a dominant and decisive role. Third, the report raises important and sometimes disquieting questions concerning the sustainability of some current trends. Finally, the report is a reminder that our economic, social, and physical well-being are utterly dependent on the life-sustaining services provided by nature. This report emphasizes the importance of developing mutually compatible economic, social, and environmental goals and policies across the three-country region.

Regional Queen Conch Fisheries Management and Conservation Plan

Book Description

The overall objective of this 10-year Regional Queen Conch Fishery Management and Conservation Plan is to guide the implementation of a set of identified management measures that can be applied at the regional or sub-regional level for the sustainability of queen conch populations and for the maintenance of a healthy fishery and livelihood of the people involved in the fishery. The ecosystem approach forms the basis of this Regional Queen Conch Fishery Management and Conservation Plan, enhanci ng partnerships and collaboration throughout the Wider Caribbean region to improve the long-term governance of queen conch fisheries across the Caribbean. The Regional Queen Conch Fishery Management and Conservation Plan was formulated with the following specific objectives: 1. To improve the collection and integration of scientific data needed to determine the overall queen conch population status as the basis for the application of ecosystem-based management. 2. To harmonize measures aimed a t increasing the stability of the queen conch population and to implement best-management practices for a sustainable fishery. 3. To increase coordination and collaboration toward achieving better education and outreach, monitoring and research, co-management and strengthening, optimizing and harmonizing regional governance arrangements. 4. To adopt regional management measures, which incorporate the precautionary approach

Participatory Biodiversity Conservation

Book Description

It has long been claimed that addressing biodiversity loss and other environmental problems demands a better understanding of the social dimensions of conservation; nevertheless, the active participation of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) in conservation initiatives is still a challenging and somehow controversial issue. In this context, this book hopes to give voice to other perspectives related to biodiversity conservation beyond the “fortress conservation” model and emphasize one of the pillars of democracy – popular participation. It covers a wide range of environments and issues of special significance to the topic, such as the expansion of culturally constructed niches, protected areas and food security, community-based management, participatory agroforestry, productive restoration and biocultural conservation. The contents also explore the limitations and shortcomings of participatory practices in protected areas, the relationship between the global crisis of democracy and the decline of biocultural diversity, as well as present current discussions on policy frameworks and governance systems for effective participatory biodiversity conservation. In sum, this book provides a comprehensive and realistic perspective on the social dimensions of conservation based on a series of interrelated themes in participatory biodiversity conservation. The connections between biocultural conservation and the current political and economic environment are highlighted through the chapters and the book closes with a debate on ways to reconcile human welfare, environmental justice and biodiversity conservation.