Theory and Practice in the Interdisciplinary Production and Reproduction of Scientific Knowledge

Book Description

This book addresses the urgent need for a large and systematic analysis of current interdisciplinary (ID) research and practice. It demonstrates how ID is essentially a cognitive phenomenon, something different from the frivolous and inconsequential attempt of trying to overcome the disciplinary competencies and exigencies. By ID, the authors show that it is a manifestation of the transversal rationality that underlies current scientific activity. It is the very progress of specialized disciplines that requires interdisciplinary new research practices and new forms of articulation between domains, something that has a strong impact on the traditional disciplinary structure of scientific and educational institutions. Divided into two parts, the book presents a conceptual framework as well as several case studies on ID practices. The book aims at covering three main themes. It contributes to the stabilization of ID meaning and characterizes the main ID theorizations which have been proposed until now. It builds an innovative and broad understanding of the several ID determinations as an essentially cognitive phenomenon and of its institutional implications at the level of disciplinary structures and curricular organization. Finally, it distinguishes and maps the diversity of ID procedures and practices which are being used and tested by contemporary scientific and educational institutions. This book is addressed to philosophers, scientists and every one interested in science production and reproduction, including science teaching.

Geographical Reasoning and Learning

Book Description

This book presents the distinctive theoretical and methodological approaches in geography education in South America and more specifically in Brazil, Chile and Colombia. It highlights cartography and maps as essential tools and provides a meaningful approach to learning in geographical education, thereby giving children and young people the opportunity to better understand their situations, contexts and social conditions. The book describes how South American countries organize their scholar curriculum and the ways in which they deal with geography vocabulary and developing fundamental concepts, methodologies, epistemological comprehension on categories, keywords and themes in geography. It also describes its use in teachers’ practices and learning progressions, the use of spatial representations as a potent mean to visualize and solve questions, and harnesses spatial thinking and geographical reasoning development. The book helps to improve teaching and learning practices in primary and secondary education and as such it provides an interesting read for researchers, students, and teachers of geography and social studies.

Pesquisas do Banco Mundial sobre Avaliações de Desempenho Educacional, Volume 4

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Análise de Dados de uma Avaliação Nacional de Desempenho Educacional é o quarto de cinco volumes da série Avaliações Nacionais de Desempenho Educacional. Os outros volumes descreveram os procedimentos em uma avaliação até ao ponto em que os dados foram preparados para a análise estatística, o tópico deste volume. As análises concretas a ser realizadas dependerão das necessidades de informação dos formuladores de políticas e dos gestores no âmbito do ensino. Na maioria das avaliações nacionais, relacionam-se com a qualidade da aprendizagem dos alunos, fatores relacionados com a aprendizagem, questões de equidade, e, em alguns casos, alterações nos resultados educacionais ao longo do tempo. O Volume 4, que compreende duas partes, fornece instruções pormenorizadas acerca de como analisar dados coligidos em uma avaliação nacional. A Parte I prevê uma introdução geral à s análises estatísticas normalmente realizadas nas avaliações em grande escala, avaliando a tendência central e a dispersão das pontuações dos alunos e as relações entre as variáveis. A Parte II descreve o software IATA (Análise de Item e de Teste), que utiliza a teoria clássica dos testes e a teoria de resposta ao item para estabelecer escalas onde reportar as pontuações dos alunos. Os passos da análise das administrações de testes piloto e finais estão descritos detalhadamente. É acompanhado por um CD que contém exercícios especialmente concebidos e arquivos de dados de suporte para ambas as partes do volume. Este livro será de interesse para os especialistas em avaliação de governos nacionais, regionais e locais; instituições de investigação; e universidades.

Crossing the Border of the Traditional Science Curriculum

Book Description

Nations worldwide consider education an important tool for economic and social development, and the use of innovative strategies to prepare students for the acquisition of knowledge and skills is currently considered the most effective strategy for nurturing engaged, informed learners. In the last decade especially, European countries have promoted a series of revisions to their curricula and in the ways teachers are trained to put these into practice. Updating curriculum contents, pedagogical facilities (for example, computers in schools), and teaching and learning strategies should be seen as a routine task, since social and pedagogical needs change over time. Nevertheless, educational institutions and actors (educational departments, schools, teachers, and even students) normally tend to be committed to traditional practices. As a result of this resistance to change within educational systems, implementing educational innovation is a big challenge. The authors of the present volume have been involved with curriculum development since 2003. This work is an opportunity to present the results of more than a decade of research into experimental, inventive approaches to science education. Most chapters concern innovative strategies for the teaching and learning of new contents, as well as methods for learning to teach them at the pre-university school level. The research is focused on understanding the pedagogical issues around the process of innovation, and the findings are grounded in analyses of the limits and possibilities of teachers’ and students’ practices in schools.

International Perspectives on the Theory and Practice of Environmental Education: A Reader

Book Description

The present book shares critical perspectives on the conceptualization, implementation, discourses, policies, and alternative practices of environmental education (EE) for diverse and unique groups of learners in a variety of international educational settings. Each contribution offers insights on the authors’ own processes of re-imagining an education in/about/for the environment that are realized through their teaching, research and other ways of “doing” EE. Overall, environmental education has been aimed at giving people a wider appreciation of the diversity of cultural and environmental systems around them as well as the urge to overcome existing problems. In this context, universities, schools, and community-based organizations struggle to promote sustainable environmental education practices geared toward the development of ecologically literate citizens in light of surmountable challenges of hyperconsumerism, environmental depletion and socioeconomic inequality. The extent that individuals within educational systems are expected to effectively respond to—as well as benefit from—a “greener” and more just world becomes paramount with the vision and analysis of different successes and challenges embodied by EE efforts worldwide. This book fosters conversations amongst researchers, teacher educators, schoolteachers, and community leaders in order to promote new international collaborations around current and potential forms of environmental education. This book reflects many successful international projects and perspectives on the theory and praxis of environmental education. An eclectic mix of international scholars challenge environmental educators to engage issues of reconciliation of correspondences and difference across regions. In their own ways, authors stimulate critical conversations that seem pivotal for necessary re-imaginings of research and pedagogy across the grain of cultural and ecological realities, systematic barriers and reconceptualizations of environmental education. The book is most encouraging in that it works to expand the creative commons for progress in teaching, researching and doing environmental education in desperate times. — Paul Hart, Professor of Science and Environmental Education at the University of Regina (Canada), Melanson Award for outstanding contributions to environmental and outdoor education (Saskatchewan Outdoor and Environmental Education Association) and North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)’s Jeske Award for Leadership and Service to the Field of EE and Outstanding Contributions to Research in EE. In an attempt to overcome simplistic and fragmented views of doing Environmental Education in both formal and informal settings, the collected authors from several countries/continents present a wealth of cultural, social, political, artistic, pedagogical, and ethical perspectives that enrich our vision on the theoretical and practical foundations of the field. A remarkable book that I suggest all environmental educators, teacher educators, policy and curricular writers read and present to their students in order to foster dialogue around innovative ways of experiencing an education about/in/for the environment. — Rute Monteiro, Professor of Science Education, Universidade do Algarve/ University of Algarve (Portugal).

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Dossiê contra o negacionismo da ciência

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A Ciência vem oferecendo, ao longo dos séculos, uma inegável e cara contribuição para a humanidade em várias áreas, como as sociais, exatas, humanas e biológicas e da saúde. Têm sido inúmeros e visíveis, no cotidiano de boa parte da sociedade, os avanços resultantes das investigações científicas realizadas no âmbito das universidades e dos institutos de pesquisa e, ainda assim, temos enfrentado um poderoso movimento obscurantista, contrário à razão e ao progresso intelectual, que nega evidências do aquecimento global, da curvatura da terra, dos benefícios da vacina, entre outros. Para reafirmar a imprescindibilidade da Ciência, da força do conhecimento para a construção de um mundo mais humano, esclarecido e autossustentável, reunimos nesta publicação textos de professores e pesquisadores da PUC Minas e de instituições de ensino superior e de pesquisa que integram a Rede Mineira de Comunicação Científica.


Book Description

Com os avanços na área científica e tecnológica ocorrido nas últimas décadas, nos mais diversos segmentos das atividades ligadas à agropecuária, têm proporcionado o surgimento de inúmeros produtos alternativos. Dentre eles está o frango caipira que surgiu como proposta diferenciada para consumidores preocupados com a saúde, segurança alimentar, meio ambiente e ecologia sustentável (CARBONE, SATO E MOORI,2004).