Peter Pumpkin Eater Loses His Appetite

Book Description

Peter the pumpkin eater comes home from the pumpkin patch with many yummy pumpkins. But he doesn't eat any of them.

The Old Gray Mare IS What She Used to Be

Book Description

A young horse challenges the old gray mare to a race.

The Purple Cow

Book Description

Students meet some very rare animals on a field trip to a special farm.

The Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

Book Description

A woman with many active children moves into a new home. What will she do?

Lazy Mary Gets Up

Book Description

Today is not a good day for Mary to be lazy. Who will get her up?

The Little Girl with Curl

Book Description

Sally was a good little girl sometimes, and not-so-good at other times.

Pease Porridge, Please!

Book Description

The school is serving pease porridge for lunch. Will the kids like it?

London Bridge Has Fallen Down

Book Description

The old bridge fell down. What will the people of London do?

Little Jack Horner Eats Pie

Book Description

Teacher brings plum pie for the holiday party. Who will eat it?