Petrology of Lamproites

Book Description

In this book, the first dedicated entirely to the petrology of lamproites and their relationships to other potassium-rich rocks, the objective of the authors is to provide a comprehensive critical review of the occurrence, mineralogy, geochemistry, and petrogenesis of the clan. Although lamproites represent one of the rarest of all rock types, they are both economically and scientifically important and we believe the time is ripe for a review of the advances made in their petrology over the past two decades. Many of these advances stem from the recognition of diamond-bearing lamproites in Western Australia and the reclassification of several anomalous diamond-bearing kim berlites as lamproites. Consequently lamproites, previously of interest only to a small number of mineralogists specializing in exotica outside the mainstream of igneous petrol ogy, have become prime targets for diamond exploration on a worldwide basis. Contemporaneously with these developments, petrologists realized that lamproites possess isotopic signatures complementary to those of midoceanic ridge basalts, alkali basalts, kimberlites, and other mantle-derived melts. These isotopic studies provided new insights into the long-term development of the mantle by suggesting that the source regions of lamproites were metasomatically enriched in light rare earth and other incompatible elements up to 1-2 Ga prior to the melting events leading to generation of the magma.

Rock-forming Minerals

Book Description

Description based on: v. 3, published in 2003.

Igneous Petrogenesis

Book Description

courses more petrogenesis-orientated are im My main objective in writing this book has been to mediately confronted with a basic problem; the review the processes involved in present-day mag ma generation and their relationship to global average student does not have a strong enough tectonic processes. Clearly, these are fundamental background in geochemistry to understand the to our understanding of the petrogenesis of ancient finer points of most of the relevant publications in volcanic and plutonic sequences, the original tec scientific journals. It is virtually impossible to fmd tonic setting of which may have been obscured by suitable reading material for such students, as most subsequent deformation and metamorphism. authors of igneous petrology textbooks have de Until fairly recently, undergraduate courses in liberately steered clear of potentially controversial igneous petrology tended to follow rather classical petrogenetic models. Even the most recent texts lines, based on the classification of igneous rocks, place very little emphasis on the geochemistry of descriptive petrography, volcanic landforms, types magmas erupted in different tectonic settings, of igneous intrusions and regional petrology . despite extensive discussions of the processes re However, the geologist of the late 1980s requires, in sponsible for the chemical diversity of magmas.

Origin of Potassium-rich Silica-deficient Igneous Rocks

Book Description

The book summarizes the occurrence, geochemistry, mineralogy, petrology and phase-equilibria studies in air and under high pressures related to the most intriguing group of potassium-rich mafic and ultramafic rocks, often including host of exotic mineral assemblages including feldspathoids. Mantle-derived K-rich melts had intrigued most of the founders of Geology and many of the later experts in the field of Igneous Petrology, because they are sometimes associated with carbonatites and even diamond. They tend to contain anomalous concentration of many such elements as K, Rb, Sr, U, F, P, etc., along with Ni, Co and Cr indicating a mixture of crust and mantle materials. Although these rocks occur rarely in ancient geologic time, they have been erupting mostly in modern geological history (less than last 120 Ma or so). Are the old age data real or the result of a sampling problem? Modern observations leave no doubt that sediments must be subducted on a large scale. There is now evidence that the upper mantle (and perhaps even the lower mantle) is not homogeneous but rather like a fruit cake, and that there are thermal anomalies in the mantle resulting from deep mantle plumes or subduction. Is this related to release of these unusual rocks clearing the mantle of left over subduction materials? This volume, written for those interested in the geochemistry of K-rich melts from the deep Earth, reviews the present state of knowledge of these unique igneous rocks. The author is an expert in the field of Igneous Petrology and the book will serve as a valuable reference book for researchers and academicians in the discipline.

Lamprophyres, Lamproites and Related Rocks

Book Description

Paleoproterozoic to Cenozoic lamprophyres, lamproites and related rock types (e.g., orangeites, kimberlites) are volatile-rich mafic magmatic rocks with a unique potential for the investigation of processes affecting mantle reservoirs. They originated from primary mantle-derived melts that intruded both cratons and off-craton regions, which were parts of former supercontinents – Columbia, Rodinia and Gondwana–Pangea. Well-known for hosting economic minerals and elements such as diamonds, base metals, gold and platinum-group elements, they are also significant for our understanding of deep-mantle processes, such as mantle metasomatism and mantle plume–lithosphere interactions, as well as large-scale geodynamic processes, such as subduction-related tectonics, and supercontinent amalgamation and break-up. This book aims to provide a timely overview of the state-of-the-art and recent advances as achieved by various research groups around the world. Mineralogical, geochemical, geochronological and isotope analyses are used to decipher the complex petrogenesis and metallogenesis of these extraordinary rocks, and unravel a complete history of tectonic events related to individual supercontinent cycles.