Pioneer Stories of the Second Advent Message

Book Description

Facsim. reprint. Originally published: Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Pub. Association, c1922.

The Great Second Advent Movement

Book Description

There are already many useful books in the hands of the people, and my apology for adding another to the list, is that in these pages I state many things concerning Adventist, and especially Seventh-day Adventist, which have not heretofore been brought in this form before the people. Besides this, many who espoused the cause in later years, and who have not witnessed the things mentioned, have earnestly requested a narration of these facts and experiences from those earlier in the work. Having been familiar with the advent movement in 1843 and 1844, and having, since Jane. 2, 1849 proclaimed the doctrine, first as an Adventist, I esteem it a pleasure to "speak the things i have seen and heard."--Chapter I-- Introductory. Chapter II-- The Plan of Salvation Unfolded. Chapter III-- The Coming of the Promised Seed. Chapter IV-- The Time of the End. Chapter V-- The Second Advent Message. Chapter VI-- The Message and the Messangers. Chapter VII-- The Rapid Advancement of the Message. Chapter VIII- The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Chapter IX-- The Tarrying Time. Chapter X-- The Midnight Cry. Chapter XI --The Second Angel's Message. Chapter XII--The Disappointment--The Bitter Book. Chapter XIII--Tokens of Divine Guidance. Chapter XIV--The Shut Door. Chapter XV-- Increasing Light and Greater Wonders. Chapter XVI--The Third Angel's Message. ChapterXVII--Truth Advanced Under Difficulties. Chapter XVIII--Providence of God in the Publishing Work. Chapter XIX-- "By Their Fruits Ve Shall Know Them". Chapter XX-- Sacrifices in the Early Work. Chapter XXI--The Guiding Hand in the Work. Chapter XXII-Organization. Chapter XXIII--Health Institutions. Chapter XXIV--Other Prediction Fulfilled. Chapter XXV--Educational Institutions. Chapter XXVI--Our Foreign Missions. Chapter XXVII--Other Testimonies Confirmed. Chapter XXVIII--A Door That No Man Can Shut

Brothers of the King

Book Description

But to be a brother of the king is to be of the character of the King. My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me, and, I do always those things that please Him, He said of Himself. And of them He said, Whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven, the same is My brother, and sister, and mother. Matthew 12:50. The will of God the Father is to do service to them that need service. This was the great lesson of His life and teaching. The Word of God is one of the greatest historical resources. Written in its pages are valuable lessons of character of great men of old. Christ is calling men like these into service today. Author Arthur Whitefield Spaulding discusses various character traits of some of famous and little-known Bible figures known for reformation, strength, trials, contrast and love. The lives of these men can provide modern day men and women with lessons to becoming true children of the king. The greatest want of the world is the want of men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest; men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose consciences are true as to duty as the needle is to the pole; men who are prepared to stand for the truth though the heavens may fall, Ellen G. White, Education, page 57.

Letters to the Churches

Book Description

A series of letters objecting to statements in the book "Questions on Doctrine." The author was a conference president, a president of Union College, and secretary at the General Conference.

Common Worship: Times and Seasons President's Edition

Book Description

This revised, expanded edition of the Common Worship President’s Edition contains everything to celebrate Holy Communion Order One throughout the church year. It combines relevant material from the original President’s Edition with Eucharistic material from Times and Seasons, Festivals and Pastoral Services, and the Additional Collects.

Stories of Our Mormon Hymns

Book Description

Sanctuary and the 2300 Days

Book Description

In presenting this most important subject for the consideration of the people of God, we invite the candid and prayerful attention of all who have ears to hear. It is well understood by thousands that the great disappointment of the Advent believers arose from the fact that they believed the cleansing of the sanctuary to be the burning of the earth, or some event to transpire at the second advent of the Lord Jesus; and as they could clearly establish the fact that the 2300 days would terminate in the autumn of 1844, they looked with the full assurance of faith and hope for the glorious appearing of the Son of God at that time. Painful and grievous was the disappointment; and while the heart of the trusting was bowed with sorrow, numbers were not wanting who openly denied the hand of God in the Advent movement, and made utter shipwreck of their faith. As the subject of the sanctuary of the Bible involves the most important facts connected with our disappointment, it is worthy of the serious attention of all who wait the consolation of Israel. Those who have any interest in the past Advent movement, cannot be otherwise than deeply interested in the question of our disappointment. To examine this question with candor and fairness, and to set forth the reasons why their expectations were not realized, is the object of this work.

Early Advent Singing

Book Description

This collection of 52 early Adventist hymns is a revised and enlarged edition of Advent Singing. The book is divided into sections by time periods with an introduction and a list of contents for each segment. A history and stories about each hymn precede the words and music. Contents Millerite Adventist Hymns-1841-1844 Angels Hovering Round I'm a Pilgrim Never Part Again Together Let Us Sweetly Live and more.... Pioneer Sabbath-keeping Adventist Hymns-1845-1863 God of My Life How Far From Home? Land of Light O Brother be Faithful and more.... Early Seventh-day Adventist Hymns-1863-1915 Dare to Be a Daniel Resting By and By There is Sunlight on the Hilltop We Shall Meet Beyond the River and more....

Pioneer Stories of the Second Advent Message

Book Description

Exciting stories of the men and women who experienced the great disappointment of 1844, and who persevered with Bible study to learn the meaning of Bible Prophecy. This book has been retyped in a modern font, and is a MUST-READ for children who will be leaders in a future age.This book will instill a zeal for each reader as these stories still inspire us to finish the important work that they began.