Thomas Tooke (1774-1858), Mountifort Longfield (1802-1884), Richard Jones (1790-1855)

Book Description

Part of the Pioneers in Economics series which presents critical appraisals of influential economists from the 17th century to the present day. This text looks at the work of Thomas Tooke, Mountifort Longfield and Richard Jones.

Pioneers in economics. 23 :. Sect. 2, The golden age of classical economics. Karl Marx (1818 - 1883)

Book Description

Whether or not we reject the Marxist schema there is little doubt that Marx was a great economist. The three volumes of Capital, contain some pieces of remarkable economic analysis from which modern economists can still learn; however difficult he is to read, there are moments when, like Ricardo and Walras, he can revel in the abstract power of economic reasoning.

Pioneers in economics

Book Description

The eighth volume in the final section of the Pioneers in Economics series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Bertil Ohlin.

Harold Hotelling (1895-1973), Lionel Robbins (1898-1984), Clark Warburton (1896-1979), John Bates Clark (1847-1938), Ludwig Von Mises (1881-1973)

Book Description

The fifth volume in the final section of the Pioneers in Economics series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Harold Hotelling, Lionel Robbins, Clark Warburton, John Bates Clark and Ludwig von Mises.

Wesley Mitchell (1874-1948), John Commons (1862-1945), Clarence Ayres (1891-1972)

Book Description

Part of a series presenting critical appraisals of influential economists from the age of Aristotle to the present. The individuals examined have shaped both the theory and practice of modern economics. Each volume combines classic statements by economists with the most recent research.

Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), and John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

Book Description

Thomas Robert Malthus and John Stuart Mill dominated the study of the social sciences in the Nineteenth Century. It was Malthus, not Ricardo or Marx, who was the most famous social scientist of the nineteenth century. This fame rested upon his pamphlet, An Essay on the Principle of Population, whose harsh conclusion caused much contemporary concern. However, the essays published in this volume emphasise the theological, moral and historical orientation of his thought and the more positive attitude towards the masses found within his later writings. The breadth and sophistication of John Stuart Mill's life and works is no less stunning now than it was in the nineteenth century. Not only an economist, Mill was also a Benthamite, logician, philosopher, political theorist and belle lettrist. Recent scholarship has reinforced our sense of a thinker whose system of thought as a whole is rich, subtle and basically coherent within its own terms.

Irving Fisher (1867-1947), Arthur Hadley (1856-1930), Ragnar Frisch (1895-1973), Friedrich Von Hayek (1899-1992), Allyn Young (1876-1929), Ugo Mazzola (1863-1899)

Book Description

The sixth volume in the final section of the Pioneers in Economics series. This section of the series offers an assessment of significant economists of the 20th century, and this volume deals with Irving Fisher, Arthur Hadley, Ragnar Frisch, Friedrich von Hayek, Allyn Young and Ugo Mazzola.