Place, Time and Society, 8-13

Book Description

Place Time and Society 8-13

Book Description

Place, Time and Society, 8-13

Book Description

The Presented Past

Book Description

The Presented Past is concerned with the differences between the comparatively static, well-understood way in which the past is presented in schools, museums and at historic sites compared to the approaches currently being explored in contemporary archaeology. It challenges the all-too-frequent representation of the past as something finished, understood and objective, rather than something that is `constructed' and therefore open to co-existing interpretations and constant re-interpretation. Central to the book is the belief that the presentation of the past in school curricula and in museum and site interpretations will benefit from a greater use of non-documentary sources derived from archaeological study and oral histories. The book suggests that a view of the past incorporating a larger body of evidence and a wider variety of understanding will help to invigorate the way history is taught. The Presented Past will be of interest to teachers, archaeologists, cultural resource managers, in fact anyone who is concerned with how the past is presented.

Teaching the Humanities

Book Description

First Published in 1991. The contributors to this book share the belief that the teaching of humanities should form an essential part of the school curriculum. It includes the areas of the scope of humanities, the cultural dimension of classroom language learnings and cross-curricular subjects of Geography, Reglues Education, Art and History as well as looking at computer assisted learning, how to handle controversial issues and case studies.

Primary Education at a Hinge of History

Book Description

Primary education is currently at the centre of political attention. Reform is constantly under consideration, though the leading proponents of reform are often far removed from the classroom and the world of hard-pressed, demoralised primary teachers. Colin Richards rectifies this by communicating the big picture of primary school culture. He takes the world of the primary school since Plowden (1967) and traces perennial and emergent issues - the issues that need to be understood in order to make a difference to the future of primary education. Through constructive criticism of the national curriculum, OFSTED, ITT and teaching methodology the book will influence and improve the understanding of policy makers, headteachers, governors and teachers and students.

The School Textbook

Book Description

A study of the school textbook grounded in historical and comparative perspectives. The approach is broadly chronological, revealing changes in the theory and practice of textbook production and use. The book focuses largely on three associated subjects - geography, history and social studies.

Developing Topic Work In The Primary School

Book Description

First published in 1988. Good topic work is the epitome of all that is best in British primary schools. It is an all-embracing way of working and one which is infinitely flexible. It therefore requires tremendous skill and sensitivity on the part of the teacher. This is particularly demanding in terms of monitoring what the children are learning and of managing the opportunities for learning so as to maximize the benefit for each child. The purpose of this book is to support those who want to develop the potential of topic work. This can best be done by sharing the experiences of teachers who have been excited by the learning which they have witnessed taking place through topic work. The book is written at a time of intense educational upheaval: a time of review and reform concerning what our schools should be teaching and how they should be monitored.